Keith Olbermann made a slick, slimy spew of self-righteous drivel which disgusts me to an extreme degree. I share it with you because I need to expose Olbermann's al-taqiyya & kitman. If you can view and hear this spew of sophistry & sewage without smashing or spitting on your monitor, you are one tough cookie.
I found the transcript here, fortunately' because Olbermann spews much faster than I can type and we need to freeze the stream in order to view the Turds floating by in the rapids.
The title contains the first lie: ...the inaccurately described "Ground Zero mosque." What is planned for the top floor? Why did they include an Islamic prayer room? Is it because a few nearby Mosques are over crowded, with worshipers spilling out into the street? So, regardless of the building's other functions, its primary function is that of a Mosque. If it was not a Mosque, it would not have a prayer room.
Next, Olbermann quotes Pastor Martin Niemoller as a slick equation of those who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque to Nazis. Nazis rounded up innocent people and slaughtered them. We rise up in opposition to the erection of a symbol of Islamic triumph & Supremacy. We have no storm troopers, no force beyond our voices and our votes.
There follows an overloaded description of Niemoller.
"He witnessed persecution, he acquiesced to it, he ultimately fell victim to it. He had been a German World War 1 hero, then a conservative who welcomed the fall of German democracy and the rise of Hitler and had few qualms the beginning of the holocaust until he himself was arrested for supporting it insufficiently."
Note how slickly Olbermann ties conservative to the fall of democracy, again calumniating conservatives by equating us with National Socialists. If God wanted to give the world an enema, he'd insert the tube in Olbermann 's mouth.
The calumny continues with a malapropism.
"...In quoting him, I make no direct comparison between the attempts to suppress the building of a Muslim religious center in downtown Manhattan, and the unimaginable nightmare of the Holocaust. Such a comparison is ludicrous. At least it is, now."
Olbermann has gone to some length to imply an equation between the Holocaust and opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque, now he denies it, with a reservation. Someone should set a beer trap for that slug.
Again, he invokes Niemoller as to support calumny.
"...He was warning of the willingness of a seemingly rational society to condone the gradual stoking of enmity towards an ethnic or religious group warning of the building-up of a collective pool of national fear and hate, warning of the moment in which the need to purge, outstrips even the perameters of the original scape-goating..."
Olbermann declares us irrational and accuses us of stoking enmity towards Muslims, as if we were wagging the dog, artificially creating a war. His sly suggestion lies 180° out of phase with reality. Nine years ago, 19 Muslims, motivated by
Allah's command to attack disbelievers and his
promise of eternity in the
celestial bordello, hijacked four airliners and flew three of them into occupied office structures.
Between our war of revolution and 1815, the Barbary Pirates, who happened to be Muslims, sacked our shipping, enslaved the crews and demanded tribute, which became the chief cause of federal debt at that time. When asked by what right they attacked us, they had a ready response.
"The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet (Mohammed), that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman (or Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to heaven."
According to Olbermann, we are artificially "stoking enmity" where none exists. In reality, Islamic scripture, tradition and law require attacks upon us, promise paradise to those who engage in jihad and threaten shirkers with eternal damnation.
Olbermann continues to invoke Niemoller to calumniate us.
"He was warning of the thousand steps before a holocaust became inevitable. If we are at just the first of those steps again — today, here — it is one step too close."
Olbermann accuses us to building up momentum for genocide. I can not write for anyone else, but for my part, I seek no genocide. I seek the
outlawing of Islam, the closure of its institutions and the denaturalization and deportation of its votaries. There is no good reason to harbor, on our soil, an enemy fifth column whose
tradition and
cannon law require the prosecution of war upon us.
Olberman is in a state of denial.
"Yet, in a country dedicated to freedom, forces have gathered to blow out of all proportion the construction of a minor community center; to transform it into a training ground for terrorists and an insult to the victims of 9/11 and a tribute to medieval Muslim subjugation of the West."
Proportion? Usama hoped to destroy our economy and vitiate our will to resist. Nearly three thousand people died in that attack. "Community center"? A skunk by any other name will smell as pungent. Build a Mosque, add a library, meeting rooms and swimming pool and it is no longer a Mosque. No prayers for
victory over the disbelieving people, no daily cursing of Jews & Christians, no preaching of Jihad, no collection of Zakat to finance war against us. Oh, perish the thought.
