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If you wish to catch a buzz without the usual after affects, CLICK TO MEMEORANDUM. (It will not disturb the current page) That will be all. We now return to regular programming.

This Blog Is Moving

Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site. Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing. Hence, I now have a paid site and will be migrating the last 1400+ posts shortly.

So, one day, you just may click this page somewhere and it will show up as "private". It has been fun but the intolerant Czarbie Goon Squads are brain dead idiots. They can come play at the new site which I OWN outright.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

From Russia With Love...Reader Beware


Now that we have learned that the Georgian-USSR/Soviet War was the doings of McCain, Cheney and Bush, we can all relax now. Russia has stated that they will nuke Poland. And that is a good thing. It will get our Troops out of Iraq, Iran (yes they are there), Afghanistan and Pakistan. It might even get them pulled out of the Philippines, Africa and most of Europe. Hell. We just might be lucky enough to get them pulled out of Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Surely Czarbama, The One that is no threat to anyone in particular would be able to handle the situation in a Presidential manner. After all, Czarbama is modeling himself after Jimmy Carter who knew so much better than anyone in the universe about all things, especially the USSR. So, yes, Czarbama is clearly The One to lead us all.

While GWB talked sternly to the USSR and Czarbama blamed the West, McCain did otherwise to the klaxons of the Leftinistra anti-Americanists. As Ronald Wilson Reagan so called the USSR the Evil Empire, so states the President of Georgia. However, it is the USA that is the Evil One according to Czarbama so he is naturally the best one for the job out of all of our choices to date. All hail to The One. Forget that idiot Bolton. What the hell does he know? After all, the USSR is a "strategic partner". I suppose Macsmind has lost his mind. Czarbama is The One seeing that the USSR was well within their rights to defend themselves. What was once a voice of reason has been reduced to something else because The One is so much better for the nation.

We have realized our mistakes and we have received our just rewards. The KGB are actually our friends and the CPUSA supports The One. Surely such bastions of tolerance and Utopia cannot be wrong and would set out to purposefully mislead anyone. Would they? And, in conjunction with all there is to know about Czarbama, The One, should become President for the following reasons: well, I was going to place them here but, due to the awesome purity of it all and the wisdom therein, I cannot commit such sacrilege. Needless to say, all of ten valid points are there. The once valid 25 points are hereby proclaimed to be anathema to The One and should be totally held in great disdain. In more recent times 7 positive signs must also be held in the utmost disgust and cannot be recognized in any way, shape or form. However, rest assured that the other 7 signs must be addressed. The One will prevail. After all, The One has the economy in his best interests and surely knows all there is that needs to be known.

And, yes, the USSR should be allowed to reconvene because naturally, they are our friends because The One is Master and Lord of all and can do no wrong...anything erstwhile offends the gods.

It was The One that brought about the cease-fire between the USSR and Georgia, did he not? Did he not handle the War For Oil correctly and GWB did not? We can also discredit that war monger General Patton. He was merely a tooled pawn of those against enlightenment. We should let bygones be bygones and get on with our lives and be content in our new found enlightenment.

The beguiled, as in the day of Reagan, are breaking to McCain and it is our civic duty to correct this horrendous activity...or else. Or else the nation is doomed because The One is no threat and The One knows best. Face it. The Georgians are reaping that which they have sown and The One agrees.

We need to embrace the patriotism of The One for patriotism is everything to everyone and there is no hope for change without it. We will embrace the landslide and be glad in it. The Ones' National Security policies are spot on and cannot be questioned and The One is correct. Only the USSR The Benevolent has the right to possess nukes as does Iran. We are The Evil and must be rid of them all. Besides, his Master says so.

Besides, what in the hell does McCain know? He has white hair.

Quote Of The Moment


So, I was reading a herd of stuff and ran across this gem at RWN:

"Taking in my opponent's performances is a little like watching a big summer blockbuster, and an hour in, realizing that all the best scenes were in the trailer you saw last fall." -- John McCain

Friday, August 15, 2008

The #dontgo Movement: Libtards Frantic


In a frantic hit piece at ReasonOnline which, by the way, is nothing remotely near "reasonable" is yet another example of moonbats on the losing end of an issue as they are on all issues. Truly pathetic but typical. What these mealy-mouthed lap lickers of their major handler Soros fear the most is that the politicians are going to actually begin to perform their Constitutional Duties and obey the edicts of We The People. Most of the GOP "stuntmen" have signed onto the social network Twitter and are now in direct communication with their constituents.

Please recall some time ago when we reported that Nanna was trying to shut that aspect of communication down. So much for freedom of speech, eh? Also take note that the #dontgo Movement is such a viable threat that the "voices of reason" attacked the site, tried to hack into the site and initially spammed the site in order to shut it down. It failed. Miserably. When was the last time a Conservative thought it to be an honorable happenstance to hack into a MoveOn site to shut it down? When was the last time a Conservative blogger thought it to be honorable to hack into a web site of the opposition in order to shut it down? Please forgive the questions. The answers are readily evident. Opposition members to Conservative Principles have no honor, self-respect or dignity. They are shallow-minded fools whose parents were equally as shallow-minded and taught them no morals. Must be sad going through life bloody well knowing hat they are, each and every one, a liar and full of self-loathing.

For example, we have Hunter from the Daily Fruit Loop Brigade KOSmonoffs decrying that drilling is bad policy. Why, then, is Nanna involved in a scheme that REQUIRES drilling at the expense of the American People to line her pockets with capitalist pig money? Again, please forgive the question. The answer reveals the status quo DNC Double Standard.

We have Satyam at the ReverseEngineering laughing stock whining about topics such as "he said, she said, they said" nonsense and is obviously incapable of grasping the issue of energy independence. This particular libtard blog dedicates its time to exposing itself as truly inane in most issues. I say most because a few times they were actually right about a few things and even went into their comments section to say so.

