This list of articles dates back to 1998. Have fun
And did ya hear about the rocket launcher firing tube found in the front yard in New Jersey?
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1647 - Iraq, July 6, 2007
Video Message by Al-Qaeda Deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri: Overview of Some of the Main Themes
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1573 - Iraq, May 4, 2007
Documents Exposed by Egyptian Government Weekly Allege Ties Between Iraqi PM and Iranian Revolutionary Guards
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1563 - Iraq, April 27, 2007
Prominent Islamist Kuwaiti Sheikh Questions Religious Legitimacy of the Islamic State of Iraq, Calls to Dissolve It
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1559 - Iraq, April 25, 2007
Iraqi Jihad Group Establishes New Political Framework Called ‘Hamas-Iraq’
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1547 - Iraq, April 18, 2007
Iraqi Kurdistan Province President Mas'oud Al-Barazani Warns Turkey Not to Interfere Over Kirkuk, Declares: I Support The Rights Of The Palestinian People, But... I Am Against Driving Israel Into The Sea
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1542 - Iraq, April 13, 2007
Continued Clashes in Iraq Between Sunni Jihad Groups and Al-Qaeda
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1524 - Iraq, March 29, 2007
Kurdish Leader Fou'ad Ma'soum Asserts: Kirkuk Will Become Part of Iraqi Kurdistan Only With the Consent of Its People; We Wish to Remain Part of Federal Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1514 - Iraq, March 23, 2007
The Islamic State of Iraq Issues Regulations for Women Drivers
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 336 - Iraq, March 22, 2007
Sunni Jihad Groups Rise Up Against Al-Qaeda in Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1488 - Iraq, March 6, 2007
Iraqi Columnist: What Is Happening in Iraq Will End in the Defeat of Terrorism and in the Region's Recovery From Its Ills
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 330 - Iraq, February 23, 2007
The Other Face of Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1454 - Iraq, February 7, 2007
Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi: ‘We Find No [Blood] Sweeter Than That of the Byzantines [i.e. Christians]’
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1446 - Iraq, January 30, 2007
Members of Saddam Hussein's Defense Team: Saddam and U.S. Officer Guarding Him Wept When They Said Goodbye; Execution Unconstitutional Because Rope Used was Fiber, Not Silk; Execution of 148 Dujail Victims Was Justified
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1445 - Iraq, January 30, 2007
New Conspiracy Theory in Egypt: It Wasn't Saddam But His Double Who Was Executed
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1427 - Iraq, January 17, 2007
Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi Eulogizes Saddam Hussein in Friday Sermon on Qatar TV
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1422 - Iraq, January 12, 2007
Iraqi MP Iyad Jamal Al-Din: Democracy in the Middle East Can Only Be Established by Force
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1410 - Iraq, January 4, 2007
Reactions to Saddam's Execution: Indifference Among Arab Regimes
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1387 - Iraq, December 12, 2006
Editor of Arabic Reformist Website AAFAQ Criticizes Recommendations of the Iraq Study Group
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1364 - Iraq, November 22, 2006
Kuwaiti Journalist: Death Sentence Is a Badge of Honor for Saddam
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1340 - Iraq, October 31, 2006
Islamist Sheikh Abu Osama Al-'Iraqi Denounces Al-Qaeda in Iraq for Atrocities against Sunnis
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 298 - Iraq, October 25, 2006
Kurdistan – The Quest for Statehood
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1329 - Iraq, October 20, 2006
The Iraqi Ba'th Party Issues a Hit List
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1318 - Iraq, October 12, 2006
Saudi Arabia to Build Security Fence along Iraqi Border
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 293 - Iraq, September 19, 2006
Mini-Crisis in Iraq: Which Iraqi Flag?
