Its Shari'ah, Stupid #17
In this seventeenth installment of offensive Jihad in Fiqh, we discover how passive and spiritual the Sufis really are.
Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi, d. 1624, sufi. Cit. ur Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi, Muslim Revivalist Movements in Northern India in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Agra, Lucknow 1965), s. 247-50; Yohanan Friedmann, Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi. An Outline of His Thought and a Study of His Image in the Eyes of Posterity (Montreal 1971), s. 73-4.
Islamic law can be spread by the sword. So far, so good, such a peaceful mystical Sufi. Co-existence is unthinkable. Yes, it really is! Whenver a Jew is killed, islam benefits. Got a clue yet?