The Leftinistra will not acknowledge that the Energy Crisis before us is indeed a National Security Issue. We Conservatives have known that it IS a National Security Crisis for decades. We have also know for those same decades that we could be free of foreign oil and could have been free of foreign oil if the Leftinistra hadn't blocked every move. And now, once more, the Leftinistra are blocking it even though the vast majority of Americans are DEMANDING that we go get our own oil. We also are DEMANDING that we stop talking about alternative fuel sources and just giterdun.

So, Nanna is now blocking drilling in order to line her own purse at our expense. This is yet another example of the DNC Double Standard and is quite unacceptable.

We need to and MUST DEMAND that GOPers in DC and across this nation sign onto the efforts to block each and every attempt of the DNC and their handlers to extend the No Oil Zone moratoriums. We are DEMANDING Freedom Energy Day to become a reality and the Gang of Ten need to be silenced.

Nanna is beginning to feel the heat but she hasn't fully realized the implications of ignoring us, to her own detriment. In Day 11 of the American Energy Act rebellion, we find Czarbama without a clue in regards to the economy or the implications of a nation in an energy crisis. Nanna, on the other hand does. That is why she has been able to nearly triple her initial investment with the T-Bonehead Pickens dweeb.

The #dontgo movement and the #dontcompromise movement, pretty much the same, sends a chill up and down the legs of the Leftinistra and not in a good way...for them. It is fear of defeat that creates the chills. The Gang of Ten explained in detail at QandO exposes the RINOs in the Senate that feel left out of the "debate".
[...] I have to tell you, I sometimes wonder what happens to politicians when they cross inside that beltway which surrounds Washington DC. If this is an example, it is a disease badly in need of a cure. Instead of a plan which would offer a way toward breaking our dependence on foreign oil, they’ve offered one which punishes domestic oil companies with taxes, ignores the vast resources available off the Pacific coast, North Atlantic coast, Alaska and in our west, and accepts a pittance in return (which will really do nothing toward bringing on line the supply of oil and gas necessary to cut our dependence on foreign oil).

Or said another way, they managed to give the Democrats everything they wanted without a single shot being fired.

Boobs like that deserve to lose elections. Hell, I can get a Democrat to come up with that sort of garbage. What do I need Republicans for? [END]
OUCH! That is going to leave a scar. For an even deeper would that may not ever heal, Brian at Redstate has a scathing version of the excellent post at QandO: House Republicans to Senate: "I'm With Stupid"
Thanks to Brian Johnson for stopping by to post this. Brian is is a Federal Affairs Manager and Energy Policy Analyst at Americans for Tax Reform and has been quite helpful to me in understanding this compromise plan. - Erick

Yes my friends, I am speaking of the infamous "Gang of Ten" and their fantastically suicidal energy plan (well, at least for five of them).

The plan itself is drastically flawed. And the image they are cultivating while their brethren on the other side of isle (i.e. the House) fighting tooth-and-nail to have a real energy plan, is even more destructive.

Let's look at their alleged "compromise" piece by piece shall we (and readers, try not to gouge your eyes out, or siphon your neighbors tank while reading): [...]
And that was merely the opening volley...read the rest...

For more blog posts and articles for the current Energy Crisis that I have collected, feel free to visit here and have at it. There are hundreds located there and they include everything that we at A Newt One have published.

Alternative Fuel/Energy Takes Too Long!!


Since the mid-1960s and the early 1970s, I have heard and was taught and was brow beat with the threats of nuclear annihilation, global warming and a soon to be upon us ice age. I remember being ushered into the corridors and hallways of my school for years "practicing" surviving nuclear bomb detonations and the ensuing fall-out with radio active dust and particles falling from the sky dissolving my skin from my bones. Even then I questioned the logic of sitting on the floor with hundreds of others with our heads between our legs. How in the hell was that supposed to save us? What would we do when the sun suddenly get so hot even the water would boil? What would we do when the glaciers invaded south from Canada?

My father built a fall-out shelter in our back yard. He didn't know what to do about the global warming myth or the ice-age myth either. He did tell his children that although the nuclear holocaust was indeed a distinct possibility, the other impending "threats" were myths invented by educated men and women educated beyond their intelligence levels and they dwelt and thrived within the boundaries of scare tactics and sensationalism. My parents were democrats back then and to this day, still are. But, how could our teachers be so right about the Red Threats but be so damned wrong about the others? Which scientists were we to believe? I had viewed pictures of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and my father was part of the clean-up operations in Japan. That possible threat was something I believed because I had seen it through pictures and the stories on my fathers' lap. I had never seen or viewed pictures or listened to stories of the other doom and gloom issues. No one else had either. I asked.

My teachers were heard arguing quite often that we were either in for either 140-degree days every day of our lives or sub-zero temperatures due to the onslaught of an ice-age, either of which was surely to destroy us all because Mother Earth was unhappy. It seemed to be even back then that Mother Earth was confused as well.

They scared the hell out of us by arguing and then "teaching" us to be prepared for doom and gloom on three fronts. And, it didn't matter which one because if nothing happened by the mid-1970s, surely by 1980 - "if we lived that long" - all was lost. If the nukes from the USSR didn't kill us, the world burning to a crisp would. If the nukes and the world burning up didn't kill us, the frozen tundra soon upon us would.

Some even proclaimed that if we "didn't act now" Lower Manhattan would either be under water or glazed over in ice by the mid-1970s. To make matters worse, the emerging nuclear power plant technology was tantamount to a nuclear suicide pact. I sure was a confused lad. So, as I worried and fretted about the potential ice age, the potential burning to a crisp, the possibility of nuclear obliteration either from the Red Chinese or the USSR or even Cuba for that matter, and a very definite maybe possibility of a China Syndrome effect of a nuclear power plant gone terribly wrong, my brother was KIA in Quang Tri Province in the Tet Offensive of 1968.

