Amazingly incredible how far the alleged "conservatives" will go to defend watered down activism all in the name of theoretically taking the theoretical "high road". We have seen how the "high road" has benefited the Conservative Movement in the last few elections since 2000. We have seen how the "holier then thou" route has gotten the GOP/RNC leadership worshiping at the various trouser openings of many of our "esteemed colleagues across the aisle", aka "our good friends". I can just see and hear them now; "MY! What do you have behind that zipper? Can I see it?"
I am sick and tired - no, wait - I am passed fed up with tolerating the very attitudes that has enabled a known Marxist to ascend to the White House with that said same Marxist having no compunction whatsoever to honor the United States Constitution. Barack Hussein Obama is not a natural-born citizen. If he was, he would have produced his VAULT copy of his United States of America OFFICIAL birth certificate. He has had at least two years to produce it and the COLB he did produce and posted was proven to be a forgery. Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible under the United States Constitution to even run for the presidency let alone BE the President.
I am sick and tired of hearing that this is a round-robin non-issue. The people that have been subverted to the point of trying to distance themselves from this issue because it is too hard or because they don't want to be called names or they don't want to be seen as one of those
Black Helicopter Republicans are part of the problem and will never be part of the solution. Period. Get over yourselves. This "warning" has been loud and clear since the late 1950s and was presented to Congress in 1963. A little history digging will bear this out and the goody-goody pansies would benefit from a little homework. Most of us have
already done the leg work for them. I propose the term "
Cowards In Red" for this particular class of Ostrich.
I suppose it is due to my combat experience that drives me towards this particular battle. I always drew the Suck Details. I didn't know what "I give up" is nor did I understand the mind set of "we cannot do this" or the totally defeatist mantra of "it's too hard". But most of all, first and foremost, I absolutely reject the idiocy of "that's not playing nice". I never overcame a fight by being nice to anyone, including those in my command or those I was assigned to. The time for nice-nice is after the battle has been fought and won. Losers give up before the battle. Losers turn tail and criticize others for "getting dirty". Losers deny the obvious and pretend something else is going on in the hopes that "things work out".
Taking the High Road loses battles, wars and skirmishes. And that is where the GOP/RNC is at this particular point in time. Loser Status. They are in Loser Status because they have abandoned the Conservative Cause that wins every time it is applied. I loath losers. They disgust me. I didn't lose a body part to let the members of the GOP/RNC Loser Boy Club dictate to me how to fight. If you are afraid of being seen as not nice, STFD and STFU and let those that are willing to get bloody do the fighting. And when the dust and smoke clears, you can come out from your spider holes. I don't have time for you.
The alleged "voices of reason" have shot their wads and have lost miserably. They have had their time. It is time for them to sit on the sidelines and watch how the fight is fought.
Along that vein, I don't have the time to act like a particular person at Hot Air would like us to although I do respect the folks at Hot Air. We do not have the time to play nicely. This isn't a game. It is indeed a Cultural War.
The Onset of ODS...
For the past seven-plus years, the Left has suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome. Well, actually, the rest of us have suffered from their embrace of BDS, which one might think would inoculate us from any related maladies. As Jake Tapper notes, though, the onset of Obama Derangement Syndrome might prove that wrong: [...] [...] At the time, Obama’s supporters claimed that he meant the Peace Corps and other volunteer organizations. That seems a stretch, but so does Broun’s interpretation of it. As I wrote at the time, the nation already has a number of non-military national security forces, including the FBI, ICE, Border Patrol, and so on. If we want to fund that better, many conservatives would agree, but not funding it to the same extent as the military. In the context of Obama’s remarks above, though, he fairly clearly meant to at least include a volunteer force in outreach within and outside the US as some sort of Department of Peace-like indirect boost to national security. Nothing in that speech hints at a Gestapo-like organization at all. I’d agree that we have to remain vigilant at all times to ensure that the government doesn’t try to impose such a regime upon us, but this is an extremely thin reed to grasp for such a conclusion. Although I supported a freer hand at the NSA in monitoring communications with one end in the US for possible terrorist activities given the dangers we face in this era, it’s far easier for the government to turn that into a Gestapo than what Obama proposed. That’s why I understood the Left’s opposition to it (as well as a small minority of conservatives) and thought reasonable safeguards against potential abuse were appropriate, as the eventual compromise in Congress provided. [...]

Ed, Ed, Ed. Please remove head from sand, my friend. Come up for air, OK? The evidence which directly refutes the claim that "
Nothing in that speech hints at a Gestapo-like organization at all" is simply overwhelming. There is absolutely no other viable explanation and the
scrubbed Change.gov site was the icing on the cake. WAKE.UP. A mere glimpse and cursory glance on Obama's past and current associations was all I needed. His Hope and Change has morphed into Business As Usual. See the screen shot to the left from
Protein Wisdom.
And, about that BDS thing. Those suffering from it did what, exactly. Odd and railing allegations with absolutely no hint or hints of truth fomented the over emotional and immature intellect drove that crowd and most of them are what? Socialists? Marxists? Anarchists? Hello? Earth calling. Obama, on the other hand, has come right out and flatly stated his intentions in the hopes that the watered down GOPers would react and respond EXACTLY like they are at the moment, save the very few...like myself. I can smell a Marxist a decade away.
Rep. Paul Broun I say,
HIP HIP HOORAY! It is about time SOMEONE in Congress actually stepped out of the box the DNC has placed the GOP in. As for those that know or suspect something along those lines that Rep Broun expressed concern over that are too afraid to step out of the box they have been placed in, they can kiss my ass and whoever they are, I will work hard at getting them replaced with people that hate socio-Marxism as much as I do.
A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship. "It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism." Broun cited a July speech by Obama that has circulated on the Internet in which the then-Democratic presidential candidate called for a civilian force to take some of the national security burden off the military. "That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist." "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Broun said he also believes Obama likely will move to ban gun ownership if he does build a national police force. "We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun said. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."
Don Surber seems to think Broun was a little over the top but that is his decision to make. I whole heartedly disagree.
McNorman disagrees as well. So does
Anti-Mullah. So does
Gateway Pundit. So does
Radio Patriot. So does

