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This Blog Is Moving

Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site. Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing. Hence, I now have a paid site and will be migrating the last 1400+ posts shortly.

So, one day, you just may click this page somewhere and it will show up as "private". It has been fun but the intolerant Czarbie Goon Squads are brain dead idiots. They can come play at the new site which I OWN outright.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Obama Youth: The Lame Stream Deafly Silent


The ongoing saga can be read at the following here at TOCB:

Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corps
The Aspirants To The Presidency Say A Lot Of Things, But...
Obama's Brown Shirts Faux Pas Gains More Scrutiny
Op-Ed: Sith Lord Obama and His Civilian National Security Force
What Does Barack Obama Intend? (video snippet) (You Tube)
Pat Dollard: Pissed Off And Wants Blood
Baracks' Civilian National Security Force - Continuing Saga Unfolding
Sith Lord Obama: Another Gaffe?
Obama: The Subtleties of A Dictatorial Tyrant
Barack Obama To Be Protected By Terror Group
When A Duck Wadddles, Does It Look Like A Barack?
And All The People Said?
Nobama's Civilian National Security Forces Explained?
Czarbama and the Civilian National Security Forces
National Service Act: Czarbama's CNSF?
Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corp
Even Czarbama's Following Knows Something Ain't Quite Kosher
We Live In Upside Down Land
The Obama Youth: What's Next?
Barack's Civilian Army Just Keeps Getting More And More Intreresting
National Service Act: Amerika's Newest Conscript Nation

I took a 10-minute segment of the American Truth Warrior's Take Our Country Back BTR show from 12 JUL 08 and sent it to several of the Lame Stream Media outlets to see what would come of it. The previous emails haven't resulted in any coverage but, I shall not stop making a pest of myself.

Personally, I demand an answer from Barack Obama himself and not from some flunky staffer. Obama made the statements, not his staff. So far, I have only found three others blogging on this subject and they are listed in the articles linked above. Upon further discovery, there is one other called Cryptic Subterranean, and they list two others. Including us at A Newt One, that makes a total of six. Not enough. Now, when the limp minded blindly swallow that which Obama screeches on about, it is any wonder no one calls him on his crappola? For instance, there is one blogger that has opined about and agrees with Obama when it comes to "private armies". I didn't see anything over there about Obama's Private Army. Go figure. Appropriately so, the blog is called The Inside Dope. No doubt. (Since the poor thing hasn't a tenth of our traffic, I decided to send that one a bone.)

Now, granted, back in December of 2007, Fox News did run a piece on Barack's plan to expand AmeriCorps and the Peace Corps but there was no mention of bringing them to an equal par of the United States Military as he stated in the AARP piece. Simply amazing. He utilizes incremental posturing as he underwhelms Patriots like myself and overwhelms sycophants of the Leftinistra.

Real Clear Politics also wrote of the AmeriCorps and Peace Corps expansion back in March of 2008 but again, no mention of the $500B budget and like-military training.

Other posts here, here, and here also speak of the expansion but nothing of the militaristic version of the expansion, the last one listed being approximately 10 days before the verbiage that peeked my interest.

In my constant quest for Truth in this matter, I find it painfully obvious that no one is paying attention to this Obama Youth mantra. Let me throw his quote out there for you...
[...] Obama promised to increase AmeriCorps slots from 75,000 to 250,000 and pledged to double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011. [...]

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said Wednesday. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." [...]
What is so damned puzzling is that the AARP is dated the same as all the other recent 02 JUL 08 articles in the Lame Stream but not ONE of them mentioned the "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded" statement. All they say is that Obama is calling for more community service. Since when are community service folks trained, equipped and budgeted as the US Armed Forces?

What gives with that?

Barack's Civilian Army Just Keeps Getting More and More Interesting


In my massive and on-going data stream collection depot on everything I can find Obama, I have decided that it really is scary in there. I know I haven't collected all there is on Obama because that would require a full time staff of an unknown-at-this point number of people and all I have is me. With that said, there is enough data RIGHT HERE, that I add to on a daily basis, where one can go and read and study the subject Obama. And, I am forewarning you, it is scary in there.

We have been writing about the topic of Barack's opining on how he wants to nearly quadruple AmeriCorps and double the Peace Corps. In his own words, and I wish there was audio of this somewhere, he wants this new civilian force to be on an equal par with the United States Military. That is not a paraphrase. And, I quote:
[...] Obama promised to increase AmeriCorps slots from 75,000 to 250,000 and pledged to double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011. [...]