From my early teens up until I graduated high school, there wasn't a cynic dead or alive more cynical than I. I was sure of it. Every adult was an idiot. Every politician was a sociopathic moron. I trusted no one. I believed nary a soul. The world was going to hell and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Every single person at least 5 years older than myself was a liar, no matter the topic.

By 1970, ALL of Manhattan was just as filthy, dirty and crime-ridden, bone dry, hot in the summer and frozen in the winter as it was every day that I lived there. I remember the WTC being built and had been in The Pit countless times. By 1975, no nukes fell from the skies, there were no China Syndrome "accidents", no glaciers crashed through my bedroom and carried me away to Florida and, once again, Manhattan was a bone-dry cesspool, hot in the summer, cold in the winter with the occasional chalk outline of a dead body either in the streets or sidewalks.

By 1980, the same. By 1985, the same. By 1990, the same. By 1995, the same. In the early 1990s, it was said that we had until 2000. Then, in 2006, a Goracle said we had ten years to mend our sinful ways and be healed with carbon credits...I STILL have no idea just what in the hell buying a carbon credit with US Dollars will accomplish in regards to stopping either nukes, global warming or an ice-age. Not one single theoretically educated individual has the ability, with a straight face, to explain that exactly and satisfactorily.

In the photo above taken from the Valleywag, there is a description and a comment that there is going to be two of these solar power plants built in California. If you ask me or even if you don't, it is quite unsightly, don't you think? And, where will they be built seeing that it takes so much territory? How much power will be collected and to where will it be distributed? Will they be able to withstand hail storms? Lightning strikes? Ecoterrorists? Will they work with extreme cloud coverage (whatever extreme is in this regard) like another Mount St Helens nuclear-like detonation?

The Valleywag has a very well presented case against the evident fraud which resides inside of the self-made hoodlum land and water grabber T Boone "Al Capone" Pickens in cahoots with Nancy "Don't Touch My Purse" Pelosi. Hopefully, what they are up to is illegal and, if not, it is certainly unethical. At least the Main Street Media is keeping tabs on these cretins.

We have been told by many a politician and other idiots that we cannot drill because it just takes too damn long. Why, then, should we build unsightly Solar Panel Plants that take up way much more land than an oil rig if it takes five years to get one on-line? How many will be needed to power the entire country and how long will that take? Is it worth the effort? Ask "Nanna" and "Pickers". They seem to think so because they will profit in the billions, even if it takes 100 years to build all the Solar plants required to be free of foreign oil.

I say drill now. It will take less time to get off of foreign oil than it will any other means of energy because NOTHING is a viable replacement at the moment.

I picked up the Screamin' Eagle and his wife tonight at the airport after returning from the Real California. They said the Conservatives and mostly Republicans live up there. They want California divided up. Every thing north of Sacramento is the real California. Every thing south, including Sacramento can be sold off to the nearest land dump and let the libtards run amok seeing that is what they are doing anyway.

We talked about alternative energy and they are both very well versed in the issue. I didn't agree with everything they said but at least they acknowledge that Nanna and T-Sticks are blowing smoke and fogging up the mirrors. Her father MAKES HIS OWN FUEL FOR HIS FARM VEHICLES with algae. ALGAE? Yes, algae. He says corn is for eating and the idiots that think corn is for fuel is smoking the same crap the idiots in SoCal are smoking. He hates the scam artists and schemers more than we do.

Anyway, we all agreed that in the interim, while the politicians continue to lie to We The People, we need to Drill Here, Drill Now and Pay Less. I told our Screamin' Eagle that he should run for office if he could refrain from being sucked into the corruption. He said that I had taught him better than that and he was considering it. He wants to join the other Conservative Iraq War Veterans which take their rightful places in the once honorable halls of CONgress.

John F'n Kerry On The Run


From Jeff Beattys' web site:

I just signed the online petition at Jeff Beattys' site asking Massachusetts voters to retire John Kerry from the US Senate in the next election. As a fellow American who has been hurt by Kerry's Senate reign, I thought it might interest you.

For the past 24 years, the "elite millionaire" John Kerry has enjoyed his status as a Senator, raising taxes for the middle and working classes while he jets around on his private plane.

Kerry has spent his tenure crushing middle and working class families and small businesses with his pro-tax agenda. He has not passed a single bill into law in over 8 years; when he votes it is against tax relief and deductions for average American citizens.

But Kerry is most known for supporting his personal agenda with flip-flopping statements, like the infamous "I actually did vote for the $87 billion dollars, before I voted against it."

This November, we have a chance to retire John Kerry for good, and replace him with a Senator that will fight for every American, not just the rich and elite.

Please join me in the effort to retire John Kerry by signing the petition online and forwarding this email to anyone you know that is concerned about the future of our country.

Thank you.
I encourage Americans across this great nation to sign this official document and send John F'n Kerry packing to bottle mustard.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kaliphornia Politicians "Argue" For Tax Increases


California Legislatures in action. Less than 2 minutes into the video found at Stormin' Norman, Sen Wiggins interrupted and said, "Excuse me, but I think your arguments are bullshit". Nice.

Nanna Oompa Loompelosi: The Plot Thickens


In a WND article, a DMN article and 2 from Michelle Malkin, it is obvious that Nancy Pelosi has been outed as a Capitalist Pig. That's right. The socialist Nanna, the one that demands the empowerment of the Fairness Doctrine in order to silence the Conservative news outlets because of their success and majority audiences, has been had by the Main Street Media. Not so oddly, the old passe media hasn't caught onto this story - or have they? No worries. We'll take care of it.