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1273 - Iraq, August 31, 2006
Iraqi MP Iyad Jamal Al-Din Advocates Secularism in Iraq and Declares: The State Should Be an Institution That Provides Services to Its Citizens
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 290 - Iraq, August 11, 2006
Iraqi Shi'a Views of the Lebanon Crisis
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 285 - Iraq, July 4, 2006
Iraq: A New Plan for National Reconciliation
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 284 - Iraq, June 30, 2006
Al-Zarqawi: A Post Mortem. Prior to His Killing, Al-Zarqawi had Lost His Sunni Allies
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1192 - Iraq, June 28, 2006
Commander of Shura Council of Jihad Fighters in Iraq: Al-Zarqawi’s Death Will Be Incentive for Jihad and Martyrdom
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1190 - Iraq, June 21, 2006
Iraqi Reformist on Arab Society and Social Schizophrenia
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1188 - Iraq, June 20, 2006
Abu Hamza Al-Muhajir: Al-Zarqawi's Death Will Not End the Jihad
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1187 - Iraq, June 16, 2006
Jordanian Islamist MPs & Others on Arab TV: Al-Zarqawi is a Martyr; Amman Hotel Bombing Victims are Lesser Martyrs
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 281 - Iraq, June 16, 2006
The New Iraqi Government—Central Themes and Key Figures
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 279 - Iraq, June 6, 2006
The Revival of Cultural Life in Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1166 - Iraq, May 18, 2006
Iraqi Ayatollah Ahmad Al-Baghdadi Talks of America's Annihilation and the Muslim Conquest of the World; Declares Support for Nuclear Bombs for Muslim and Arab Countries
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 272 - Iraq, May 2, 2006
Magazines Iraqis Read
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1149 - Iraq, April 26, 2006
New Video by Al-Qaeda Commander in Iraq Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1138 - Iraq, April 12, 2006
Iraqi Reformist MP Sayyed Ayad Jamal Al-Din Discusses the Situation in Iraq at MEMRI's Reform Lecture Series in Washington, D.C.
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1130 - Iraq, March 30, 2006
Iraqi Reformist MP Sayyed Ayad Jamal al-Din on Current Iraqi Issues*
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 269 - Iraq, March 2, 2006
The Difficulties of Forming the New Government in Iraq
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 267 - Iraq, February 24, 2006
Christian Churches in Iraq Subjected to Synchronized Terrorism
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1100 - Iraq, February 23, 2006
Iraqi Shi'ite Leader Muqtada Al-Sadr: Arab and Islamic Forces in Iraq Would Also Be Considered Occupation; If Asked by Syria and Iran, We May Confront the American Forces in Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1059 - Iraq, December 29, 2005
The Alleged Torture of Saddam Hussein
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1058 - Iraq, December 29, 2005
Saddam Hussein on Trial: Excerpts from Al-Jazeera TV
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 258 - Iraq, December 21, 2005
The Elections in Iraq—The Roots for Democracy
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 257 - Iraq, December 14, 2005
The Trial of Saddam Hussein –an Interim Report
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1040 - Iraq, December 6, 2005
Iraqi & Arab Mujahideen Tell Al-Arabiya TV of the Wait List for Martyrdom Operations and Other Methods of ‘Destroying the Americans’
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 256 - Iraq, December 2, 2005
The Cairo Preliminary Conference on Reconciliation in Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1037 - Iraq, November 30, 2005
Iraqi Author: George Galloway, You Will Be Tried Just Like Your Friend and Benefactor Saddam Hussein
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 252 - Iraq, November 15, 2005
Iraqi Elections – Round Two
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 248 - Iraq, October 30, 2005
The Oil-for-Food Programme: Closing the Cycle
