CAIR Denounces Santorum's Call for Profiling
One of my Google Alerts was triggered by an article about a CAIR press release demanding that the GOP denounce Rick Santorum's debate answer on profiling. Video of the debate segment is linked below, and embedded where possible. Play it twice, once to listen and once to watch the facial expressions and gestures, particularly those of Rep. Paul and Herman Cain.
The text of CAIR's press release and my analysis follow the video. Thanks and a tip of the hat to Breitbart!
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on the Republican Party to repudiate GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum's call for profiling of American Muslims.
In a debate aired on CNN last night, Santorum was asked if he would support ethnic and religious profiling. CNN's Wolf Blitzer, the debate's moderator, asked Santorum: "So just to be precise, is it ethnic profiling, religious profiling, who would be profiled?"
"The folks who are most likely to be committing these crimes," replied Santorum. "Obviously Muslims would be someone you'd look at, absolutely."
Video: Rick Santorum Calls for Profiling of Muslims
In a statement released today, CAIR National Legislative Director Corey Saylor said:
"Last night, Rick Santorum casually tossed aside every American's constitutional right to equal protection under the law in favor of discriminatory profiling of Muslims. Mr. Santorum's obvious lack of appreciation for the Constitution and for the rejection of profiling by top law enforcement experts raises reasonable questions about his ability to lead our multi-faith nation.
"The International Association of Chiefs of Police and other security specialists reject racial profiling. President Bush called it 'wrong.' In 2009, President Obama pledged to end the counterproductive practice.
"We remind Mr. Santorum that the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him), a man of Middle Eastern heritage, would fit his 'profile.'
"It is time for all Republican presidential candidates to reject Islamophobic rhetoric. Just as past candidates have learned the folly of targeting other religious or ethnic minorities, serious presidential hopefuls must reject the use anti-Muslim smears and the exploitation of Islamophobia for cheap political gain."
CAIR also thanked another GOP presidential candidate, Representative Ron Paul of Texas, for rejecting profiling and refusing to sacrifice the rule of law.
A CAIR Legislative Fact Sheet states that profiling is unconstitutional, hinders anti-terrorism efforts and "diverts precious law enforcement resources away from investigations of individuals who have been linked to terrorist activity by specific and credible evidence."
SEE: CAIR Legislative Fact Sheet on Profiling
Earlier this year, Santorum called "Sharia," or Islamic principles, "evil." He told a group in New Hampshire: "We need to define it and say what it is. And it is evil." In a past "lecture on Islam," Santorum falsely claimed the Quran, Islam's revealed text, was written in "Islamic."
SEE: Santorum, GOP Continue Anti-Sharia Campaign
Last week, CAIR called on state and national GOP leaders to demand the resignation of a Tennessee lawmaker after he suggested in a radio interview that U.S. Muslims should "go back to where they came from" if they objected to his recent call for the removal of all Muslims serving in the military.
CAIR: TN GOP Rep. Tells Muslims to 'Go Back to Where They Came From'
A number of recent reports have documented the disturbing growth and promotion of Islamophobia in American society.
CAIR: Same Hate, New Target
Center for American Progress: Fear, Inc.
Southern Poverty Law Center: Jihad Against Islam
People for the American Way: The Right-Wing Playbook on Anti-Muslim Extremism
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
CONTACT: CAIR National Legislative Director Corey Saylor, 202-384-8857, E-Mail:; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, or 202-488-8787, E-Mail:; CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin, 202-488-8787, 202-341-4171, E-Mail:
SOURCE Council on American-Islamic Relations
called on GOP to repudiate
The days of the smoke filled room backstage at the national convention are long gone. The real nominating process belongs to the party membership, not to the hierarchy. Condemning stands taken by candidates is not the role of the RNC or the state central committees.CAIR is engaging in intimidation tactics, trying to cast terror into the hearts of nervous Nellie political consultants who conceive of political correctness as holy writ. The RNC, Santorum and the rational candidates should denounce CAIR's political terror tactics and tell CAIR to sit down, shut up and mind their own business.
I swear that, if the Republican Party surrenders to CAIR's outrageous demand, lifting Allah's tail and inserting their tongues, I will not vote for any Republican candidate who does not explicitly condemn Islam.
profiling of American Muslims
That is a prime example of misdirection. Attention of security personnel should be focused on Muslims, regardless of nationality. While 9/11 was perpetrated by foreigners, many of the recent plots involved American citizens. When you hear hoof beats, do you look for unicorns or horses?just to be precise
Precise questioning is a good thing, particularly in court rooms, but in this case, what appears on the surface, to be precision is entrapment. A genuine precision question would not include "precise" in its rhetoric. I have no doubt that Blitzer was setting Santorum up for this.ethnic || religious: who would be profiled
That question misdirects attention away from the real issue. Terrorism is an intrinsic function of Islam, not primarily linked to nationality or race. Most recent mass casualty terror attacks have been perpetrated by Muslims.Islam is neither a race nor a religion; it is a way of life which dictates every facet of human life, spiritual & temporal. Islam has inseverable & interdependent religious, economic and military components. All of those components involve jihad. Jihad is the preferred alternative to trade & agriculture economies.
Little old Catholic ladies and Baptist babies do not commit terror attacks, young Muslim men do. That should be a clue for you. Rep. Paul cites Timothy McVeigh, the exception which proves the rule. How many nitrate bombs have been planned or planted by lapsed Catholics? Compare that to the number of improvised explosive devices planned or planted by Muslims.