Minor community center? $5,000,000 acquisition costs plus $100,000,000 construction cost; minor indeed. What would be major? How about the annual operating costs of a 13 story building?? Who is paying for that minor community center, and why?
"There is no training ground for terrorists."
Where to Muslims learn about their "
religious obligation", if not in the Mosque? Perhaps they learn of it in community centers. Where do they obtain the
fliers, books and cds that inculcate hatred and incite violence?
Insult to the victims? Build a Mosque, a Muslim house of prayer, where Muslims will gather five times each day to curse us and pray for our defeat, where they will gather every Friday afternoon to hear sermons inciting jihad. Build it where a landing gear landed after passing through one of the towers; where a cloud of dust and ash including human remains flowed through the street several stories deep. No insult at all to the victims and their survivors. When Muslims conquer an area, after finishing the slaughter of innocents, they next tear down the local temple and replace it with a Mosque as a symbol of triumph and supremacy. Name it Cordoba House in honor of the symbol of the conquest of Spain. No insult at all, perfectly inoffensive; yeah, right.
"There is, in fact, no "Ground Zero mosque." It isn't a mosque."
What in Hell do they call Muslim prayer rooms?? If it ain't a Mosque, why does it need an Imam? Is Ground Zero a point, a dimensionless figure? How can it be limited to the footprint of a few destroyed structures when other surrounding structures suffered damage and collected body parts on their roofs? If you ask me, Ground Zero extends as far as the dust clouds reached when the towers collapsed.
"A mosque is a Muslim holy place in which only worship can be conducted."
They never do anything but pray in Mosques? No weddings; no funerals? No Jurgas? How about
bomb building? But bomb building is an act of worship.
Olbermann asserts that we are a threat to Muslims, inverting reality. At least one recent Mosque arson was perpetrated by a member of the congregation. How does the number of attacks on Mosques compare to the terrorist attacks recently failed or thwarted when the authorities got lucky?
"...terrorism by extremists who happen to be Muslim, and never face the shameful truth about our country: As the Jacksonville mosque bombing shows, since Sept. 11, Muslims have been at far greater risk of being victims of terrorism in the United States, than have non-Muslims."
"Extremists" is a shibboleth. Moe, who founded Islam, bragged about being
made victorious with terror. That makes him a terrorist.
Emulating Moe is normative Islam, not extremism. One Mosque, one pipe bomb. How many attacks on the WTC? How many attempted bombings? How many shootings? How many vehicular assaults? Muslims are more at risk than we are. Yeah, right.
Back to the name game.
"In Spain, in Cordoba, though the Muslims established multi-cultural, non-denominational institutions of learning, they were under constant attack from Christians, and from a series of internal all-Muslim Civil Wars."
So they established schools, big deal. What was the status of conquered Jews & Christians? Did Muslims treat them as equals? Why were there
45 Christian martyrs? Muslims were under attack from Christians, as if trying to reverse Muslim conquest is a great evil. Typical
Tard moral inversion.
Olberman continues by using argumentum Tu-Quoque to divert our attention from Islam.
"And is there not a logical extension to Mr. Gingrich's conclusions about Cordoba and "triumphalism?" Virtually every church, every synagogue, indeed every mosque built on this continent stands where a Native American lived, or died, or was buried, or saw his world — his religions included — wiped out. By us."
Watch the slick sleight of tongue.
"when the historical implications of Cordoba were made clear to the backers of this project, the property developer, Sharif Gamal, changed the name. They already compromised."
As if the developer was unaware of the historical context! A skunk by any other name will smell as pungent. Changing the name does not change the intent neither does it change the effect.
Following more flatulence about the location, Olberman spouts off about churches in the area, neatly overlooking the fact that that area had a largely Christian populace when those churches were constructed. Further, he avoids the story of the St. Nicholas Church which was destroyed by debris from the collapse. The bureaucrats have delayed rebuilding for nine years yet they hasten to expedite construction of a Mosque.
"People hear "Ground Zero Mosque" and they think Mecca in the backyard and a loud call to prayer and they take umbrage.":
What is it like at Masjid Ar Rahman?!
Who wants to hear that amplified caterwauling five times a day beginning at 4:30 a.m.??
Observe how he waves away the concern of a survivor.
We got no more than a few inches of skin and a couple of pieces of bone. Ground Zero is the burial place of my son," said Joyce Boland at the public hearing about the Center. "I don't want to go there and see an overwhelming mosque looking down at me."