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1010 - Iraq, October 21, 2005
Bahraini Journalist: Not Since the Nazi Era Has There Been Anything Like Al-Qaeda's Declaration of War on the Shi'ites in Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1006 - Iraq, October 14, 2005
Kuwaiti Businessman Calls on Gulf Countries to Send Economic Aid to Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1003 - Iraq, October 12, 2005
The Global Islamic Media Front: Al-Qaeda in Iraq Has Replaced the Mother Organization in Afghanistan and Is Spreading Jihad Throughout the World
Special Dispatch Series - No. 1000 - Iraq, October 7, 2005
Sunni Sheikhs and Organizations Criticize Al-Zarqawi's Declaration of War Against the Shi'ites
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 243 - Iraq, September 27, 2005
The Unholy Alliance – Muqtada Al-Sadr and the Iraqi Sunnis' Opposition to Federalism
Special Dispatch Series - No. 987 - Iraq, September 16, 2005
Leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq Al-Zarqawi Declares ‘Total War’ on Shi'ites, States that the Sunni Women of Tel'afar Had ‘Their Wombs Filled with the Sperm of the Crusaders’
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 238 - Iraq, September 7, 2005
The Opportunity Before Kurdistan: A New Model for a Middle East Democracy
Special Dispatch Series - No. 978 - Iraq, September 2, 2005
Sheikh Hareth Al-Dhari, Head of Sunni Clerics Association in Iraq: I Support the Resistance; Terrorism in Iraq Carried Out by U.S., Israel, and Government Militias
Special Dispatch Series - No. 970 - Iraq, August 26, 2005
Changes in the Iraqi Textbooks and Curricula for September 2005
Special Dispatch Series - No. 963 - Iraq, August 19, 2005
Iraqi Confession TV Series Captured Iraqi Terrorist Ramzi Hashem Abed: Zarqawi Participated in the Plot to Assassinate Baqer Al-Hakim. 'We Bombed Jalal Talabani's Headquarters, the Turkish Embassy, and the Red Cross; Were Drugged; Raped University Students Who ‘Collaborated with the Americans’
Special Dispatch Series - No. 962 - Iraq, August 19, 2005
Al-Qaeda in Iraq: The Drafters of the Iraqi Constitution and Those Who Support Them Are Infidels Who Must Be Killed
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 234 - Iraq, August 15, 2005
The Draft Iraqi Constitution at a Deadlock
Special Dispatch Series - No. 955 - Iraq, August 11, 2005
Presiding Judge in the Saddam Hussein Trial Reveals Details of Charges and Discusses Possibility of Execution
Special Dispatch Series - No. 952 - Iraq, August 8, 2005
Iraqi Politician Iyad Jamal Al-Din: ‘My Freedom as a Shi'ite and as a Religious Person Will Never Be Complete Unless I Preserve the Freedom of the Sunni, Christian, Jew, Sabai, or Yazidi’
Special Dispatch Series - No. 934 - Iraq, July 15, 2005
Iraqi PM Ibrahim Al-Ja'fari: ‘The Iraqi People Pay the Toll in Blood On Behalf of All Nations Facing Terrorism’
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 231 - Iraq, July 1, 2005
‘The Sheikh of the Slaughterers’: Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi and the Al-Qa'ida Connection
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 220 - Iraq, May 5, 2005
The Birth of the New Government of Iraq: Delayed and Lame
Special Dispatch Series - No. 903 - Iraq, May 4, 2005
Syrian Journalist Praises Iraq's Election of Kurdish President
Special Dispatch Series - No. 895 - Iraq, April 20, 2005
Iraqi Progressive Columnist on His Childhood Experience with the Blood Libel
Special Dispatch Series - No. 888 - Iraq, April 8, 2005
Iraqi Sunnis Shift Position: 64 Clerics Legitimize Enlistment in New Iraqi Security Forces
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 215 - Iraq, March 31, 2005
Kirkuk: Between Kurdish Separatism and Iraqi Federalism
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 214 - Iraq, March 29, 2005
Iraqi-Jordanian Tension Over the Most Lethal Suicide Bombing in Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 884 - Iraq, March 24, 2005
The Iraqi Al-Qa'ida Organization: A Self-Portrait
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 213 - Iraq, March 22, 2005
The Plight of Iraqi Christians
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 211 - Iraq, March 1, 2005
Ibrahim al-Ja'fari: Iraq's Designated Prime Minister