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said Wednesday. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." [...]
For those of you that make the claim that this doesn't really mean what it says, I will ask someone to please explain to our readers and myself just exactly what the above quote does mean. Is this yet another typical Leftinistra gimmick topic such as the "IS" issue a few years ago that crops up from time to time? I ask because inquiring minds demand answers from the man Obama as he aspires to be President. Take note of the following, if you are able to follow.

In an interview on MSLSD back in July 0f 2007, Barack said the following in regards to Troops in Iraq:
[...] The United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn't a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there. [...]
Oh? We won't go into the issues that "some folks" sent US Troops to do just that in Somalia and Kosovo and have, in the past, demanded the same action in Darfur - utilizing US Troops in this manner. Was he beginning to lead up to his Civilian Forces program back then? If we cannot utilize our military to stem the tide of injustices amongst the tyrannical and dictatorial regimes to prevent genocidal activity - namely - pulling out of Iraq, will his Civilian Army take their place? And, if so, will we then even need the United States Military at that point?

If Obama gets his Civilian Army "up to par" with the current United States Military, as he so stated that they would be, does this mean that they will have the exact same training and equipment? He says so. Doesn't he?

If you have any doubts, read his words again. In addition, is he prepared to reform AmeriCorps from what it is at this moment in time? Is he going to have these kids - and I mean kids - as in teenagers - routed through Marine, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Army Boot Camps and teach them the art of Making War and defending the Nation against both foreign and domestic enemies? If the military is not to be used to curtail genocide or to defend the nation anymore, who, then, will? AmeriCorps? Read his words again and let me know where I am wrong here. Please? Better yet, have Obama explain this "program". OK? Just remember what the organization AmeriCorps is currently operating as. Click the image above or visit their web site. It most certainly is not any where near capable to either add to tghe functionality of or to replace the United States Military.

Now, about the Peace Corps. In the image to the left, one can see the Mission of the Peace Corps and it is primarily an educational tool to "teach others about America". This organization, much like AmeriCorps is comprised of young kids. They don't have the training that the United States Military does. Is Barack Obama set to send these kids to Marine, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Army Boot Camps and teach them the art of Making War and defending the Nation against both foreign and domestic enemies? Is he truly serious about this or is this merfely yet another example of pandering and catering to an emotional electorate - the kinds that have been indoctrinated into the America Bashing crowds? The more I study this subject, the more eerie it becomes.

If this is the case, who then is going to replace the kids in these organizations to perform the work, duties and the stated Missions of these organizations? Also, what does he plan on doing with the United States Military that is already trained to do the very jobs that his proposed Civilian Army will do?

This is absurdly insane. The image to the left just may be a portent to come. I have always and long believed and vocally stated in times past that the United States Military has stood in the path of the Leftinistra as they try to take this nation over from within. Perhaps this is Barack's way to ensure that the United States Military is so marginalized and dysfunctional that it is rendered ineffective to uphold their member's Oaths of Service in regards to defending the United States Constitution against both foreign and domestic enemies. We all know that the American Communist organizations openly state and, frankly, are quite vocal about supporting Barack Obama and hope that he gains the position he so lusts after...President of the United Socialist States of America.

Who are the people behind this Poster Child of Wander Lust, one Barack Hussein Obama, that so aspires to be First Czar of America? Having studied and investigated this man, it is becoming more and more evident each and every day that he is certainly unfit for or to be in command of a jelly bean eating contest, let alone CIC of American Armed Forces. Especially if he truly believes that his Civilian National Security Forces can do the job of America's Finest.

Stop the world! I want to get off now.

Also remember, please, if you will, that Barack Hussein Obama, stands with and supports Code Pink.