I honor her pain, and her fear, but Mrs. Boland has nothing to worry about. Unless she walks directly to it, she'll never see it. This is what you see from where the Center will be. Another non-descript building across the street. This building and others like it will block views of the Trade Center, and views from the Trade Center."
How does Olbermann know what routes Mrs. Boland will take through the city? The Mosque will be reported in the news, common knowledge, and survivors will know about it. Muslims around the world will take pride and pleasure in it, viewing it as a symbol of triumph and supremacy. That will be an advantage to the terrorists for recruitment and financing.
In his self-righteous rant, Olbermann launches into kvetching about the invasion of Iraq, a topic entirely irrelevant to the Ground Zero Mosque. The invasion was poorly conceived and executed, Shrub attempted to do it on the cheap, compromising with domestic and international politics.
"We sacrificed 4,415 of our military personnel in Iraq to save Muslims, and there are thousands still there tonight to protect Muslims, but we don't want Muslims to open a combination culinary school and prayer space in Manhattan?"
We sacrificed 4,415 and billions of dollars to political correctness, sending men where we should have sent nukes. Everybody knows it but few have the courage to acknowledge objective factual reality. We are losing in Afghanistan and Iraq. We will continue to lose so long as their populations and governments remain Islamic. We wasted blood and treasure because Shrub refused to identify the enemy.
Observe the flow of sludge.
"From the beginning of this nation we have fought prejudice and religious intolerance and our greatest enemy: stupidity, exploited by rapacious politicians."
Islam epitomizes religious intolerance. Olberman probably has not read the Qur'an. Take 3:85, for example.
3:85. And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.
Islam declares war on us, how tolerant is that?
Olberman continues to spew sludge.
"Despite the nobility of our founding and the indefatigable efforts of all our generations, there have always been those who would happily sacrifice our freedoms, our principles, to ward off the latest unprecedented threat, the latest unbeatable outsiders. Once again, at 45 Park Place, we are being told to sell our birth-right, to feed the maw of xenophobia and vengeance and mob rule."
We will not sacrifice our freedoms; we seek to preserve our lives and liberties. Claiming abridgment of religious liberty in this Mosque dispute is a red herring. Islam is a war cult, not a legitimate religion. It denies the sanctity of our lives and property; it declares and is prosecuting war against us. Islam's mission is mercenary: Moe's personal emolument. Anyone who will read and comprehend Surah al-Anfal will realize the truth of this matter.
Islam attacked us two hundred years ago, forcing us to go into debt to pay tribute, killing and enslaving sailors. It killed millions all over the world, yet it is dismissed as an imaginary threat even though it recently killed three thousand and tried to kill more. The
Tard accuses us of abandoning freedom of religion to spite Islam.
Tards lack sufficient intelligence and knowledge to comprehend the fact that Islam denies freedom of religion. It attacks people solely based on their rejection of Islam. Christians are murdered with impunity in Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria & Pakistan. Their churches and houses are burned. Islamic law
imposes restrictions on Christians. Perhaps the
Tards should read it to see what they are supporting.
The spew continues.
"The terrorists who destroyed the buildings from which you could only see 45 Park Place as a dot on the ground, wanted to force us to change our country to become more like the ones they knew. What better way could we honor the dead of the World Trade Center, than to do the terrorists' heavy lifting for them? And do you think 45 Park Place is where it ends?"
They seek to impose Islam upon us, to kill us or force us to convert. Olbermann has the situation precisely inverted. Eliminating Islam from our soil would reduce the risk of further terror attacks and preserve, not threaten our liberty. Giving the enemy another base on our soil dishonors the victims in the worst way.
In his inverted way, Olberman gets one thing right.
"And in America, when somebody comes for your neighbor, or his bible, or his torah, or his Atheists' Manifesto, or his Koran, you and I do what our fathers did, and our grandmothers did, and our founders did you and speak up."
Islam seeks to impose its Shari'ah on us, to criminalize all criticism and questioning of Islam. They want to make the practice of Christianity illegal. I want no part of it. I want the enemy and his institutions out of my country! I do not want any enemy bases here! That does not make me a bigot, racist or Nazi.
I want you to sign these petitions, share them with your friends, family & associates and make them go viral. The text of those petitions contains the evidence which proves Olbermann wrong, exposing Islamic aggression, genocide & terrorism.
Thanks and a tip of the hat to
Bare Naked Islam.