- A Biographical Note
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 207 - Iraq, February 16, 2005
Iraqi Elections (VI): The Results and Their Implications
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 204 - Iraq, February 4, 2005
Iraqi Elections (V): Press Reactions from Iraq and Neighboring Countries
Special Dispatch Series - No. 856 - Iraq, February 1, 2005
Zarqawi and other Islamists to the Iraqi People: Elections and Democracy are Heresy
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 203 - Iraq, January 28, 2005
Iraqi Elections (IV): Platforms and Campaign Strategies
Special Dispatch Series - No. 851 - Iraq, January 21, 2005
MEMRI Arab TV Monitor Project – Iraqi Election Broadcasts and Public Service Announcements
Special Dispatch Series - No. 849 - Iraq, January 19, 2005
MEMRI TV Project special report - commander of Saddam Hussein's ‘Army of Muhammad’ confesses: We received money and arms from Syria and Iran
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 202 - Iraq, January 18, 2005
Iraqi Elections (III): The Islamist and Terrorist Threats
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 201 - Iraq, December 31, 2004
Iraqi Elections (II): The Launching of the Campaign
Special Dispatch Series - No. 837 - Iraq, December 30, 2004
Osama Bin Laden to the Iraqi People:It Is Forbidden to Participate in Iraqi & PA Elections; Jihad in Palestine and Iraq is Incumbent upon Residents of All Muslim Countries, Not Just Iraqis and Palestinians; Zarqawi is the Commander of Al-Qa'ida in Iraq
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 199 - Iraq, December 15, 2004
Iraqi Elections (I): The Imperatives of Elections on Schedule
Special Dispatch Series - No. 828 - Iraq, December 14, 2004
Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Resistance in Iraq is a Duty of Every Muslim
Special Dispatch Series - No. 821 - Iraq, December 1, 2004
Arab Columnists: Arab Countries are Hypocritical on Iraq
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 197 - Iraq, November 19, 2004
Anti-American Ba'th Activities in Paris
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 196 - Iraq, November 16, 2004
The Iraqi Press on the Re-Election of President Bush
Special Dispatch Series - No. 813 - Iraq, November 10, 2004
Former Jihad Fighter in Afghanistan: Al-Zarqawi's Group Adopted the Worst Practices of the Algerian GIA; Their Brutal Actions will Lead to Their Isolation
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 193 - Iraq, October 27, 2004
Saddam's Oil Vouchers Revisited
Special Dispatch Series - No. 798 - Iraq, October 13, 2004
MEMRI TV Project: A Former Hostage in Iraq Tells His Story
Special Dispatch Series - No. 797 - Iraq, October 12, 2004
Al-Qa'ida Magazine: 'O Sheikh of the Slaughterers, Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi, Go Forth in the Straight Path, Guided by Allah'
Special Dispatch Series - No. 794 - Iraq, October 6, 2004
Reactions to Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi's Fatwa Calling for the Abduction and Killing of American Civilians in Iraq
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 190 - Iraq, September 29, 2004
Islamist Pressures in Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 788 - Iraq, September 23, 2004
Al-Zarqawi Associate: Al-Zarqawi Unconnected To Al-Qa'ida, Seeks To Expand Fighting To Entire Region
Special Dispatch Series - No. 785 - Iraq, September 15, 2004
Al-Zarqawi's Message to the Fighters of Jihad in Iraq on September 11, 2004
Special Dispatch Series - No. 784 - Iraq, September 14, 2004
Arab Columnists Criticize Double Standard in Reactions to Abduction of French Journalists
Special Dispatch Series - No. 777 - Iraq, September 3, 2004
Middle East Analyst on the Important News about Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 776 - Iraq, September 3, 2004
The Muslim Brotherhood Movement in Support of Fighting Americans Forces in Iraq
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 187 - Iraq, August 27, 2004
Iraqi National Congress - an Exercise in Democracy
Special Dispatch Series - No. 764 - Iraq, August 18, 2004
Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Denounces Terrorism: 'What Pretext Can Justify the Bombings?'
