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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Obamination: Food & Fuel Inflation

Obamination: Food & Fuel Inflation     The video is too large and my connection too slow, I watched only enough to obtain a clear image of Obama's demeanor.  That POS exudes arrogance as a cane toad exudes venom. 

    I purchased 1.09# of ground beef to use in my holiday casserole; it cost $5.09.  There was no less expensive ground beef in the supermarket. As I pedaled past the gas station on my way home, I saw a sign which read $4.099 for unleaded gas.

    Think hard; try to connect the data points. 

  • Slick Willy vetoed ANWAR oil production in '95.
    • Shrub and the spineless RINOs in Congress failed to reverse his decision.
  • Obama cut off new off shore leases in the next five year plan
  • Obama exploited the oil rig explosion to terminate off shore exploration & production.
  • Obama is blocking production in known reserves under Federal land.
  • Iran is stirring up "unrest" in the Mid East, threatening supply and pushing up prices through psychology.
  • One third of our corn crop is diverted from the food chain into motor fuel.
    • Grain alcohol production requires more energy input than it produces.
    • The energy density of alcohol is lower than that of gasoline, more is needed per mile.
  • The failure of Russia's wheat crop reduced supplies, raising prices and pushing impoverished Africans into starvation, providing an incentive to revolt, which, in turn, pushes up the price of oil.
  • Diesel fuel is an important input in agricultural production & distribution. When oil goes up, farmer's expenses go up, resulting in reduced supply and increased food prices.
  • Everything we buy is more expensive because of suicidal government policies.  It costs more to eat, more to heat our homes and more to drive to work.
  • "Clean energy" & "alternative fuels" are false & malicious slogans of no probative value.  No alternative fuel matches the energy density of hydrocarbons.  No alternative fuel can be produced economically in industrial quantity.  There is no economical substitute for petroleum and there never will be, certainly not in our life times.
  • Obama is investing our tax dollars in Brazil's off shore production.  Others are tapping our offshore resources in the Gulf while our producers are blocked.
  • Obama wants this inflation, complaining only of how rapidly gas got to $4.  Forcing us to pay more and shrink our lifestyle is part of his Socialist agenda. 


Read the Transcript, reproduced below with superscripts linked to my commentary. To read the comments, click the superscripts. Press your Back Space key to return to Obamination's spew of feces.

Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address on Gas Prices
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Washington, DC

This is a time of year when people get together with family and friends to observe Passover and to celebrate Easter.  It’s a chance to give thanks for our blessings and reaffirm our faith, while spending time with the people we love.  We all know how important that is – especially in hard times.  And that’s what a lot of people are facing these days.1
Even though the economy is growing again and we’ve seen businesses adding jobs over the past year, many are still looking for work. And even if you haven’t faced a job loss, it’s still not easy out there.  Your paycheck isn’t getting bigger, while the cost of everything from college for your kids to gas for your car keeps rising.  That’s something on a lot of people’s minds right now, with gas prices at $4 a gallon.  It’s just another burden when things were already pretty tough.2
Now, whenever gas prices shoot up, like clockwork, you see politicians racing to the cameras, waving three-point plans for two dollar gas.  You see people trying to grab headlines or score a few points.  The truth is, there’s no silver bullet that can bring down gas prices right away.3
But there are a few things we can do.  This includes safe and responsible production of oil at home, which we are pursuing.  In fact, last year, American oil production reached its highest level since 2003.4  On Thursday, my Attorney General also launched a task force with just one job: rooting out cases of fraud or manipulation in the oil markets that might affect gas prices, including any illegal activity by traders and speculators.5  We’re going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain.6  And another step we need to take is to finally end the $4 billion in taxpayer subsidies we give to the oil and gas companies each year.7  That’s $4 billion of your money going to these companies when they’re making record profits8 and you’re paying near record prices at the pump.  It has to stop.
Instead of subsidizing yesterday’s energy sources, we need to invest in tomorrow’s.9 We need to invest in clean, renewable energy.10 In the long term, that’s the answer.11 That’s the key to helping families at the pump and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.  We can see that promise already. Thanks to an historic agreement we secured with all the major auto companies, we’re raising the fuel economy of cars and trucks in America, using hybrid technology and other advances.12  As a result, if you buy a new car in the next few years, the better gas mileage is going to save you about $3,000 at the pump.13
But we need to do more.  We need to harness the potential I’ve seen at promising start-ups and innovative clean energy companies across America.  And that’s at the heart of a debate we’re having right now in Washington about the budget.14
Both Democrats and Republicans believe we need to reduce the deficit.  That’s where we agree.  The question we’re debating is how we do it.  I’ve proposed a balanced approach that cuts spending while still investing in things like education and clean energy that are so critical to creating jobs and opportunities for the middle class.15  It’s a simple idea: we need to live within our means16 while at the same time investing in our future.
That’s why I disagree so strongly with a proposal in Congress that cuts our investments in clean energy by 70 percent. Yes, we have to get rid of wasteful spending17 – and make no mistake, we’re going through every line of the budget scouring for savings. But we can do that without sacrificing our future.18  We can do that while still investing in the technologies that will create jobs and allow the United States to lead the world in new industries.  That’s how we’ll not only reduce the deficit, but also lower our dependence on foreign oil, grow the economy, and leave for our children a safer planet.  And that’s what our mission has to be.
Thanks for listening, and have a great weekend.