Muslims come in all colors. Eliminate Islam and Islamic terrorism will be eliminated. If you want travel to be safe, exclude Muslims from mass transit facilities and vehicles. That would impede but not stop the Times Square Bomber. To stop the multitude of alternative attack methods and venues, it is necessary to remove and exclude those persons most likely to engage in terrorism: Muslims.
most likely to be committing: Muslims
Why would Santorum say that? Baptists, Buddhists & Hindus are not turning up in the news for bombings every month, Muslims are. Why is that? Who besides Moe preached and exemplified terrorism to his disciples? "Its Islam, stupid!" Why did Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his excellent companions attack us? Get a clue.
Obviously Muslims
It is obvious to Santorum why is it not obvious to others? Is it not common knowledge that Islamic terrorism is perpetrated by Muslims? Is it not common knowledge that terror attacks are an act of worship? Is it not common knowledge that Allah commanded casting terror into the hearts of enemies? Is it not common knowledge that disbelievers are the enemies of Muslims? Those facts are objectively true, why are they not common knowledge? The answers are political correctness and intimidation.constitutional right to equal protection
Equal protection of the laws means no class distinctions; nobody is punished or immunized based on his social or economic status. Equal protection means that Baptists, Catholics & atheists are all protected from Islamic terror attacks by excluding terrorists from places where innocent people congregate. Applying extra scrutiny to those persons most likely to engage in terror attacks does not deny equal protection of the laws. It does not impair anyone's constitutional rights. One bright Tuesday in September, '01, several thousand people had their right to life denied by Muslims who hijacked aircraft. Keeping those Muslims off of those flights would not have impaired any rights. Keeping them out of this nation would not have impaired anyone's rights.
appreciation for the Constitution
The Constitution provides protection for the right to life and the right to free speech. It is CAIR, not Santorum who lacks appreciation for those rights. CAIR demands censorship of all criticism of Islam. CAIR applies intimidation tactics to close private venues to those who speak out against it. CAIR seeks to deny effective protection from terror attacks. This is a prime example of hypocrisy & enforcement experts
Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy. Terrorism is a military issue, not a law enforcement issue. Had all Muslims been excluded from all domestic flights as they should be, the Accursed Abomination would have been impossible; 3000 people would be alive and healthy. Why has Israel not lost any aircraft recently? How did they stop hijackings and prevent flying bombs? If you want to stop air based terrorism, consult Israel's experts forst.lead our multi-faith nation
How do the leadership requirements vary between monocultural and multicultural nations? What difference does it make to the Presidency whether we have no, 1, 2 or any number of religions? The President can not lead Muslims. Muslims are commanded not to place themselves in positions subordinate to kuffar. Take a close look at Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:51 Surah At-Taubah 9:33. Shari'ah declares non-Arabs to be unsuitable marriage partners for Muslimas "because "Allah has chosen the Arabs above others". Get a clue.
security specialists reject racial profiling
Is Islam a race? Allah has enslaved people of all races, so what race is Islam? Did race play a role in the acts of the "shoe bomber" & "underwear bomber"? They are different racially but both are Muslim. Get a clue.wrong
What Shrub said is not relevant; he is out of office and ineligible to run again. Being a fool who said "Islam is a great religion of peace", he has no probative authority. Exactly what is wrong with scrutinizing Muslims in the airport lines? Exactly what is wrong with determining the religious affiliation of persons with Arab & Asiatic appearance in airport lines?counterproductive practice
Four of our aircraft were hijacked and deliberately crashed in '01; how many Israeli aircraft were hijacked in that year? Exactly what is counter productive about profiling? If a white man robs a bank do you draw black men into a dragnet? Get a clue.Prophet Jesus ... would fit his 'profile
The AssWholliness of that blasphemy is outrageous! Jesus Christ is not a prophet of Islam. Which of his teachings do Muslims teach in the mosques and practice? Jesus Christ did not reveal the obligation of offensive conquest. Jesus Christ did not reveal the need to exterminate Jews. Jesus Christ neither sanctified nor exemplified terrorism. Jesus Christ is not a genocidal warlord. Jesus was born to a descendant of King David; His heritage is Jewish, not Arab. Jesus Christ taught Judaism in the Jewish Temple, not Islam in a mosque. The place of his birth is Israel, not Falestine.
reject Islamophobic rhetoric
There is nothing phobic about loathing of Islam which is well founded in objective factual reality. Islam is perpetual war. Muslims, motivated by Allah's threat & promise, perpetrated the Hindu, Armenian & Assyrian genocides. Those who perpetrated recent atrocities in New York, London & Beslan shouted "Allahu Akbar", not "Jesus is Lord". Get a clue. I swear that I will not vote for any candidate who lifts Allah's tail and inserts his tongue by accepting CAIR's outrageous demand.
profiling is unconstitutional
Prove it. Show us the constitutional provision which explicitly forbids it.diverts precious law enforcement resources
Resources are wasted by searching, scanning and harassing kuffar children and their grandmothers. Resources are wasted by random searches. Resources are wasted by not excluding Muslims from mass transit so that the whole TSA program could be scrapped.linked to terrorist activity
"I will cast terror.". "Allah cast terror...". "...That is because they suffer neither thirst nor fatigue, nor hunger in the Cause of Allâh, nor they take any step to raise the anger of disbelievers nor inflict any injury upon an enemy but is written to their credit as a deed of righteousness....". "I have been made victorious with terror". "...Then do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment...." Islam is terrorist activity; Muslims are linked to it by Allah's yoke of slavery.Santorum called "Sharia," or Islamic principles, "evil"
Santorum spoke the truth. Examine the evidence; see for yourself. Shari'ah imposes cruel & unusual punishment. Shari'ah mandates annual military attacks against disbelievers. Shari'ah declares that the caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians. Shari'ah denies religious freedom, equality and dignity.