Obamination: Desecrated Medal Presentation
President Obama converted a Medal of Honor presentation into a campaign speech. You can read the whole thing here, I am interested in the perverse part.
The President began his remarks on that note:
I think we can all agree this is a good day for America. Our country has kept its commitment to see that justice is done. The world is safer; it is a better place because of the death of Osama bin Laden.
Today, we are reminded that, as a nation, there’s nothing we can’t do —- when we put our shoulders to the wheel, when we work together, when we remember the sense of unity that defines us as Americans.
As I recall, that commitment was expressed by President G.W. Bush nearly ten years ago. It was a malignantly false commitment which ignored the true enemy to focus on a false front which serves to shield the true enemy from being identified and confronted. Hunting down U.B.L. and his co-conspirators might offer psychological satisfaction, but solves nothing in the real world. It is like swatting a few wasps and leaving the rest of the nest alive to mount further attacks.
If a mob boss commissions a hit which is performed by a made member and you prosecute, convict and hang the made member, letting the mob boss go free, is that justice?
In a multi front war, we are not made significantly safer when one general is eliminated, leaving his colleagues and their subordinates in place. Generals can and will be replaced. We will only be safe when the true enemy is dead or permanently disabled.
better place
The improvement is sub marginal. No single person is the be all and end all of Islamic conquest of which terrorism is one tactic. The improvement is so small that it can not be measured.
President Obama, like Presidents Carter, Clinton & Bush seek to divert attention from the real enemy, deflecting it onto a sham front group. Al-Qaeda means "the base". The base is Ummah al-Islamiyya: that subset of humanity enslaved by Allah.
The Ummah is motivated by Allah's threat and promise. The threat is implied in Surah At-Taubah 38-39. If you do not march forth in Jihad, Allah will punish you with a painful torment. The threat is expressed more concretely in Surah An-Naba' 21-30.
The promise is made in many verses, particularly Surah As-Saff 10-13. The reward of mujahideen is described in Surah An-Naba 31-38. The threat & promise motivate believing Muslims to wage war for the ostensible purpose of imposing Islam on the entire world.
It all begins with creation; since Allah created the world, he has exclusive possession and sovereignty. Only Allah has the right to be worshiped; only Allah has the right to rule. He delegated the regulation of temporal affairs to Muhammad and his successors. Their role is to impose Allah's dominion on the entire globe.
It is called "holy fighting in Allah's cause", which is to make Islam dominant. The primary characteristic that confers holiness on it is not embezzling the spoils. Turn to Surah At-Taubah 111 to learn what believers do: they fight in Allah's cause, killing others and being killed. So long as the face of the earth is polluted by believers in Allah's threat & promise, we are not safe, war is being prepared or actively waged against us. We will not be safe until they quit believing or quit living.
If you seek to make the world a better, more peaceful and safer place, then identify the enemy: Islam and begin to fight it on the ideological plane. Expose Allah as Satan and Muhammad as a genocidal warlord, murderer and rapist.
Document the Qur'an, Sunnah & Sira; display it to the Ummah so that they can see exactly what they are enslaved to, worship and emulate. Those who retain a scintilla of vestigial morality will eventually apostatize, the recidivist residue we must deal with more forcefully.
nothing we can’t do
That exemplifies over generalization: asserting that, because we can, after ten years of hard effort, track down and kill one terrorist leader, solve every imaginable domestic and international problem by increasing taxes and throwing money with random abandon.
That clause converted a medal of honor presentation into a campaign speech, the ultimate indignity to two heroes who should be honored, not co-opted as campaign props.
Poverty, unemployment, economic decline & stagnation, inflation, etc. are not members of the set of soluble problems. Anthropomorphic climate change is neither real nor subject to control by any means at our disposal.
The solutions proposed by Obama are not solutions, they are fundamental causes of the problems. Socialism is the problem, not the solution!