Nanna is in bed with the fraud oil man T Boone Pickens. By the way, he isn't an "oil man" by any stretch of the imagination. He made his money in the futures markets. This makes sense because, after all, does not Nanna absolutely loathe "oil men"? Would she dare be seen as remotely appearing to be associated with an evil BIG OIL MAN demon? Perhaps but perhaps not. If that BIG OIL MAN demon agreed with her, I suppose she cold make an exception. Just once.

Coupled with that revelation, if that BIG BAD EVIL OIL MAN demon could line her pocket with funds created by the subsidies of the USG to the tune of $5,000,000.oo, perhaps she would be so inclined to press the issue of "renewable fuels" by wielding her position as Madam Speaker Brothel Master Queen of the People's House. Certainly she would not perform in such an unethical and possibly illegal maneuver, would she? Didn't she promise to lower fuel costs during her campaign? Didn't she promise the most open and most ethical Congress in US history?

In CNN's Larry King Live Show she claimed to be a Washington Outsider. I guess because she stated that it must be true. In the interview transcript, she reveals many things one of which is her blatant lies and her tongue-in-cheek hypocrisy. I have taken just a smidgen of the interview that caught my analytical attention: (emphasis clues my own)
KING: Would you vote yes on a package that includes drilling?

PELOSI: I would not. It depends how the drilling is put forth. But I don't -- that is not excluded, let me say it that way. It depends how that is proposed, if the safeguards are there. Now, mind you, 68 million acres -- 10 million more acres in Alaska where they can drill. But if there's -- if we can get some great things, in terms of renewable energy resources; a renewable electricity standard; wind, solar, biofuels and the rest in that context, because if you make a decision only to go with the offshore drilling, you are increasing our dependence on fossil fuels and you will never free yourself of that addiction unless you invest in the renewable energy resources that are good for the environment, cheaper for the consumer and will reverse global warming.

And the consumer is our first responsibility. The American taxpayer owns this oil offshore, by the way. Let me make this one final point. This oil is owned by the American taxpayers. The oil companies drill. We give them money to drill there. But we get very little in return.

So I think as we have this debate, which is a very healthy one to have and I welcome it, we have to review and realign the relationship between our oil, big oil's profits and what it means to the consumer and the taxpayer.
And there you have it. Did it leap out and smack you in the face? It should have. At first, she didn't know if she would allow drilling right after she ruled it out and then she said that the oil belongs to the American People and then whined about "profits" made by the oil companies because "they don't get anything in return". Now, THAT is snortworthy indeed.

And what is she about to do with "American tax payer dollars" in the realm of the largest land and water grabs in US history subsidized by US tax dollars? She stands to make a fortune. That all in itself is not a big deal to me. What bothers me is the blatant double standard. It is only a good thing if SHE makes a fortune from the American People but not the oil companies because she is trying to save the world.

If the consumer is her first responsibility like she said it was, then she should drop everything she is doing and have a vote to do ALL OF THE ABOVE just like the American Energy Act so stipulates. Period. End of discussion.

The Surge: Trailer From Greyhawk


Keeping issues in perspective because nothing else matters. Period. End of discussion.
Please at least try and keep up.

Nanna: Sleeping With The Enemy


Poor Nanna. She cannot catch a break. In 6 hours and 20 minutes, (1300 CST) I will have the afternoon American Truth Warriors show on TOCB Radio and we will play some clips in regards to Miss Nanna's quagmire self-induced. Be sure to tune in.

In the meanwhile, this is from El Rushbo and when El Rushbo is on your tail, you don't have a prayer. Or, if you are a libtard, you don't have a snails' chance on Pluto.
Story #10: Nancy Pelosi Discovered in Bed with T. Boone Pickens

RUSH: Oh, by the way, there's Boone Pickens up on TV. Boone Pickens, it has been learned last spring, Nancy Pelosi, according to her own financial forms, invested something like 50 to $125,000 in Boone Pickens' plan to eventually power vehicles in this country on natural gas. She got in on the initial public offering of this when the thing went public. Now, it is in the best interests of Boone Pickens and all of his investors to keep gasoline prices high to make the natural gas alternative attractive. And who is it that doesn't want any drilling for oil to add to the supply but none other than Nancy Pelosi. Gas prices are the tipping point, four-dollar gasoline. The American people want something done about it. It's easily understandable. She's the one, along with the Democrats, standing in the way of this on purpose. Now we learn that she's invested in Boone Pickens' company that, for their little plan to pay off we need gas prices to stay high, to make the alternatives that Pickens is trying to sell to people attractive, and she's joined that effort. There's a great question here for conflict. So she's seen all this, "Okay, I'm open to scheduling a vote." But they'll come up with a piece of legislation that's as reckless and worthless as what the Gang of Ten came up with in the Senate.
Stay tuned.

Nanna: The Handmaiden of T Boone Pickens


There is a fantastic piece over at the #dontgo web site that is a must read. I saw it late last night and I am just now getting to the end of my To Do List. (LINK)

[...] Pelosi's manipulation of the market is of a most decisive kind, she is using the excuse of "saving the planet" to refuse to allow the market, and not a central panning committee or government, to determine what kind of energy is produced where. Pelosi is using the power of the Speaker's chair, using the rhetoric of a green warrior, but by all appearances she is acting as the handmaiden of the Pickens Plan for her own gain. [...]
Pretty soon she just may be trying to save her hide. Wouldn't it be poetic justice if she was defeated by that basket case Sheehan?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

#dontgo: The Rebellion Continues


Earlier today we posted two particularly relevant articles in regards to the GOP Rebellion now going strong and getting stronger by the day. There were others posted as well but the piece entitled Beware Republicans! Don't fall into the trap! and the one entitled #dontgo Nation Wide: No End In Sight But Victory are very appropriate to this piece you are reading now.

