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So, one day, you just may click this page somewhere and it will show up as "private". It has been fun but the intolerant Czarbie Goon Squads are brain dead idiots. They can come play at the new site which I OWN outright.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Obamination: State of the Union: Supporting Our Troops?

In this installment on the STOTU we turn to supporting our troops.  [Click this link for the Prepared Remarks.]

" We must never forget that the things we’ve struggled for, and fought for, live in the hearts of people everywhere. And we must always remember that the Americans who have borne the greatest burden in this struggle are the men and women who serve our country."

    Only those who retain their souls share our love of life & liberty. Muslims, having sold their souls to Satan, value death over life, secure in the false conviction that they will enjoy eternity in the celestial bordello of carnal bliss once the privations of the current world have ended for them.  Those are only interested in conquering the world for Satan, a.k.a. Allah. 

    Thousands have come home from Afghanistan & Iraq in boxes. Thousands more have returned missing limbs, with horrible, disabling and disfiguring injuries, both visible and invisible.  Recently, the one who would seem to honor them mocked them for objecting to his attempt to screw them out of the medical care promised to them.  Including that paragraph in the state of the union address is political exploitation at its worst, coming from one whose party does its best to prevent their votes from being counted in a timely and effective manner.

"Tonight, let us speak with one voice in reaffirming that our nation is united in support of our troops and their families.  Let us serve them as well as they have served us – by giving them the equipment they need; by providing them with the care and benefits they have earned; and by enlisting our veterans in the great task of building our own nation."

    Reagan sent the  Marines to Beirut, as sitting ducks, to save Arafat's bacon. Clinton sent them to Somalia, with insufficient force and material.  Shrub sent them to Afghanistan & Iraq in insufficient numbers, with inadequate planning and an amorphous, ill defined  objective.  Obama subjects them to suicidal rules of engagement and now he wants to slash the defense budget. 

" Our troops come from every corner of this country – they are black, white, Latino, Asian and Native American. They are Christian and Hindu, Jewish and Muslim. And, yes, we know that some of them are gay. Starting this year, no American will be forbidden from serving the country they love because of who they love.  And with that change, I call on all of our college campuses to open their doors to our military recruiters and the ROTC. It is time to leave behind the divisive battles of the past. It is time to move forward as one nation."

    That is a nifty combination of Balkanization and special interest pandering, exactly what we have learned to expect from Democrats.  Obama slithers into rationalization of the left wing's p.c. attitude and banning of ROTC from universities.  It was ok because Queers were rejected at the recruiting office. Yeah, right. They will invent a fresh pretext because they hate this nation and do not want it to be defended.  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Obamination: State of the Union: Foreign Policy?

In this installment on the STOTU we turn to foreign policy.  [Click this link for the Prepared Remarks.]

" Just as jobs and businesses can now race across borders, so can new threats and new challenges. No single wall separates East and West; no one rival superpower is aligned against us."

    In modern times, we face threats from multiple sources, large and small. We must not drop our guard because weakness invites predators.

" And so we must defeat determined enemies wherever they are, and build coalitions that cut across lines of region and race and religion. America’s moral example must always shine for all who yearn for freedom, justice, and dignity. And because we have begun this work, tonight we can say that American leadership has been renewed and America’s standing has been restored."

    Against Hitler, Russia and America had a common enemy but when the war was over, Russia replaced Germany as an oppressor in much of Eastern Europe.  Then we had a long cold war with constant threat of nuclear attack. That threat is not entirely eliminated today.

    At present, the primary enemy is Islam. What makes any fool think that we can make coalitions with the enemy against itself?  The second sentence in the quoted paragraph is code for giving the enemy undeserved privileges which rightly belong to citizens.   When you take prisoners on the battlefield, you imprison them for the duration of the war.  There is no need to try them in court. 

