OIC: Islamic Hypocrisy on Parade
OIC: Islamic Hypocrisy on Parade Weeks after the vote, the propaganda continues to flow from dhimmis chortling over their Pyhrric victory. Who better to deflate their balloon than Pakistan's U.N. Ambassador? Was anyone listening? Was anyone paying attention? Of course not, that would interfere with their beloved fantasies.
The link to the pdf file did not work, so I transcribed the video, a long, hard slog because of connection problems and slow typing speed. This is probably not perfect word for word, but it is close.
Owing to the length and target rich environment, I will place my comments in an enumerated list linked to superscripts in the text. Click the superscript to read my comment, press your Back Space key to return to your place in the text.
Mr. Zamir Akram
Thank you Mr. President. On behalf of the OIC countries, I have the honor to introduce the draft resolution entitled "combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of and discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons based on religion or belief contained in document L.38.
Mr. President: this resolution addresses a number of issues1 over which the OIC has been expressing concern over the years. having said that, I wish to state categorically that this resolution does not replace earlier resolutions on combating defamation.2 which were adopted by the Human Rights Council and remain valid. This resolution L.38 is an attempt on the part of the oic to build consensus3 on an issue of vital importance not only to Muslims but to people of all religions and beliefs by identifying ways and means to deal with the growing problems of religious incitement4 and discrimination and incitement to hatred5 and violence6 based on religion or belief.
At the heart of this resolution are a series of practical steps7 which need to be taken by states in order to address this problem. This resolution addresses the core issues in a manner that is acceptable to all including in a legal sense, thus seeking to bring all stake holders on board. The OIC has gone the extra mile to maintain a spirit of constructive engagement8 with all partners during this process of consultation.
Our primary objective is to ensure that this text, which will hopefully be adopted by consensus, will bind us all to the commitments contained therein and oblige us all to ensure compliance with its decisions. 9
Mr. President: Muslims around the world continue to be confronted with ever increasing instances of intolerance, negative stereotyping10, stigmatization, discrimination and violence on the basis of their religion; Islam. Objective academic studies reveal that following the end of the cold war, the pernicious doctrine of a clash of civilizations signaled the start of a narrative that required the construction of a new enemy11 to replace the global threat of Communism with the so-called menace of Islam.
The reprehensible acts of terrorism on September 11, 2001 provided the trigger to unleash the clash of civilizations to the forefront of global politics.12 In the general Western view, no distinction was made between a handful of extremists and terrorists13 and the overwhelming majority of peaceful and law abiding Muslims14 living around the world. To make matters worse, against the backdrop of the recent global economic crisis, these fears of Islam and Muslims are now being manipulated by irresponsible and bigoted Western politicians15 to gain political mileage in their countries, unfortunately, with remarkable success.
Terms such as Islamofascists have become common. Even the Qur'an has not been spared;16 it has been compared to Hitler's Mein Kampf. More recently, it was tried for religious crimes and burnt. Minarets at mosques deliberately depicted on posters as missiles, have been banned. There have even been restrictions on shops selling halal food, while no such restrictions exist on kosher food outlets which are similar.
There is also increasing discrimination against Muslims in various parts of the world. They are being subjected to racial profiling which confronts them with intractable problems at every border where they are checked and re-checked.17 Their businesses are repeatedly scrutinized and their places of worship disallowed or desecrated. They are made to feel unwelcome in societies where they live as minorities.
One prominent politician has recently organized hearings that seek to put on trial the entire Muslim community and are obviously designed to stoke fears against Muslims in that country.
Mr. President, the efforts by the oic to defend our religion, our holy book and our prophet and our people have often been misrepresented as being contrary to international human rights principles and laws, and in particular, rejected as undermining the freedom of expression or opinion18. The reality is different. It is therefore appropriate in such a position, for us to try and explain our faith and our principles. I hope, Mr. President, you will give me a bit of extra time to do so.