Previous posts:

Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corps
The Aspirants To The Presidency Say A Lot Of Things, But...
Obama's Brown Shirts Faux Pas Gains More Scrutiny
Op-Ed: Sith Lord Obama and His Civilian National Security Force
What Does Barack Obama Intend? (video snippet) (You Tube)
Pat Dollard: Pissed Off And Wants Blood
Baracks' Civilian National Security Force - Continuing Saga Unfolding
Sith Lord Obama: Another Gaffe?
Obama: The Subtleties of A Dictatorial Tyrant
Barack Obama To Be Protected By Terror Group
When A Duck Wadddles, Does It Look Like A Barack?
And All The People Said?
Nobama's Civilian National Security Forces Explained?
Czarbama and the Civilian National Security Forces
National Service Act: Czarbama's CNSF?
Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corp
Even Czarbama's Following Knows Something Ain't Quite Kosher
We Live In Upside Down Land
The Obama Youth: What's Next?
Barack's Civilian Army Just Keeps Getting More And More Intreresting
National Service Act: Amerika's Newest Conscript Nation



I would like to direct our readers to my collection of posts and articles on the passing of the Hero Tony Snow. Be forewarned, however. Some I have collected are truly disrespectful.

Debating the Leftinistra: They Have Nothing To Stand On


Case in point is represented in the screen shot to the left. Three friends of ours on BTR are forging into the enemy's lair this evening in an attempt to debate the undebatable. With that said, we wish them Semper Fi. I can hardly wait for the download.

When you click the photo to the left, you will find the very thing the Leftinistra are so wrong about. Also, many Americans are in the same sinking ship because they have no earthly idea of that which they pretend that they do hope to think that they might know one day. The United States is not a Democracy. That's all there is to it. The term "Democracy" is a buzz word because it is so much easier to say "democracy" than it is to say "democratically elected federal republic". Hello? Anyone out there?

Please read this post and get back with us, OK?

The misunderstanding of what this Nation was Founded upon is that which needs to be corrected and addressed. Until then, any debating on any issue and/or topic based upon a premise surrounding "democracy" is a waste of time and energy.
[...] The Father of our Constitution, James Madison had this to say about a pure Democracy, "there is nothing to check the inducement to sacrifice the weaker party or the obnoxious individual." Truer words have rarely been spoken. So, then, we may gather that a Democracy, in its purest form can lead to tyranny. So, is Democracy good then? Ask John Adams. He had this gem to express, "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." [...]
We MUST return to our Founding if this nation is to survive because the politicians would MUCH "Rather" have a "democracy" because there is no electoral accountability therein.

Think about that.


Don't Feed The Trolls


Just sayin'


Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Obama Youth: What's Next?


Way back on 09 JUL 08, I penned a piece entitled, We Live In Upside Down Land, where we discussed the initial findings of the Obama Civilian Army. Since then, it has become even more clear the true intent. In the process of looking for this in the Lame Stream Media, I ran across these two pieces by observing links placed in several BTR chat rooms. One link is at Exurban League, Arizona's leading political blog and the other is The American Pundit. I originally read the initial data at the AARP site here.
[...] LOL WUT? Obama's going to create a civilian national security force as strong as the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines - combined? With the same budget? And hardware, apparently? Holy %^&*! [...]
I am curious as to what the hieroglyphics mean? ROFLMAO!

WE cannot afford to NOT demand an explanation to this. Some seem to think that the Obama premise would be a good idea to free up our military from duties that the Obama Civilian Army could do. I would sort of kind of maybe or maybe not could be might sort of go along with that IF it wasn't so painfully obvious that the Leftinistra are currently whining that our CURRENT military is being used as the world's police force. If Obama gets this "program" active, wouldn't they be doing the same thing that our military does? If so, then what is the difference? If not, what is the purpose of the Obama Civilian Army?

Just sayin'.

Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corps
The Aspirants To The Presidency Say A Lot Of Things, But...
Obama's Brown Shirts Faux Pas Gains More Scrutiny
Op-Ed: Sith Lord Obama and His Civilian National Security Force
What Does Barack Obama Intend? (video snippet) (You Tube)
Pat Dollard: Pissed Off And Wants Blood
Baracks' Civilian National Security Force - Continuing Saga Unfolding
Sith Lord Obama: Another Gaffe?
Obama: The Subtleties of A Dictatorial Tyrant
Barack Obama To Be Protected By Terror Group
When A Duck Wadddles, Does It Look Like A Barack?
And All The People Said?
Nobama's Civilian National Security Forces Explained?
Czarbama and the Civilian National Security Forces
National Service Act: Czarbama's CNSF?
Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corp
Even Czarbama's Following Knows Something Ain't Quite Kosher
We Live In Upside Down Land
The Obama Youth: What's Next?
Barack's Civilian Army Just Keeps Getting More And More Intreresting
National Service Act: Amerika's Newest Conscript Nation

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We Live In Upside Down Land


According to the Rasmussen Poll, 9% of Americans think that the current CONgress is doing a good to great job. That means that 81% of Americans think that the current CONgress is doing a fair to poor job. Most of you know that I don't hold polls in high esteem when it comes to elections, especially the current presidential elections. However, it is painfully obvious to all that the 110th CONgress has been a pathetic one from the beginning primarily because the current crop of leadership and majority lied to get into office in the first place. (Robert has previously reported on this data here)

Now, having said all of the above, what is so perplexing is this. If you ask folks, as we did in my latest trek through Michigan on the Man On The Street Campaign we conducted, what they thought of the CONgress Critters, the vast majority said they would vote for Democrats.