    Common sense dictates that you do not reveal to the enemy your methods, materials and sources of intelligence.  Common sense dictates that you not hold the army and Cia to the same procedural standards imposed on the police & FBI. There is nothing immoral about capturing and detaining enemy combatants. There is noting immoral about capturing and detaining those who plot & perpetrate terrorist attacks.  There is no good reason why they should not be imprisoned at 'Gitmo' and there is no good reason why they should be brought here for trial in civilian courts.

    America under Obamination is not leading, it is pleading.  America under Obamination is not standing tall, it is bending over to osculate Islam's anus.

" Look to Iraq, where nearly 100,000 of our brave men and women have left with their heads held high; where American combat patrols have ended; violence has come down; and a new government has been formed. This year, our civilians will forge a lasting partnership with the Iraqi people, while we finish the job of bringing our troops out of Iraq. America’s commitment has been kept; the Iraq War is coming to an end."

    If the people of Iraq "yearn for freedom, justice, and dignity" they have a funny way of seeking those values.  They instituted a constitution that makes the Qur'an the primary source of legislation. A book which sanctifies corporal punishment including limb amputation is a fine basis for justice & dignity.

    The new government which was formed took months to organize its parliament after the recent election. Violence may be reduced, but it is not eliminated, and it will escalate as our forces evacuate the area.

    The majority of Iraq's citizens are Muslims.  The Qur'an forbids Muslims from  forming friendship, partnership or alliance with disbelievers.  Any such partnership is null and void. Only an ignorant fool or a traitor would take any stock in it. 

    America's commitment is a fool's errand, a mirage over hot desert sand.  We have not liberated Iraq from slavery to Allah; it remains Muslim. While it remains so, it remains at war against us.

    Iraq was not a war, it was one theater in a much wider war which Obamination, like Shrub, fails to recognize and fight. It is a war which will never end so long as Allah's slaves believe that he will reward them with eternity in Paradise if they wage war against us or condemn them to everlasting fire if they refuse.

" Of course, as we speak, al Qaeda and their affiliates continue to plan attacks against us.  Thanks to our intelligence and law enforcement professionals, we are disrupting plots and securing our cities and skies. And as extremists try to inspire acts of violence within our borders, we are responding with the strength of our communities, with respect for the rule of law, and with the conviction that American Muslims are a part of our American family."

    "Al-Qaeda and their affiliates"?  No! Muslims!! It is Muslims, who believe Allah's promises and threats and obey his demonic imperatives  by waging war against disbelievers. 

    You have secured nothing; you got lucky the last few times. Sooner or later there will be another successful mass casualty attack.  There is only one way to prevent that: remove the enemy fifth column from our soil and exclude it from re-entry.  If you want security, expel the Muslims. Subjecting us to embarrassing and intrusive searches is no substitute for the only  common sense measure that has a chance of success. 

    "Extremists": the big lie.  Jihad is the rule, not the exception. It is ordained for Muslims [2:216].  Waging war against Jews & Christians is a demonic obligation. [9:29]  Acts of terror are inspired by the demon's imperatives, threats & promises.  [8:39, 9:38, 9:120, 61:10]. It is what believers do; [9:111]  their reason for existing.

    If they were Americans, they would not be Muslims.  Muslims are Allah's slaves, who fight in his cause, killing others and being killed. [9:111]  Where they can not conquer by force on the battle field, they stage a demographic invasion, breeding like rats to take over by sheer numbers. Do Americans  wage war against their neighbors?  When Muslims become sufficiently numerous, they will because it is what they are commanded to do. [9:123]

 "We have also taken the fight to al Qaeda and their allies abroad. In Afghanistan, our troops have taken Taliban strongholds and trained Afghan Security Forces.  Our purpose is clear – by preventing the Taliban from reestablishing a stranglehold over the Afghan people, we will deny al Qaeda the safe-haven that served as a launching pad for 9/11."

    Most of pur casualties in Iraq & Afghanistan are caused by IEDs & shaped charges supplied by Iran.  What did Shrub do about it?  What has Obamination done about it?? "Taken the fight to their allies". Yeah, right. Show me. 

