Attempted Suppression of Free Speech: Pentagon vs Jones
I learned today from a Stand Up America! press release that the Pentagon is setting the stage to blame Pastor Terry Jones for the potential Islamic reaction to his plan to burn the Koran and images of Muhammad on July 28 if the freedom of Youcef Nadarkhani is not restored by the Iranian regime which has sentenced Youcef Nadarkhani to death for apostasy.
The Guardian quotes Commander Bill Speaks:
The safety and welfare of our troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere are the responsibility of the Pentagon, not Pastor Jones. Threats to our troops come from Islam and Muslims, not from Pastor Terry Jones. The biggest threat to the welfare of the troops is their presence on foreign soil. The second biggest threat is the suicidal rules of engagement imposed by Obamination.
Our servicemen are in harms way and thousands have lost lives and limbs only because they were sent by a traitor who should have sent the descendants of "Little Boy" & "Fat Man" . There is no excuse for having troops on the ground in Afghanistan. There is no excuse for the continued existence of Afghanistan, Iran & Pakistan.
When Dar Ul-Islam invades Dar Ul-harb, the obligation of jihad is fard al kifaya: binding upon all eligible male Muslims until a sufficient number have reported to the front. When Dar Ul-harb retaliates by invading Dar Ul-Islam, the obligation is fard ayn: binding on all Muslims, including Sheikhs, women, children and slaves. I refer doubters & dissenters to the following odifications of Shari'ah: Reliance of the Traveller, Risala & Hedaya.
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What part of the relevant Islamic law escapes the comprehension of our top brass? When we answer an attack by invading, the result is genral mobilization, no holds barred.
There is more text on that page of Hedaya; others will not show it to you, I will.
Muslims do not need a pretext for attack, they desire it for propaganda value, but it is not required to justify attack, invasion, conquest and genocide. How did the Barbary Pirates rationalize their depredations on our merchantmen?
How did those who dispatched the Magnificent Nineteen rationalize the accursed abomination? Khalid Sheikh Mohammed & his co-conspirators respond with argumentum Tu-quoque:
accusations. To us they are badges of honor, which we carry with pride. Many thanks to God, for his
kind gesture, and choosing us to perform the act of Jihad for his cause and to defend Islam and Muslims.
Therefore, killing you and fighting you, destroying you and terrorizing you, responding back to your
attacks, are all considered to be great legitimate duty in our religion. These actions are our offerings to
God. In addition, it is the imposed reality on Muslims in Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, in the
land of the two holy sites [Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia], and in the rest ofthe world, where
Muslims are suffering from your brutality, terrorism, killing of the innocent, and occupying their lands
and their holy sites. Nevertheless, it would have been the greatest religious duty to fight you over your
infidelity. However, today, we fight you over defending Muslims, their land, their holy sites,and their
religion as a whole."
I highlighted two sentences in that quote, go back and read them again. The accursed abomination was an act of worship. Get a God blessed clue, for Chrissake! Fighting us because of our infidelity to Allah is their greatest religious duty.
What part of that do the peons in the Pentagon not comprehend? Do those stars they wear symbolize ignorance of enemy doctrine? Not being Muslim is a status offense which justifies genocidal attack.
Scroll up to the quote from Tripoli's Ambassador to Adams & Jefferson; read it again before reading this quote from Sahih Bukhari 4.53.386.
It is written in their law: they were ordered to fight us. Can you obtain a clue?
Allah purchased believers with the promise of Paradise: after they are killed in battle they go to his Celestial Bordello with rivers of wine and trees always full of low hanging fruit. Plus eternal virgins and little boys who never bleed. Can you get a clue?
Muslims are commanded to wage war against pagans until only Allah is worshiped on a global scale. They are commanded to wage war on "people of the book" until we are subjugated and extorted. Can you obtain a clue?
Muslims are promised an upgrade in their seats in the Celestial Bordello if they take any step to injure or enrage us. Can you obtain a clue? Are the President and Pentagon brass too stupid to obtain clues or are they traitors?
When Muslims raise Hell, it is not because of anything done by Danish cartoonists, a Dutch parliamentarian or a Florida Pastor. It is because of what the Imam tells them to do at Jumah Salat Friday afternoon.
Terrorism is not a function of "extremists", "radicals" or groups; it is a function of Islam. Allah said that he would cast terror. Allah said that he cast terror. Allah said that the killing of one group and enslaving of another resulted from his casting terror. Allah said thet the Jews were more afraid of Moe and his army than of him. Can you obtain a clue?
When wasps build a nest on your porch and one of them stings you, smash him and the others will attack because theirs is a communal society. Islam is the same way. Islam can not be defeated militarily short of total eradication. It can not be contained. Nobody else will show you why that is. What I am about to display to you contains the key to victory: we must destroy their faith. We must prove to them that Allah is an impotent idol whose promises of victory are vain. These quotes are from a Pakistani strategy manual. It does not get more authentic than this. Get a clue for Chrissake and share it with your Congressman & Senators.
Brig. S.K. Malik wrote The Qur'anic Concept of War as a training manual for the army of Pakistan. His analysis will help you to comprehend their strategy. Terror is both a means and an end. This paragraph comes from the bottom of page 59. [Emphasis added.]
a means, it is the end in itself. Once a condition of terror into
the opponent's heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be
achieved. It is the point where the means and the end meet
and merge. Terror is not a means of imposing decision upon
the enemy; it is me decision we wish to impose upon him.
There is one necessary prerequisite for instilling terror: the destruction of our faith. Islam's strong faith shields Muslims from being terrorized. This paragraph comes from page 60. [Emphasis added.]
cutting its lines of communication or depriving it of its routes
of withdrawal. It is basically related to the strength or weakness
of the human soul. It can be instilled only if the opponent's
Faith is destroyed. Psychological dislocation is temporary;
spiritual dislocation is permanent. Psychological dislocation can be
produced by a physical act but this does not hold good of the
spiritual dislocation. To instill terror into the hearts of the enemy,
it is essential. in the ultimate analysis, to dislocate his Faith. An
invincible Faith is immune to terror. A weak Faith offers inroads
to terror. The Faith conferred upon us by the Holy Qur'an has
the inherent strength to ward off terror from us and to enable
us to strike terror into the enemy. Whatever the form or type of
strategy directed against the enemy, it must, in order to be effective,
be capable of striking terror into the hearts of the enemy. A strategy
that fails to attain this condition suffers from inherent drawbacks
and weaknesses; and should be reviewed and modified. This rule
is fully applicable to nuclear as well as conventional wars. It is
equally true of the strategy of nuclear deterrence in fashion
today. To be credible and effective, the strategy of deterrence
must be capable of striking terror into the hearts of the enemy.
Believers are Allah's slaves, who kill others and are killed. Believers are only those who fight in Allah's cause, which is to make Islam dominant. Go to Jihad or go to Hell. Go to jihad and go to Paradise. Get a God blessed clue for Chrissake! So long as Muslims believe that Allah will give them victory, that he will damn them if they do not wage war and bless them if they do, Islam will continue to present a real, proximate & continuing threat to our lives, liberty & prosperity.
We are not waging the war of ideas and we need to retaliate with a passion. That is the only alternative if we are not willing to nuke Islam off the face of the earth.
The Islamic regime in Iran plans to execute a Pastor for abandoning Islam. Pastor Jones plans a protest in which he will burn the Koran and images of Moe. Now the brass accuse Jones of inciting attacks against our troops. The blame must be placed on its origin: Islam, not on those who protest against it.