Nancy Pelosi, as we have reported on several times, has sanctioned at-risk fellow Leftinistra and eco-Nazi-like sycophants to go ahead and lie to their constituents in regards to energy independence in order to get re-elected or elected. This shows not only their total void of personal integrity but also their lack of professional integrity. If one feels that they must lie for political gain or power, I question their ability to exercise sound judgment in any and all areas even as minor an operation of picking their noses might be.

To add insult to injury, knowing she has sanctioned such activities among "her people" and, by the way, what are the American people to her, she stated oon CNN's Larry King that she is at least willing to consider drilling operations. Keeping all of my research on the Pelosi Worm in the back of my mind as I read article after article, I found countless posts saying that Pelosi is beginning to cave. Not hardly.

johnsblog42 seems to think that Nanna is caving. The Pirate's Cove sort of king of thinks so but is leery...smart move. Surprisingly, PoliPundit has apparently taken the bait. Right Voices is admonishing everyone to keep watch on Nanna. Wizbang got me with their title and I had thought "OH NO!" until I actually clicked out of the Reader and read the entire post which, btw is a must read. WUA says that Nanna is backed into a corner with no way out and that is exactly correct. John Boehner is calling Nanna out over her interview with CNN and I would imagine that she is just all contrite...NOT!...and he is sending the message home in a very large way. No wonder the moonbats are having hissy fits...they see the Abyss of Obscurity opening up to swallow them whole and they are sore afraid. Hot Air also had one of those "you've got to kidding me titles" but knowing Ed, I wasn't totally sucker-punched. He sees the writing on the wall as well. However, Erick at Red State has taken the bait...too bad and big surprise in store coming his way for sure.

Newt Gingrich says that Nancy is stuck between a rock and an oil well. Is Newt reading The Newt? IBD Editorials asks, "Will Congress Cross the Jordan?". After reading the post, the sarcasm was duly noted. We have heard that it is too hard to extract oil from shale yet, that is exactly what Jordan is doing...and Shell Oil will be doing the extractions.
[...] Meanwhile, we sit on enough oil to make OPEC look like a mom-and-pop operation. In the West we may have what could be called a Persia on the Plains. A Rand Corp. study says the Green River Formation, which covers parts of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, has the largest known oil shale deposits in the world.

"The United States has 2 trillion barrels of oil shale," according to the Institute for Energy Research. "This is more than seven times the amount of crude oil reserves found in Saudi Arabia and is enough to meet current U.S. demand for over 250 years."

Consider that the entire world has used around 1 trillion barrels since oil was discovered in Titusville, Pa., in 1859.

"If full-scale production begins within five years," reckons Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation, "the U.S. could completely end its dependence on OPEC by 2020." There's enough North American petroleum trapped in oil sands and shale rock to form our own OPEC. [...]
In other items of interest, in another IBD Editorial piece, the writer does caution people on Nanna's sudden "change of heart"...my paraphrase. It is well worth the read and to heed the admonition. While House Democrats will meet to determine their options - OPTIONS? WTFO?
[...] Party leaders in the House are expected to convene a conference call on Wednesday to discuss their options in the ongoing energy debate, including a potential compromise measure that could include some expanded permitting for oil and gas exploration, a leadership aide said Tuesday. [...]
I never thought I would ever see the day that I would consider the term "compromise" as the dreaded and inflammatory "C-word" but, there it is and it doesn't start with "P" either. I also haven't considered the possibility that American Democrats could actually hate American Oil but love all the other oil not American. To me, that is a stretch but Doug Ross has a good point:
In May Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that Saudi Arabia could slash oil prices by drilling for more oil.

If Saudi Arabia were to increase its production by 1 million barrels per day that translates to a reduction of 20 percent to 25 percent in the world price of crude oil, and crude oil prices could fall by more than $25 dollar per barrel from its current level of $126 per barrel [...]
If that isn't an indictment of how looney the Leftinistra are, I wouldn't know what is. Schumer said that increasing supply is done by - are you ready? - DRILLING! But, only if it was Saudi Arabia doing the drilling. And they wonder why quite a few countries do not take the USA seriously? Surely the Saudis are rolling on the floor - in a dignified manner, naturally - laughing their heinies off at us. Why is it that AMERICA cannot drill to increase supply and the Saudis can? Are they better at it than the USA? Are they eco-friendlier than the USA? I would say no to both questions.

Michelle Malkin (my secret sweetheart) needs to see a doctor:
Maybe Do-Nothing Nancy should enter the Olympic diving competition. She gets a 10 for her flip-flop-flop yesterday on drilling. It is now no longer the "hoax" she knew.

What a hoot. Did she think she could sell 2 more books trying to pander and straddle like this? Nan, you're slaying us. My sides hurt. [...]
I laughed also but not like that. Mine was more of a derisive and contemptuous sneer chuckle type of a thing. Melanie Morgan our GREATEST Troop Supporter in the known universe derided Nanna in this manner:
San Fran Nanny may be a 'progressive' democrat, but even her leftist positions are moderated by the polls from time to time, and right now, today, is one of those times.

That's why she has now dropped the word 'hoax' from her vocabulary over offshore oil drilling, and has decided to allow for a vote.

Kudos to the Congressional Republicans who stayed strong in the dimmed rooms of Congress, demanding a vote over and over again. It looks like the heat got to be too much for Madame Speaker -- she needs to get out of the kitchen. [...]
I sent her an email cautioning against too much excitement...LOL!! I cannot stand Nanna...her voice has become much worse than Hillary's and that is either an accomplishment or something else - I'm not quite sure yet. And, I just love Gateway Pundit serious humor...is there such a thing?
Pelosi Falls For Drilling Hoax -- Pelosi says that she might consider allowing a vote on domestic drilling and energy development but that it would have to be part of a larger package that included other policies, like releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. She did not mention whether government regulated tire inflation would be part of the plan. [...]
Now, I saved the Gateway Pundit snippet for last for a reason. And, that reason is the piece from The Hill where it describes what Nanna is up to. She timed the interview on the Larry King show to coincide with the Olympics in the hopes that America was watching that silly thing and not paying attention to the screwing Americans are getting and have been getting from the Leftinistra for decades. The Leftinistra are banking on no one paying attention. The War In Georgia is also being used as a distraction as well as ugly as that sounds but, there you have it and I wouldn't doubt it at all - not one iota. That is how the liberal mind works...deceitful, dishonest, no moral values, no honesty, no integrity personal or professional.