Czarbie-like movements started in
this manner before and ignoring that fact and
pretending it couldn't happen here in this Nation reveals a blatant lack of intellectual fortitude required to actually begin to think about fighting the way this needs to be fought. NOTE: it has already started here. WAKE. UP.
As I have brought up before and. many others as well,
CPUSA - Communist Party of the United States has fully endorsed Barack Hussein Obama. Tell me with a straight face that doesn't concern you. If you can, you are in the wrong political spectrum.
No matter how the High Roaders (GOP/RNC) and Low Roaders (DNC) try to spin any of the above, the fact remains:
The Obama Thugocracy Doesn't Play By American Rules of LawWe've noted for over a month that behind the Web 2.0 gradients and slick pastel veneer the coming Obama administration operates more like a third world thugocracy than an American Presidential administration. The change.gov website is another example of that. Federal law is pretty clear that the candidate's campaign apparatus must be separate from the government and the government cannot be used as a de facto extension of the campaign. Never mind American law, in the Obama administration they'll damn well do as they please! Thugocrats have no respect for law. [...]
I have reported on this before but just in case someone may have missed it:
Marxists … Takes One To Know One. Gorby’s Advice To ObamaGorbachev calls on Obama to carry out ‘perestroika’ in the U.S MOSCOW, November 7 (RIA Novosti) - Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has said that the Obama administration in the United States needs far-reaching ‘perestroika’ reforms to overcome the financial crisis and restore balance in the world. The term perestroika, meaning restructuring, was used by Gorbachev in the late 1980s to describe a series of reforms that abolished state planning in the Soviet Union. In an interview with Italy’s La Stampa published on Friday, Gorbachev said President-elect Barack Obama needs to fundamentally change the misguided course followed by President George W. Bush over the past eight years. Gorbachev said that after transforming his country in the late 1980s, he had told the Americans that it was their turn to act, but that Washington, celebrating its Cold War victory, was not interested in “a new model of a society, where politics, economics and morals went hand in hand.” He said the Republicans have failed to realize that the Soviet Union no longer exists, that Europe has changed, and that new powers like China, Brazil and Mexico have emerged as important players on the world stage. He told the paper that the world is waiting for Obama to act, and that the White House needs to restore trust in cooperation with the United States among the Russians. [...]

American Superpower Era Over, Russian Analyst SaysSure to please the America hating left that elected a Marxist as our new president, a Senior Russian Political Analyst now says “Obama's victory in the presidential election marks an end to the superpower era for the United States.” Sergei Rogov, director of the U.S. and Canada Institute says, “The U.S. presidential election has great significance. I would qualify its results as the end of an era ...of several decades when the U.S. became a superpower and attempted to emerge as the only superpower in a unipolar world after the end of the Cold War.”
Does Rogov recognize that sole Superpower status was thrust upon us when the Soviet Union, unable to compete in the market or defense spending, folded, bankrupt? Does he acknowledge that the U.S. has shown remarkable restraint as the sole Superpower, even after being attacked numerous times by radical Jihadists seeking to be the World’s Rulers? No! He just takes delight that seeing who Americans elected to the top office in the land will now dismantle America as a Superpower. Rogov makes the further false assumption of, “The self-imposed role as the world's policeman has exhausted the American army, which is now unable to wage a third war against Iran or North Korea.”
Does Rogov see a need for another war? If so, why aren’t those who see the need banding together against these other despots instead of seeking to dismantle he only nation willing to confront the radical Jihadists that have even attacked his nation, Russia? [...]
Does any of this sound even remotely familiar? Obama has stated the contents of the List of 45 upon many an occasion namely #'s 1, 2 and 3 at the moment. These are in regards to disarmament to "display a more presentable America". Does that help the familiarity pill at all?
One more thing before we go:
Chuck Schumer and Dems Are Pushing a Police StateChuck Schumer fired the opening salvo in the war against free speech this week by calling Conservative talk radio "Pornography"
What Schumer is not telling you is that Radio is probably one of the most Democratic institutions in the world. If people want to hear what is on they listen, if they don't.... well there are tons of radio stations, listeners can turn the dial to find what they like. If a radio program doesn't generate listeners, it doesn't get advertising, no advertising, no radio program. It's really a simple process.
You see, raising the fairness doctrine back from the dead, is taking away our right to select the programming we want to hear. Its only being brought up because the democrats want people like Rush Limbaugh to have less air time. The fact is the American Public has already made their voice heard. Remember when Air America was launched with great fanfare? It was to be the Liberal Voice of Talk Radio. Guess what happened? NOBODY LISTENED, IT GENERATED POOR RATINGS, MADE NO MONEY AND WENT BANKRUPT. Oh its still around, I believe in its third incarnation, still generating no ratings, still loosing money hand over foot. [...]
Again, I applaud any and all politicians that have the courage and moral fortitude to sound the Klaxons and sound them loudly and often. We can no longer play nice-nice under any circumstance. Along with that, we can not afford to FALSELY allege or accuse like the libtard moonbat fruit loop brigades did the entire 8 years of GWB and their constant attempts to lose the war for political gain and political power. We stick with known facts and issues. We present True Conservatives and the libtard moonbat fruit loop brigades will fall and crumble before us...as they have in the past.
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Sic vis pacem para bellum
Fight Accordingly