Mr President: the Qur'an lays great emphasis on the need for religious tolerance19 as well as freedom of thought and opinion. In chapter 2, verse 256, the Qur'an states there is no compulsion in religion.20 In chapter 18, verse 29, the Qur'an maintains that truth is from your Lord, so let him who please believe and him who please disbelieve.21 As regards freedom of thought and opinion in Islam, the Qur'an states, in chapter 16, in verse 125 invite all to the way of your creator with wisdom and arguments that are the best and most gracious. The Qur'an and the traditions of the holy prophet also lay emphasis on the treatment of non-Muslims. According to Prophet Muhammad, (PBUH), he who hurts a non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state I am his adversary and I shall be his adversary on the day of judgment. 22
Mr. President: it is also instructive for us to know that we Muslims are not only bound by temporal laws to respect human rights but by divine enjunctions contained in the Qur'an. The basic human rights as ordained in the Qur'an23 include the rights to life, individual freedom, justice, equality, privacy, association and basic necessities of life or minimum standard of living. These obligations also include respect for women, equality among human beings, freedom of expression, protection from arbitrary imprisonment and the right to oppose tyranny and injustice. the last sermon of the prophet (PBUH) is, in itself, a comprehensive charter of human rights. Islam has even established a complete code for the right of combatants in war. Measures for the protection of all combatants as well as homes and property belonging to them.24
Mr. President: I have dwelt at length on these characteristics of Islam because I want to underscore the common principles that underlie our faith and the requirements of international law including international human rights and humanitarian law. Indeed, given the tremendous contributions by Islam in various fields of human activity over the years, these principles have contributed to the evolution of the very principles that we are trying to uphold today.
Mr. President, we sincerely believe that that irrespective of our different cultural backgrounds and traditions, there is a shared interest for all of us to show respect for each other's religions and beliefs25 as well as to prevent any advocacy of religious hatred and intolerance, discrimination and incitement26 on the basis of religion or belief.
The resolution under consideration seeks to achieve these laudable objectives through a range of actions by states including administrative steps, measures to criminalize imminent violence, training and awareness programs, promotion of dialogue and understanding at all levels. The resolution also calls for a global dialogue for the promotion of a culture of tolerance and peace and in this context it decides to convene a panel discussion in the Human Rights Council. We hope that this resolution will be adopted by consensus. Before concluding, Mr. President, I would like to place on record my appreciation for the support and cooperation of all my colleagues in the oic and in particular, members of the core group of ambassadors that we set up to work out this resolution. I have truly benefited from the wisdom and advice and without their support this text would not have been possible. I would also like to thank the Secretary General of the oic whose support and guidance made this resolution possible. In addition I would like to express my appreciation -- my sincere appreciation to all our partners in the various groups, especially the ambassadors of the U.S. and the U.K. on behalf of the European Union for their cooperative and constructive approach. Let me also thank the ambassadors from the African group, grulac and Croatia for their cooperation and engagement in this effort. I am glad that this oic initiative has met with broad cross regional support which will send out a strong message of unity from this council. Finally I would like to thank the experts from Pakistan, the U.S., the U.K. and other countries for their tireless efforts to work out the text of this resolution. I thank you Mr. president.
- Refer to previous resolutionsI and the Islamophobia ReportsII to identify those issues. The expression includes them by reference, excluding nothing. The 'defamation of Islam' concept has not been abandoned.
- There you have the categorical statement: the 'defamation' construct has not been supplanted, it stands undiminished, included by reference to previous resolutions which are not abrogated.
- "Build consensus" means rope the suckers in by concealing the hook with external references so they can pretend there is no hook and swallow it with relish.
- "Religious incitement" lacks a common definition. to Muslims, it includes any negative reference to any aspect of their cult. To reasonable people possessing common sense, it includes the rabble rousing rants at Jumah Salat which incite riots.
- Incitement to hatred, how horrible! The Ambassador relies on your ignorance of Al-Wala’ Wa’l-Bara’III "Both the Book and the Sunnah have enjoined the community to love for the Sake of Allah, hate for His Sake, and to take both friends and enemies for His Sake; to the point that one would prefer to be cast into the flames rather than return to disbelief, after having been saved by Allah from it." Hatred for the sake of Allah. Let that sink in for a moment.
- When Geert Wilders published Fitna, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon had something instructive to say. I want you to recognize and remember it. Exactly what hate speech did Wilders utter? How did he incite violence??
- Translation: legislation; they demand that criticism of Islam be outlawed.
- Translation: we maintained ambiguity with smoke and mirrors to conceal the true meaning of the text from the unwary.
- By allowing this drek to pass without a vote; by failing to object to it, Obamination sucked it in, hook line and sinker, obligating itself to violate the first amendment.
- "Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with terrorism and human rights violations." That is what 'negative stereotyping' is about: they want to outlaw mention of the ayat & ahadith which sanctify, mandate and exemplify the fundamentally Islamic tactic: terrorism. IV
- The Armenian genocide was perpetrated by Communists. The numerous hijackings, shootings, fraggings & abductions of the 1970s & '80s were perpetrated by Communists. Beslan, London, Madrid & New York are figments of our imagination. Yeah, right.
- The bombings of 1993 & 2005 don't count, do they? Yeah, right, it all began in 2001, not in 623 with raids on camel caravans.