    Traines security forces... yeah, right. Security forces that shoot  their trainers by surprise.  They are Muslims, you traitor!  Why do we train and arm our enemy? 

    While you are pretending to secure Afghanistan, they are operating terrorist training camps in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia & Lebanon.  If we had a President instead of a traitor, those camps would be smoking ruins.

"In Pakistan, al Qaeda’s leadership is under more pressure than at any point since 2001. Their leaders and operatives are being removed from the battlefield. Their safe-havens are shrinking. And we have sent a message from the Afghan border to the Arabian Peninsula to all parts of the globe: we will not relent, we will not waver, and we will defeat you."

    Every Muslim satrapy on the face of the earth is their safe-havens. Which of them is shrinking?  Which of them is depopulated?  Brig. SK. Malik told us exactly what must be done to defeat them: we must break their faith. We must cause them to recognize Allah as Satan and Moe as the devil incarnate. While our leaders refuse to take that first step, we will continue to lose this war, wasting precious blood, flesh and treasure in the process.

" American leadership can also be seen in the effort to secure the worst weapons of war. Because Republicans and Democrats approved the New START Treaty, far fewer nuclear weapons and launchers will be deployed. Because we rallied the world, nuclear materials are being locked down on every continent so they never fall into the hands of terrorists."

    The start treaty is likely to be the end. Russia can not be trusted and their adherence to the treaty can not be effectively verified.  No treaty is better than the good faith of the parties to it.  Any treaty that limits our right to develop defenses against missile attacks is an act of treason.

    Pakistan is terrorism. Pakistan has nukes.  You are a traitor. Brig. S.K. Malik wrote Pakistan's terror manual. Everyone should read pages 59 & 60 of The Quranic Concept of War.

" Because of a diplomatic effort to insist that Iran meet its obligations, the Iranian government now faces tougher and tighter sanctions than ever before. And on the Korean peninsula, we stand with our ally South Korea, and insist that North Korea keeps its commitment to abandon nuclear weapons."

    When someone believes that he has a divine mission to conquer the world; that he will be rewarded by eternity in the celestial bordello if he tries and punished in an eternal fire pit if he does not, no damn fool diplomatic sanction will stop him or even slow his progress.  If you voted for the traitor who spewed the feces quoted above, you are too stupid to participate in the electoral process; burn your voter registration card and hang your head in shame.

"Around the globe, we are standing with those who take responsibility – helping farmers grow more food; supporting doctors who care for the sick; and combating the corruption that can rot a society and rob people of opportunity."

    How are you combating corruption in Afghanistan & Pakistan?  How are you combating corruption in Washington D.C.?

" We saw that same desire to be free in Tunisia, where the will of the people proved more powerful than the writ of a dictator. And tonight, let us be clear: the United States of America stands with the people of Tunisia, and supports the democratic aspirations of all people."

    What I see is another Muslim takeover, another civil war, and another international involvement fighting on the side of slavery, Not all people have democratic aspirations. Democracy without limited government is mob rule. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Obamination: State of the Union: Investment?

In this installment on the STOTU we turn to growth and investment.  [Click this link for the Prepared Remarks.]

" To reduce barriers to growth and investment, I’ve ordered a review of government regulations. When we find rules that put an unnecessary burden on businesses, we will fix them. But I will not hesitate to create or enforce commonsense safeguards to protect the American people.  That’s what we’ve done in this country for more than a century. It’s why our food is safe to eat, our water is safe to drink, and our air is safe to breathe. It’s why we have speed limits and child labor laws.  It’s why last year, we put in place consumer protections against hidden fees and penalties by credit card companies, and new rules to prevent another financial crisis. And it’s why we passed reform that finally prevents the health insurance industry from exploiting patients."

    Common sense says that economic goods and services have prices, they are not free. Prices are set by the market; the balance of supply and demand, with fixed and variable costs as a lower limit.  Attempts to lower the price by fiat will result in reduced supply. Attempts to subsidize consumers who can't afford the goods will raise the price to everyone.  Third party payers are part of the problem, not part of the solution.   Reforming the insurance industry does not require 2700 pages of new legislation.  That is a power grab, not reform.