The title of the piece from The Hill: "Pelosi looks to load up drilling bill". And there it is. I can smell earmarks from here and I am nearly 2,000 miles away from DC. I can smell the use of the "C-word".
[...] Democratic leaders are expected to begin discussing the shape of the package in a conference call Wednesday.

Republicans, who have staged a sit-in of sorts on the House floor for more than a week in order to demand an immediate drilling vote, greeted Pelosi's gesture with deep skepticism.

"If Speaker Pelosi is truly sincere about having a vote on deep-ocean oil and gas drilling to help bring down fuel costs, she should use her power as Speaker to call Congress back into session immediately and schedule a vote on the American Energy Act," Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said in a statement released Tuesday morning.

Both Boehner and House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said the protest on the floor will continue. Republicans are demanding a vote on the entire Republican energy plan, which includes drilling offshore and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.

"We are asking that she bring our American Energy Act up for a vote," said Rep. John Kline (R-Minn.), who on Tuesday morning led nine Republicans to the House floor for their 10th day of protests. "If she brings it up under regular order, then amendments will be allowed and we'll have that debated. What we want is a chance to have that debate and have a vote."

Pelosi intentionally timed her reversal on CNN's "Larry King Live" to fall well before the political intensity of the party conventions and into a news cycle dominated by the Olympics. [END]
It isn't a Pelosi reversal folks. It is her way to attempt to take over the debate by using the "C-word" and adding "amendments" and we all know what that bloody well means.

Stand tough GOP Rebellion. Stand tough. She is PISSED off because her attempt to delay debate and vote failed. Her original intent was to delay it long enough to get the moratoriums continued so she can make untold BILLIONS on the T Boone Land and Water Grab Scheme.


BREAKING! Arkansas Democrat Chairman Shot


First saw this on Confederate Yankee...details still sketchy with conflicting stories...stay tuned.
Details are still coming in, but it appears a man showed up at Democratic Party headquarters, asked for chairman Bill Gwatney by name, was denied a meeting, and then pushed his way in and then shot Gwatney before fleeing. KATV
Damn...be in prayers for he and his family...

Apparently, Michelle Malkin did it...

More at Memeorandum and Hot Air reports that he has died...pray for the family and our Nation.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Speaker Pelosi: The Pressure Mounts


Last evening, on first glance, it appeared that the Speaker of the People's House was beginning to cave into the House Republicans demanding that the American People's demands were met. Not so fast. All she is doing is buying time and it won't work.

Her interview with CNN's Larry King was applauded by those clueless and laughable by those that have been investigating Nancy Pelosi under the radar. Her continual unethical behavior after promising an open Congress and the most ethical Congress in US History is beginning to shine light on her true intentions and abuse of power.

With the discovery of Nancy Pelosi's financial ties to T Boone Pickens and the CLNE and upon further digging, more chickens have come home to roost. Unless an individual willfully suspends their disbelief, the unethical and quite possible illegal activity of the Speaker is woefully apparent.

One of CLNE's underwriters is WR Hambrecht whose owner is a known left-wing activist contributing thousands to the socialist agenda of various "liberal" candidates across the nation. Being linked in principle and ideologies, a known left-wing activist group Center For American Progress will be hosting a gathering of heavy hitters known to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in Nevada. The gathering will be part of the National Clean Energy Summit in August.

However, this association is merely the tip of the scandal.

It has also been learned that a possible "insider trading" scandal will soon be unearthed and Nancy Pelosi is in the middle of it with her betrayal of trust from the American People is being exposed day by day. It is no wonder then that she appears to on the "I care about America" meme on CNN.

In follow up discovery and upon reading the SEC documentation a request to the FTC is being formulated to have the actions of Nancy Pelosi investigated for insider trading violations and using her political clout and power as third in line to the US Presidency for financial gain. She stands to make billions in this transaction.

[...] The Democrats, with possibly a few Republicans, are more focused on "saving the planet" out of their belief in the global warming hoax, and limit their energy plan to alternative energy solution such as the Pickens Plan Nancy Pelosi has invested in, releasing oil from the SPR, and continuing to develop biodiesel and ethanol while, as a possible "compromise" allowing SOME offshore drilling. [...]
The ulterior motives are astoundingly evident merely on the surface. As more and more Americans are demanding that the energy crisis building up with each and every passing day be addressed and the democrat Party leadership refusing the will of the American People, one can only conclude that there is indeed something amiss.

In two articles in The Hill, Nancy Pelosi reveals her inability to conduct the Nation's business and in the other the GOP further reveals her dishonesty and her lack of professional and personal integrity.

Nancy Pelois's recent stunt in DC is another example of a DNC distraction technique employed when caught between a rock and another rock with more rocks being piled on top. What are the reasons, other than trying to save the planet which isn't her job, that she constantly bucks the will of the American People? What is her end game? Is she trying to buy time to cover her tracks while cashing in on the alternative energy scheme?

And, why is she so involved in a major land grab scheme that would make the Robber Barons of years of yore giddy? And, why is she so interested in private ownership of American water supplies?

So many questions with not so many viable answers.

Please vote it up at Digital Journal...thanks

Further reading: mm.com

KOSmonoffs: Scared Doesn't Even Begin....?


