Fort Hood Benefits Act
I received an email from the Wake Up America movement reminding me of an important issue which I should not have forgotten. I raise it here to remind you of it and urge you to take action.
Fort Hood massacre was November 5, 2009 - Now it's 2011 and these bills sit in committee - with no decision nor action yet taken.
Senate bill: Fort Hood Protection Act S316
House bill: Fort Hood Benefits Act HR625
Both these bill are sponsored by Republicans (with 1 Democratic and 1 Independent cosponsor each)
Both bills make the same request - click bill # above to see clear, brief contents.
![]() | ![]() ![]() | MAKE YOUR VOICE heard - to move this measure forward now - by contacting your Congressman and Senators.
All of US are aware, by now, Congress drags their feet if not prompted to act. So, your voice will matter. Please draw their attention to this overdue resolution in support of HR 625 and S316. The young soldier listed above died when he dived in front of a nurse and saved her life. Surely his, and the families, of others struck down deserve recognition these losses were a result of an act of war. Please FORWARD. BLOG & TWITTER this action and post ON YOUR FORUMS. Thanks!
If the bills are not enacted into law, the victims and their survivors will suffer an unwarranted injustice, receiving minimal benefits instead of what they justly deserve. Please go immediately to and send emails to your Representatives & Senators urging them to get into gear and get the legislation out of cmte. and onto the floor for a vote.
At, you don't need to know your Rep's name or district number. If you know your zip code, you know enough. Signup is free and easy. If I can do it, so can you.