    Investment requires an economic surplus, and it involves risk. Everything that reduces real disposable income or artificially increases expenses reduces the potential for investment.  Increased taxation and inflation are counterproductive to investment. Everything that reduces consumer confidence or investor confidence or threatens economic stability and predictability decreases the potential for investment and risk taking. 

    A President who genuinely desires investment & growth would not seek to increase taxes, he would seek to make the "Bush tax cuts" permanent instead of extending them for two years.  He would not ban domestic oil exploration & production, instead he would increase leasing &  issuance of permits. He would not impose new costs on consumers by mandating purchase of health insurance.

"Now, the final step – a critical step – in winning the future is to make sure we aren’t buried under a mountain of debt.

We are living with a legacy of deficit-spending that began almost a decade ago. And in the wake of the financial crisis, some of that was necessary to keep credit flowing, save jobs, and put money in people’s pockets."

    Deficit spending did not originate by spontaneous generation nor did it begin in the last decade, it has been going on for much longer.  Money thrown down the stimulus & toxic asset toilets was wasted.  It was borrowed and must be repaid with interest.  We can not repay the principal, and when interest rates rise, we will drown in the interest burden which will rise like a flood.  Credit was not kept flowing, jobs were not saved and money was put in the wrong pockets.

"I recognize that some in this Chamber have already proposed deeper cuts, and I’m willing to eliminate whatever we can honestly afford to do without. But let’s make sure that we’re not doing it on the backs of our most vulnerable citizens.  And let’s make sure what we’re cutting is really excess weight. Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine. It may feel like you’re flying high at first, but it won’t take long before you’ll feel the impact."

    A competent pilot does not take off with an overload. He knows the weight of his cargo & fuel, the capacity of his aircraft and the wind and weather conditions on his intended route; he calculates a margin of safety. 

"The bipartisan Fiscal Commission I created last year made this crystal clear. I don’t agree with all their proposals, but they made important progress. And their conclusion is that the only way to tackle our deficit is to cut excessive spending wherever we find it – in domestic spending, defense spending, health care spending, and spending through tax breaks and loopholes."

    "Excessive spending" can not be defined and measured. Social Security will soon be bankrupt. Obama Don't Care will drastically increase health care costs and  we are facing the threat of wars on three fronts at once. The first World War  was supposed to be the war to end all wars. We reduced our military capacity after it ended, so that the second Word War caught us unprepared.  In the age of missiles, we won't have time to make up the missing capacity.

"And if we truly care about our deficit, we simply cannot afford a permanent extension of the tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans. Before we take money away from our schools, or scholarships away from our students, we should ask millionaires to give up their tax break."

    That is class warfare at its worst. Obama is pandering to envy and greed. Investment does not come from strapped consumers who can barely meet their mortgage & utility obligations.  Investment comes from those who have more money than enough money to meet their basic needs. Punishing them with higher taxes will  result in decreased investment, the opposite of what Obama claims to want.

" So now is the time to act. Now is the time for both sides and both houses of Congress – Democrats and Republicans – to forge a principled compromise that gets the job done.  If we make the hard choices now to rein in our deficits, we can make the investments we need to win the future."

    Compromise does not get the job done. One side wants to administer poison, the other wants to administer therapy. Combining the two will not cure the patient.

" In the coming year, we will also work to rebuild people’s faith in the institution of government.  Because you deserve to know exactly how and where your tax dollars are being spent, you will be able to go to a website and get that information for the very first time in history. Because you deserve to know when your elected officials are meeting with lobbyists, I ask Congress to do what the White House has already done: put that information online.  And because the American people deserve to know that special interests aren’t larding up legislation with pet projects, both parties in Congress should know this: if a bill comes to my desk with earmarks inside, I will veto it."