So, learning that from these people, we asked certain key questions. (At the time the DNC led CONgress was at 11%.) We asked and stated that the Democrat led CONgress is at 11% approval rating. The DNC leadership through the years has created a circumstance that has forced the USA to be nearly totally dependent on foreign oil thus driving the costs to all time highs. The DNC leaders have the worst records of corruption in the history of this nation. The DNC leaders have violated the Logan Act continually "negotiating" their version of Foreign Policy in direct violation of the laws on the books because of their hatred of President Bush. Who are you voting for this year when 79% of the country thinks that the DNC led CONgress is pathetic and not doing what they promised the people they would do? Most of them said Democrats.

Someone please explain that to me.

And yes, we do in fact live in upside down land.

Now, after hearing this, we performed an operation that took courage and chutzpah. We took laptops and went where there was free WIFI (sometimes not) in various eateries and hotel lobbies and began a re-education process and were highly successful. We targeted college students in college towns at facilities either on the premises of colleges or at least near by where the Young Ones hung out.

The Bottom Line we discovered is as follows: the students ALL had the "understanding" that the country was in such sad shape because of the Republican Party whose leaders were Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and John Jerk Off Jack Murtha.


This is pure craziness. We have Academia purposefully misleading their captured audiences?


And now, on top of that, we have Obama the Marxist, wanting to have an armed Civilian Force so we don't have to fully rely on the military for our National Security? My first impression upon first hearing of this was an image of the Hitler Youth. I first ran into this over at the pathetic AARP. Why? Because I am a member of the Senile Citizen Club, that's why and I was reading their indoctrination crap.

Afterwards, I read this at Little Green Footballs and we discussed it on the JPA Live show. Simply amazing this is. Why is this not FULLY attacked by the lazy - well, I answered that with the lazy word. This is another example as to where the GOP/RNC people need to go an a tear and rant to ask this Marxist idiot just what in the hell he is planning and just how in the hell he is planning to finance such a project.
[...] Obama promised to increase AmeriCorps slots from 75,000 to 250,000 and pledged to double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011. [...]

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said Wednesday. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." [...]
Naturally, there is always this bit of lame rhetoric...another touchy-feely sound good idiotic tenet...
[...] "Our destiny as Americans is tied up with one another," he said. "If we are less respected in the world, then you will be less safe." [...]
[...] Is he even aware that the Department of Defense's current base budget is close to $500 billion? Obama is going to create a civilian force with this level of funding and equipment? To do what? [END]
Great questions, yes? We live in odd times where we are watching the List of 45 unfold and the Sheeple laugh and watch American Idol.

Lock and load people.

Vote it up at Digital Journal and Real Clear Politics...

Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corps
The Aspirants To The Presidency Say A Lot Of Things, But...
Obama's Brown Shirts Faux Pas Gains More Scrutiny
Op-Ed: Sith Lord Obama and His Civilian National Security Force
What Does Barack Obama Intend? (video snippet) (You Tube)
Pat Dollard: Pissed Off And Wants Blood
Baracks' Civilian National Security Force - Continuing Saga Unfolding
Sith Lord Obama: Another Gaffe?
Obama: The Subtleties of A Dictatorial Tyrant
Barack Obama To Be Protected By Terror Group
When A Duck Wadddles, Does It Look Like A Barack?
And All The People Said?
Nobama's Civilian National Security Forces Explained?
Czarbama and the Civilian National Security Forces
National Service Act: Czarbama's CNSF?
Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corp
Even Czarbama's Following Knows Something Ain't Quite Kosher
We Live In Upside Down Land
The Obama Youth: What's Next?
Barack's Civilian Army Just Keeps Getting More And More Intreresting
National Service Act: Amerika's Newest Conscript Nation

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