- The same old shibboleth: "tiny minority of extremists". What did Allah & Moe say about casting terror? IV Jihad is a "communal obligation"
It does not require the universal participation of the Ummah unless Dar Ul-Islam is invaded and in danger of being overrun. - Are they Muslims or not? Do they practice Islam or not? Do they obey Allah or not? Do they emulate Moe or not? Which of them will abjure what Allah said? Which of them will abjure what Moe said? "I will cast terror."; "Allah cast terror." & "I have been made victorious with terror.". IV Denouncing those statements is an act of apostasy, subjecting the Muslim who does to to the death penalty.
- This refers to Rep. Peter King and the hearing in the Homeland Security Committee. They investigated 'radicalization' & 'co-operation', not Islam.
- Why should the Qur'an be exempt from questioning & criticism? Does it or does it not sanctify & mandate terrorism? IV Does it or does it not command global conquest?VII Does it or does it not sanction rape?VIII Does it or does it not sanction misogyny?IX
- Beslan, London, Madrid, WTC1 & WTC2 were all perpetrated by blond, blue eyed Baptists? Were all those plots interdicted by lucky police & investigators plotted by Methodists? Who is it that is promised eternity in the celestial bordello X, gaining Brownie Points for any step taken to enrage or injure us?XI
- They want to make this blog post illegal; uttering and publishing it a criminal act punishable by fine and imprisonment. They would jail cartoonists & film makers. But no breech of human rights; perish the thought.
- Allah explicitly said that whoever sought a different religion, it would never be accepted of him.XII Allah commanded Muslims to wage perpetual war against pagans, Jews, Christians & Zoroastrians. VII How tolerant!!!
- "No compulsion in religion" : "Fight them until"..."only Allah is worshiped". The conflict is resolved by the science of Abrogation.XIII Latter revelations abrogate earlier revelations with which they conflict. Surah At-Taubah was the last or next to last to be revealed. Surah Al-Baqarah 256 is abrogated, superseded by a less tolerant verse.
- Surah Al-Kahf was number 69 in sequence of revelation: it is abrogated. The Ambassador cites abrogated verses because he is confident that we are unaware of the science of abrogation. He is practicing kitman: deceit by obfuscation.
- A search of Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud and Malik's Muwatta failed to turn up that hadith. It did not show up in Tafsir Ibn Kathir. It did not turn up in Juynboll's Encyclopedia of Canonical Hadith. Tafsir Ibn Kathir. It did not turn up in Juynboll's Encyclopedia of Canonical Hadith. Tafsir Ibn Kathir. It did not turn up in Juynboll's Encyclopedia of Canonical Hadith. Tafsir Ibn Kathir. It did not turn up in Juynboll's Encyclopedia of Canonical Hadith. Tafsir Ibn Kathir. It did not turn up in Juynboll's Encyclopedia of Canonical Hadith.
- Qur'anic rights are for Muslims only. If you will read Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387XIV, you will discover that our blood & property are not sacred to Muslims and we only obtain rights by becoming Muslims.
- The rules of warfare are laid out in Reliance of the Traveller, Book O, Chapter 9.10. Be sure to read O9.12 through 9.15 for a real eye opener.XV
- Of course Islam shows tremendous respect for Christianity; so much respect that they only curse us seventeen times every day. It declares us the worst of living creatures and denies the tenets of our faith. XVI Islam is so respectful!
- Incitement to violence; none of that in Islam is there? "Urge the Muslims to fight"...:"if there be a hundred steadfast persons they will overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are people who do not understand."XVII
- Combating defamation of religions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly,
- http://www.oic-oci.org/page_detail.asp?p_id=182
- http://tawheednyc.com/aqeedah/al%20walaa%20wal%20baraa/alwalawalbara2.pdf
- 3:151, 8:12, 8:57, 8:60, 33:26, 59:2, 59:13, Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 7, Number 331,
Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 220 - http://www.islamicbulletin.com/free_downloads/resources/reliance_complete.pdf#page=622
- http://www.islamicbulletin.com/free_downloads/resources/reliance_complete.pdf#page=613 [Continue through O8.7.]
- 8:39, 9:29
- 4:24, Sahih Bukhari 5.59.459
- 2:223, 4:34, 2:282
- 78:31, 61:10
- 9:120
- 3:85
- 2:106, 16:101
- http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/hadith/bukhari/008.sbt.html#001.008.387
- http://www.islamicbulletin.com/free_downloads/resources/reliance_complete.pdf#page=621
- 1:7, 98:6, 2:161, 4:157
- 8:65