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 184 - Iraq, August 4, 2004
Iraqi Interim Government - An Interim Progress Assessment
Special Dispatch Series - No. 750 - Iraq, July 20, 2004
Iraqi Defense and Interior Ministers Accuse Iran of Terrorism Against Iraq, Threaten Retaliation within Iran
Special Dispatch Series - No. 742 - Iraq, July 9, 2004
Iraqi Press on Saddam's Day in Court
Special Dispatch Series - No. 737 - Iraq, July 2, 2004
Transfer of Sovereignty to Iraq - Iraqi Press Reaction
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 182 - Iraq, June 18, 2004
The New Leaders of Iraq (2): Interim Prime Minister Iyad Hashem Allawi and the Interim Government
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 178 - Iraq, June 10, 2004
The New Leaders of Iraq (1): Interim President Sheikh Ghazi Al-Yawer
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 177 - Iraq, June 4, 2004
Muqtada Al-Sadr vis-à-vis the Shi'a Religious Establishment
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 176 - Iraq, May 28, 2004
The De-Ba'thification of Iraq - Pros and Cons
Special Dispatch Series - No. 718 - Iraq, May 20, 2004
Reaction and Counter-Reaction to the Abu Ghureib Abuses in the Arab Media
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 175 - Iraq, May 14, 2004
The Shi'a-Sunni Debate in Iraq Over Lakhdar Al-Ibrahimi's Role
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 173 - Iraq, May 5, 2004
Iran's Stirrings in Iraq
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 172 - Iraq, April 21, 2004
MEMRI Analyst's Testimony Before Congress on the U.N. 'Oil for Food' Scandal
Special Dispatch Series - No. 692 - Iraq, April 9, 2004
Iran's Role in the Recent Uprising in Iraq
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 170 - Iraq, April 9, 2004
Muqtada Al-Sadr Not Supported by Other Iraqi Leaders
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 168 - Iraq, March 30, 2004
Iraqi Kurds at Crossroads
Special Dispatch Series - No. 686 - Iraq, March 25, 2004
A Testimony on Suicide Bombers' Recruitment to Ansar Al-Islam
Special Dispatch Series - No. 682 - Iraq, March 17, 2004
Arabic Media: Member States in the American-Led Military Coalition in Iraq are Staying
Special Dispatch Series - No. 672 - Iraq, March 3, 2004
Pro-Saddam Journalist Mentioned in Iraqi Intelligence Reports
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 164 - Iraq, February 20, 2004
The Saddam Oil Vouchers Affair
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 161 - Iraq, February 11, 2004
Moqtada Al-Sadr: The Young Rebel of the Iraqi Shi'a Muslims – Iraqi Leadership Biographical Series
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 160 - Iraq, January 29, 2004
The Beneficiaries of Saddam's Oil Vouchers: The List of 270
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 159 - Iraq, January 23, 2004
The Trial of Saddam Hussein
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 157 - Iraq, December 31, 2003
The Birth Pangs of Iraqi Sovereignty
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 155 - Iraq, December 19, 2003
Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Saddam's Capture
Special Dispatch Series - No. 628 - Iraq, December 16, 2003
The Arab Media Reaction to Saddam's Arrest: Part I
Special Dispatch Series - No. 620 - Iraq, December 5, 2003
Editor of Kuwaiti Daily: Syria's Secret Service is Behind the 'Iraqi Resistance'
Special Dispatch Series - No. 611 - Iraq, November 18, 2003
Al-Hayat Publishes Official Documents From Saddam's Regime On Executions
Special Dispatch Series - No. 606 - Iraq, November 10, 2003
Editor of the Kuwaiti Daily Al-Siyassa: The New Iraq Will Be 'the Beacon of Freedom, Democracy, and Respect to Human Rights in the Middle East'
Special Dispatch Series - No. 603 - Iraq, November 5, 2003
Iraqi Writer Criticizes Arab Intellectuals Supporting Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Forces and Iraqis
Special Dispatch Series - No. 592 - Iraq, October 17, 2003
Iraqi Daily: Saddam Ordered Training of Al-Qa'ida Members
Special Dispatch Series - No. 590 - Iraq, October 16, 2003
Iraqi Columnist: The Occupation of Iraq Means Liberty, Even if the Whole World Maintains Otherwise
Special Dispatch Series - No. 588 - Iraq, October 14, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (11)
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 150 - Iraq, October 9, 2003
Iraq: Moving Forward Despite Violence
Special Dispatch Series - No. 582 - Iraq, October 3, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (10)
Special Dispatch Series - No. 577 - Iraq, September 24, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (9)
Special Dispatch Series - No. 572 - Iraq, September 12, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (8)
Special Dispatch Series - No. 568 - Iraq, September 5, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (7)
Special Dispatch Series - No. 560 - Iraq, August 29, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (6)
Special Dispatch Series - No. 559 - Iraq, August 28, 2003
Columnist in Leading Egyptian Government Daily: U.S. Forces in Iraq Strip the Flesh from Their Victims' Corpses
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 146 - Iraq, August 26, 2003
The New Iraqi Press and the Jews
Special Dispatch Series - No. 554 - Iraq, August 20, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (5)
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 145 - Iraq, August 14, 2003
Leading Egyptian Islamic Clerics on Jihad Against U.S. Troops in Iraq: March – August 2003
Special Dispatch Series - No. 550 - Iraq, August 8, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (4)
Special Dispatch Series - No. 546 - Iraq, August 1, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (3)
Special Dispatch Series - No. 545 - Iraq, July 31, 2003
An Iraqi Intellectual in London: Arab Nationalists' Interference in Iraqi Affairs Will Pound the Final Nail into Iraq's Coffin
Special Dispatch Series - No. 541 - Iraq, July 23, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press : MEMRI Baghdad (2)
Special Dispatch Series - No. 537 - Iraq, July 15, 2003
Editorials from the New Iraqi Press: MEMRI Baghdad Dispatch (1)
Special Dispatch Series - No. 530 - Iraq, June 27, 2003
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: Arafat Transferred Intelligence on Iraqi Opposition to Saddam's Regime
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 139 - Iraq, June 17, 2003
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) - The Iraqi Official Record
Special Dispatch Series - No. 519 - Iraq, June 9, 2003
Arab Columnists on the Killing Fields of Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 509 - Iraq, May 30, 2003
Saddam's New Book: 'Begone, Accursed One!'