These poor Peace Thugs just crack me up. Yes indeed. Let it be November already. I will absolutely enjoy gnawing on my popcorn watching all of the moonbats spinning around like Taz. Taking into consideration the article at SC&A describing in detail how dismally unhappy the moonbats are with themselves and for the most part, Conservatives are a happy bunch, nearly always looking at the bright side of things and focusing on the positives in lieu of bottom feeding whiners as your basic liberal is so accustomed to doing, it is no wonder that the KOSmonoffs are the laughing stock in Blogdom. They never cease to amaze me. I remember once a while ago that one of them actually posted a "happy piece". Alas! I failed to take a screen shot and have since lost its place.

To emphasize the point of how "udderly" flakey they are, LGF has a piece outlining how the KOSmonoffs thrive on hate. They will deny it, naturally but, filled with hatred they are. They revel in the suffering of others - as long as one of those others isn't one of their own. A Conservative on the other hand, does not revel in the misery of others when the misery is real, dangerous and life-threatening. For instance, although I completely disavow any sanity within the persona of one Ron Paul, his wife obviously sees something in him and has stuck it out with him - right or wrong - through thick and thicker. (Can't say that much for their beloved Edwards now, can they?)

Ron Paul's wife on last word I have, is gravely ill and prayers are rising for a recovery and return to normalcy. I wish neither any harm but certainly will not waste a vote on him. I can differentiate. A moonbat cannot. Read the LGF post and let me know if I am "mispoken".

Anyone at all that disagrees with the Leftinistra is considered to be whatever they say they are and ill-thoughts prevail. It is the norm "Rather" than the exception. Ask Jon Voight.

As soon as the KOSmonoffs get wind of this next "gaffe" of their Zombie Czarbama, be prepared for another onslaught of their pathetic hackerbots to come swooping down and pretend that they are a force to be reckoned with. I laugh at their antics. With Czarbama's known communist mentors, they dare say it means nothing? That's a lie but, liars make up the membership of the American Leftinistra - the Enemies of the State.

To further expose and/or enhance their total dysfunction when it comes within the realm of reality - and their willful suspension of disbelief - their "Other One", The Goracle sails around in a polluting 100' fossil fuel guzzler and think it is quite alright to do so. How curious is that double standard? And they dare whine about President Bush whose home is pretty much the greenest in this country? And The Goracles' home? Please. Make it stop. As he flies around in aircraft that measure fuel used by gallons per flight hour and sails his yacht killing plankton and other earth-friendly microbes and travels in squadrons of fossil fuel guzzling limo SUVs (and leaves the engines running), is it any wonder we mock them with such contempt? I suppose that The Goracle is conserving something but what that is escapes even the moonbat - or not.

No wonder they are scared of one John McCain. Their ZERO Czarbama is crashing down and their is nothing left remaining to bolster is plummet into the Abyss of Obscurity we have prepared for him.

While the moonbats revel in two "former" GOPers are supporting their Chosen One Czarbama, they fail to recognize why the two "former" GOPers are "former" to start with. Who gives a bucket of turtle turds what and who - or why - Jim Leach and Lincoln Chaffe support The One? They were classified as RINOs many moons ago and the electorate said via elections that if they are going to be acting like Leftinistra socialist scum, they might as well do it out of the power curve and join up with their "friends". And, so, they have. Good for them. Nothing like PROVING that which we have been saying for years now.
[...] With lifetime ACU ratings for Leach in the 40% range, and in the 30% range for Chafee, I would hardly call these two "Republican" defectors. All they did was shed their phony RINO skin once kicked out of office, and became what they really are, liberals. [END] (I would have said libtard but, that's just me)

Good. The KOSmonoffs can have them...we don't need or want them back...ever. In conjunction with that, you can take Lindsey Graham while you are at it. You'll deserve each other. The real kicker is that the DINO Lieberman said some derisive words directed at The One. You can view the video here to get the full import as to why the moonbats are howling, wailing and gnashing their teeth. To read an excellent synopsis, go here, and here.

Another RINO, Hagel, placed an IED right under the Czarbama campaign by informing them that he has pretty much said KMA to everyone and isn't endorsing anyone. He is simply all used up and will slowly fall into that Abyss of Obscurity of which he so richly deserves.

In closing, it is obviously obvious even to the oblivious that the Moonbat Fruit Loop Brigades of the pitiful gathering of KOSmonoffs that they never do get the whole story and cannot connect the dots and thus, cannot complete a puzzle or see the big picture. After all, when one espouses half-truths - which are lies - the moral compass is awash in a sea of stupidity.

BREAKING: Russian president calls halt to Georgian war


From CNN:
MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- Russia's president has ordered an end to military operations against Georgia, the official Russian news agency Interfax reported Tuesday.

"I have reached a decision to halt the operation to force the Georgian authorities to peace," President Dmitry Medvedev said, according to Interfax.

The report also quoted Medvedev as saying that the "aggressor in South Ossetia has been punished and has incurred very significant losses."

Shortly before the announcement, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a press conference in Moscow Tuesday that it would only accept a cease-fire if Georgia withdrew from the disputed region of South Ossetia and agreed to renounce the use of force.

Lavrov said Moscow did not trust the country's leadership.

He said Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's "barbaric and brutal action" had undermined trust in Georgia. [...]
So, Russia punished the aggressors that didn't attack Russia but Russia attacked Georgia. Wow. I see that UDL exists over there as well. Oh...UDL = Upside Down Land. And, since when did Russia give a damn about "barbaric and brutal action"?

#dontgo Nation Wide: No End In Sight But Victory


In case you are interested and I see no reason why not to be, I have collected a few blogs posts and articles for your reading material...our enemies fighting for further dependence on foreign oil are deathly afraid of the American Energy Act and for good reason. Once again, the Leftinistra are on the wrong side of a major issue to the American People for political gain...to their demise.