  1. The current hard times are primarily the result of deliberate government policies designed to enrich a few Congressmen, administration officials and their crony capitalists.  They did nothing to deflate the .com bubble in the previous decade, and everything to create the real estate bubble. 
  2. Though he projects a false image of care, concern & compassion for our plight, Obama is enjoying it. Our suffering is part of his plan of national destruction. Ruin to rule. There's no wheat to bake bread, so "let them eat cake" while we "invest" in artificial flour. How do you like the flavor and texture of sawdust?
  3. The actions that would bring down the price and keep it down require a ten year lead time. The time to act was 1995. Slick Willy vetoed the necessary action. Had he not done so, we would be enjoying the price reducing effects of ANWAR's oil supply right now. There is a ten year lag. That means that the artificial delays imposed by  Obamination will be hindering our economy for the next decade!
  4. Comparisons to previous years production levels are meaningless. Demand is up in Asia, causing the price to rise. We need to drastically and immediately increase our production to lower the cost and reduce our dependence on oil supplied by our enemies who use the revenue to finance terrorism.
  5. When you hear hoof beats, look for horses, not unicorns. The cause of oil inflation is public knowledge already: deliberately suicidal government policies.
  6. Obamination is exploiting the crisis for short term political game: playing the class warfare card. Government derives more profit from gasoline than the oil companies do. $.85 on every gallon goes to tax collectors.  
  7. Yeah, right, decrease the oil company's real disposable income through higher taxation, reducing cash available for exploration and production, throwing and keeping more people out of work, reducing supply, increasing the price so you can blame inflation on  big bad oil. The strategy is transparent, can't you see through it?
  8. High volume accounts for those profits, not return on investment. Compare oil company ROI to that of other industries.
  9. We are dying right now. We can not wait for Christ to return and resurrect us.  We need short term and long term cures for this inflation cancer. More cancer is not the cure. Every potential alternative costs more. That is one reason why Obamination wants to drive the price up and keep it up, to make it possible to enrich his crony capitalists by making unprofitable, wasteful 'investments' pay off through artificially high prices. There is no economically feasible alternative to petroleum and there won't be in our lifetimes.  Do the math. How many bthh are in a gallon of gasoline, and how many gallons do we consume every day?  What is the energy density of the alternatives?  
  10. Invest in Snake Oil, the wonderful miracle cure for every affliction known to man and beast! 
  11. We won't reach the long term if we don't survive the short term. Too many workers can't afford to get to work and back home right now! We are bleeding; he offers platitudes & pie in the sky while we die.  Its time for him to go!
  12. Your friends in Hollywood can afford $50,000 hybrids and $10,000 battery replacements. Real people can't.
  13. Spend $30k to "save" 3k. How does that work out over a vehicle's five year lifespan?  If volume dropped, they'd increase prices to maintain their revenues to meet fixed costs.  I hope the voters are not as stupid and gullible as Obamination assumes us to be.
  14. Quit pissing $$$ down the sewer chasing mirages and start doing what is possible right now and should have been done 15 years ago!!! Drill here, drill now, save money.
  15. We need real jobs, not dreams & false promises. Windmills produce jobs in China. We can't afford to drive 50 miles to work, much less fly to China for it. 
  16. Artificial inflation + tax increases does not equal "living within our means".  That requires earning more and wasting less.  Impeaching Obamination is the first step on the road to recovery.
  17. What is more wasteful than subsidizing ethanol for motor fuel, which induces starvation, inflates food prices and does nothing to solve the problem of oil price inflation? 
  18. We sacrificed our present and our future when we elected you in a drunken stupor of charismatic intoxication.

    The time has come for taking action. Go at once to http://www.congress.org/  sign up for a free account and send an email to your Congressman & Senators. Include a link to this blog post and disrespectfully demand articles of Impeachment.  Tell them that if they make us wait another year, we will throw them out with Obamination. 

    Obamination must be impeached, convicted and removed from office. If Biden continues his policies, he must follow. We must keep impeaching & convicting until we get a President who will reverse Obamination's suicidal policies entirely.

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