    Anyone with any common sense knows that promise to be null & void. Free spending Democrats & RINOs are already conjuring up a clever replacement for earmarks.   In any case, they will find 'veto proof' or 'must pass' bills to hide them in.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Obamination: State of the Rebuilding America?

In this installment on the STOTU we turn to rebuilding America.  [Click this link for the Prepared Remarks.]

" The third step in winning the future is rebuilding America. To attract new businesses to our shores, we need the fastest, most reliable ways to move people, goods, and information – from high-speed rail to high-speed internet."

    Attract new businesses from where exactly?  Does Obamination prefer foreign owned enterprise to home grown enterprise?   Railways are too inflexible and too capital intensive to compete with trucks and passenger autos. Without federal subsidy, Amtrack would be priced out of reach.  Internet connections are being made by private enterprise, why should the government get involved?

" Our infrastructure used to be the best – but our lead has slipped. South Korean homes now have greater internet access than we do. Countries in  Our infrastructure used to be the best – but our lead has slipped. South Korean homes now have greater internet access than we do. Countries in Europe and Russia invest more in their roads and railways than we do. China is building faster trains and newer airports.  Meanwhile, when our own engineers graded our nation’s infrastructure, they gave us a “D.”

    Whenever Obama says "invest", it is code for wasteful spending; flushing trillions down the crapper and adding to the debt & deficit without any commensurate benefit.  Telephony is not a government function, neither is the internet. Private enterprise is taking care of that and making a profit. Lets leave it that way.

    While people are losing their homes to foreclosures because they can't pay their mortgages, Obamination wants to raise taxes and inflation,  putting even more strain on real disposable income.  We said "NO!" last November; he did not get the message.

" We have to do better. America is the nation that built the transcontinental railroad, brought electricity to rural communities, and constructed the interstate highway system. The jobs created by these projects didn’t just come from laying down tracks or pavement. They came from businesses that opened near a town’s new train station or the new off-ramp."

    Translation:  'If you build it, they will come."  The town where I live has high speed internet access, a minor state highway passing through, a major state highway 12 miles away and a major federal highway thirty five miles away.  It does not have any new major employers as a result. Instead, factories are closing or moving away both locally and region wide. 

" We will put more Americans to work repairing crumbling roads and bridges. We will make sure this is fully paid for, attract private investment, and pick projects based on what’s best for the economy, not politicians."

    "Shovel ready projects"; is anybody stupid and gullible enough to believe that  slogan again?  "Fully Paid for." How Gd'd stupid does this clown think we are?  $4 Trillion in debt and he pitches "fully paid for".  Profanity fails me. No execration can match that insult to our intelligence. America leads the world in one class: arrogant demagogues. 

"Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80% of Americans access to high-speed rail, which could allow you go places in half the time it takes to travel by car. For some trips, it will be faster than flying – without the pat-down. As we speak, routes in California and the Midwest are already underway."

    The current rail bed will not support the top speed of current locomotives.  How does Obama hope to upgrade the tracks and pay for it?  How can he hope to do it, increase the speed and make the tickets affordable? 

    Terrorists have not yet attacked our rail stations or trains as they have in Europe and India.  The low traffic volume makes them unattractive targets. If you increase the traffic, they will be attacked, then the security measures will be imposed, after the blood and guts of a few hundred people are splattered about.  No thanks.

"All these investments – in innovation, education, and infrastructure – will make America a better place to do business and create jobs.  But to help our companies compete, we also have to knock down barriers that stand in the way of their success."

    The barriers to success are, in order of importance: unions, taxes, regulations, uncertainty and foreign competition.  Obamination will make three of those problems worse.

"Over the years, a parade of lobbyists has rigged the tax code to benefit particular companies and industries. Those with accountants or lawyers to work the system can end up paying no taxes at all. But all the rest are hit with one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. It makes no sense, and it has to change."

    Who was in charge of the House Ways and Means Committee while that tax code was written and amended?  What makes any sane and sober person hope that system will change?  

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