From Coast to Coast, Americans Are Watching the GOP's Nationwide Gas Prices Protest
The GOP-led nationwide gas prices protest has begun its second full week, with Members fanned out across the country - from the House floor to town hall meetings in communities throughout the nation - to continue demanding a vote on the American Energy Act (H.R. 6566), the House Republicans' comprehensive plan to increase production of American energy to lower gas prices. [...]
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and T. Boone Pickens are in cahoots together
When will this end? Not that I ever believed the spin Pickens put out but it is very interesting that Ms. Pelosi Pelousi has invested in his Big Wind venture. Another 'special interest' driving Pelousi's adamant refusal to bring to the floor of the House of Representatives a vote on drilling off the [...]
Rasmussen: 64% now support offshore drilling
The bad news: Today's numbers are actually down three points from when Rasmussen polled a similar question two months ago. [...]
Pelosi indicates openness to offshore drilling vote
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday night dropped her staunch opposition to a vote on offshore oil drilling in the House.

Republicans, reacting to high gas prices, have demanded a vote on additional oil exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf, where drilling is currently blocked by a moratorium. Until now, Pelosi (D-Calif.) has resisted the idea as a "hoax." But in an interview on CNN's Larry King Live, she indicated that she was open to a vote. [...]
Pelosi, Profit and Congressional Stunts
On Aug. 1, Speaker Madam Pelosi pulled an irresponsible stunt by stifling free speech of fellow House Members. There was talk and rumor that she shut off the lights, microphones and C-SPAN cameras for a book tour. [...]
Did Nancy Pelosi Sabotage the U.S. Economy to Help Obama?
Pelosi's Reichstag Fire or Liberum Veto? On August 1, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dissolved Congress to prevent debate, let alone a vote, on repeal of laws against offshore oil exploration. Was Pelosi's motive to deliberately damage the U.S. economy, destroy jobs, and perpetuate hardships (like high gasoline prices and high food prices) for the American middle [...]
Bosom buddies: Nancy Pelosi and Big Wind
It's what conservative bloggers are buzzing about: the financial relationship between Do-Nothing Nancy Pelosi and Big Wind pusher [...]
The Gang of 10 Harms America, Not Just the GOP
[...] Rush, in fact, makes a similar point talking with Saxby Chambliss. The GOP is winning on this issue. The Gang of 10 compromise takes away the only issue on which the GOP is winning.

That focus, internally, is okay. But we should also keep in mind that the Gang of 10 compromise harms the national interest even more than it harms the GOP interest. [...]
Shadegg: Wheres the Energy?
Democratic inaction on energy is financially ruinous and endangers our national security. [...]
Everything you ever wanted to know about the GOP Energy Revolt: Video and mp4

McCain holds off backing "Gang of 10" energy plan
Republican Sen. John McCain is not ready to embrace a bipartisan energy plan that could complicate his presidential campaign if Democrats advance the bill weeks before the November elections.

The bill is being drafted by some of his closest allies, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and offers a compromise on the roiling issue of offshore drilling. [...]
MoveOn.org to Challenge #dontgo and House GOP
Facebook Message: MoveOn.org to Challenge #dontgo and House GOP

From Media Lizzy to the Facebook Group Let's Rock The House! I Support The Guerilla Congress.

1. If you are on Twitter, make sure you utilize #dontgo

2. Sign the Petition:

3. Join the movement at:

The MSM is sure to cover the MoveOn.org challenge - and we have to maintain focus, support our House GOP, and remember: you don't need some insider's permission to call Speaker Pelosi - and ask her to call Congress Back. Like Congressman Cantor said on my show, what's Speaker Pelosi afraid of?

Speaker Pelosi's number: 202.225.0100 [...]

'Why Is Nancy Pelosi Taking Care of Personal Business Rather Than the People's Business?'
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is in Ann Arbor, Mich., tonight promoting her new book. Next week she'll make stops in several California cities before swinging through Denver on her way to the Democratic National Convention (view complete schedule). Unfortunately for Pelosi, Americans aren't buying it -- the book has an Amazon sales rank of 1,567. [...]
Krauthammer: On Energy, Do Everything
The Italian Communist party could win this election. The American Democratic party is trying its best to lose it. [...]
Call Nancy Pelosi Today!
Pelosi Plan Will Push Oil to $200 In Next 5-10 Years
This is comforting. The Pelosi Save the Planet-No Drilling Plan will push oil prices to $200 per barrel in the next 5-10 years.

Pelosi's answer to the gas crisis: "Drilling is a hoax." Over the past 30 years Democrats have effectively created "No Zones" for US energy exploration and development: [...]
Heritage Foundation On Barack Obama's Energy Plan, Finds Some Good But 'Mostly Bad'
The Heritage Foundation delves into Barack Obama's newly unveiled energy plan and finds some good but as they say, "it was mostly bad", as they walk through the bad policies, explaining how costly Obama's plan is. [...]
Pence on GOP Oil Protest: 'We Don't Need to Be on the Mainstream Media'
It doesn't matter if they talk about it on the evening news or not according to Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana.

Pence, along with two of his Republican colleagues - Reps. Dan Burton. Ind., and Bob Goodlatte, Va., met with reporters about the protest they are waging against congressional Democratic leaders at the Capitol on Friday. Democrats, led by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, have prevented an up-or-down vote on expanding offshore oil exploration and drilling. [...]
Hussein In The Pocket Of The Dreaded "Big Oil"
The Democratic National Committee may be trying to get some mileage out of recent news about oil industry contributions to Republican Sen. John McCain, launching a web site spoofing the idea of McCain sharing his presidential ticket with Exxon. But they may have found an unwelcome surprise in a just-released analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics. [...]
That should hold you for a while...

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