Special Dispatch Series - No. 503 - Iraq, May 9, 2003
An Arab Intellectual in Qatar: 'Arab Media's Conduct During the War is Indicative of a Deeper Malaise'
Special Dispatch Series - No. 500 - Iraq, May 6, 2003
Friday Sermon in Falouja, Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 497 - Iraq, May 1, 2003
Nuclear Scientists in Iraq: Citizens Stole Uranium and Other Dangerous Materials
Special Dispatch Series - No. 496 - Iraq, April 30, 2003
A Letter from Saddam Hussein to the Iraqi People and the Arab Nation
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 134 - Iraq, April 21, 2003
Syrian Government and Media on the War in Iraq
Special Report - No. 14 - Iraq, April 11, 2003
Arab and Muslim Media Reactions to the Fall of Baghdad
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 131 - Iraq, April 10, 2003
The War in Iraq and the Future of OPEC
Special Report - No. 13 - Iraq, April 4, 2003
Friday Sermons on Iraqi TV: October 2002 - March 2003
Special Dispatch Series - No. 489 - Iraq, April 1, 2003
Huda Ammash – The Head of the Iraqi Biological Weapons Program
Special Dispatch Series - No. 487 - Iraq, March 28, 2003
Friday Sermon in Baghdad
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 129 - Iraq, March 27, 2003
Egyptian Economist: Economic Interests Guide the French, Germans, and Russians Toward Baghdad
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 128 - Iraq, March 26, 2003
Iran and the War In Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 484 - Iraq, March 21, 2003
The Arab Press on the War and News from Iraqi Television
Special Dispatch Series - No. 483 - Iraq, March 21, 2003
Countdown to War in Iraq - Arab Press Perspectives
Special Dispatch Series - No. 482 - Iraq, March 20, 2003
Ultimatum to Iraq - The Reaction of the Arab Press
Special Dispatch Series - No. 481 - Iraq, March 19, 2003
On the Eve of War: Editorials in the Arab Press
Special Dispatch Series - No. 479 - Iraq, March 14, 2003
Iraq Crisis 2003 (5): The Palestinian Press
Iraq News Wire - No. 14 - Iraq, March 6, 2003
Iraq News Wire
Special Dispatch Series - No. 475 - Iraq, February 26, 2003
Holiday Greetings from Yasser Arafat to Saddam Hussein
Special Dispatch Series - No. 471 - Iraq, February 19, 2003
Iraq Crisis (4): Al-Ahram Editor: The Iraqi Regime Is to Blame For the Crisis
Special Dispatch Series - No. 470 - Iraq, February 14, 2003
The Iraq Crisis (3): Saudi Newspapers Call on Saddam to Abdicate or Commit Suicide
Special Dispatch Series - No. 469 - Iraq, February 14, 2003
The Iraq Crisis (2): The Egyptian Government Press Comments
Special Dispatch Series - No. 467 - Iraq, February 11, 2003
The Iraq Crisis (1): Iraq Prepares for War
Special Dispatch Series - No. 464 - Iraq, February 2, 2003
Friday Sermon on Iraqi Television:
'Yes, Bush is the Dracula of This Generation'
Iraq News Wire - No. 13 - Iraq, January 12, 2003
Iraq News Wire
Special Dispatch Series - No. 457 - Iraq, January 9, 2003
Hamas Spokesman: Iraq Must Establish a Suicide Army
Iraq News Wire - No. 12 - Iraq, December 3, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Special Alert - No. 4 - Iraq, November 26, 2002
Unidentified Senior Iraqi Official: We Did Not Hesitate to Use WMD in the Past and Will Not Stand Idly By This Time Either
Special Dispatch Series - No. 440 - Iraq, November 19, 2002
Head of Iraqi Free Officers Movement: 'The Iraq of Tomorrow- Democracy is the Solution'
Special Dispatch Series - No. 438 - Iraq, November 8, 2002
Ramadan Sermon From Iraq
Special Dispatch Series - No. 437 - Iraq, November 5, 2002
First Interview with Saddam Hussein in 12 years
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 108 - Iraq, October 18, 2002
Post-Saddam Iraq: Perspectives of Iraqis in Exile
Iraq News Wire - No. 11 - Iraq, October 15, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Iraq News Wire - No. 10 - Iraq, October 3, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Iraq News Wire - No. 9 - Iraq, September 18, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Special Dispatch Series - No. 420 - Iraq, September 13, 2002
Saddam Hussein's Meetings with Nuclear Energy Agency
Special Alert - No. 3 - Iraq, September 9, 2002
Iraq Calls for the Formation of Suicide Squads to Strike American Targets and Interests
Iraq News Wire - No. 8 - Iraq, September 1, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Special Dispatch Series - No. 415 - Iraq, August 28, 2002
Palestinian Authority and Iraqi Media on Iraqi Support of the Intifada
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 106 - Iraq, August 22, 2002
Iraq Opposition Officers Connect with a Hashemite Prince to Replace Saddam
Iraq News Wire - No. 7 - Iraq, August 12, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Special Dispatch Series - No. 408 - Iraq, August 7, 2002
Iraqi Physician: Saddam's Orders to Cut Off the Ears of Defecting Soldiers and Officers Were Implemented in Iraqi Hospitals
Iraq News Wire - No. 6 - Iraq, July 31, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Iraq News Wire - No. 5 - Iraq, July 16, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Iraq News Wire - No. 4 - Iraq, June 26, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 98 - Iraq, June 16, 2002
Saudi-Iraqi Rapprochement
Special Dispatch Series - No. 387 - Iraq, June 11, 2002
Iran Increases Funding and Training for Suicide Bombings Islamic Jihad Leader: The Intifada Foiled the American Plots Against Iraq. A Hizbullah Leader on the Iranian-Syrian-Lebanese-Palestinian Axis
Special Dispatch Series - No. 382 - Iraq, May 20, 2002
Iraq Buys and Smuggles Its Way Out of UN Sanctions
Iraq News Wire - No. 3 - Iraq, May 18, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Iraq News Wire - No. 2 - Iraq, May 16, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 91 - Iraq, April 25, 2002
In the Aftermath of Iraq's Suspension of Oil Exports: Is the Oil Embargo Feasible?
Special Dispatch Series - No. 371 - Iraq, April 23, 2002
Mubarak Dismisses War with Israel; Pro-Iraq Paper Attacks Egyptian President
Iraq News Wire - No. 1 - Iraq, April 19, 2002
Iraq News Wire
Special Dispatch Series - No. 366 - Iraq, April 10, 2002
Iraq Suspends Oil Exports: Tepid or No Reaction from OPEC Members
Special Dispatch Series - No. 342 - Iraq, February 6, 2002
Russian Parliamentary Chairman for International Affairs: 'We Will Not Accept Military Force Against Iraq'
Special Dispatch Series - No. 335 - Iraq, January 24, 2002
Iraqi Press on Weapons of Mass Destruction
Special Dispatch Series - No. 299 - Iraq, November 8, 2001
Saddam Hussein Meets with Heads of the Iraqi Nuclear Program and Defense Establishment
Special Dispatch Series - No. 196 - Iraq, March 22, 2001
An Egyptian Columnist Attacks Pro-Iraqi Arab Lobby
Special Dispatch Series - No. 136 - Iraq, October 13, 2000
Will Saddam Hussein Attack Israel?
Special Dispatch Series - No. 17 - Iraq, December 18, 1998
Calls for Violence and Support of Iraq in the Palestinian Media