Chrislam: Malignant Malarkey
NPR has a story about friendship between a church and a mosque: A Ramadan Story Of Two Faiths Bound In Friendship. It seems that a church offered the use of its facility while the mosque was under construction. A year later, the two groups cooperate in charity projects.
So friendly, touchy~feeley & upbeat; what a great story. Unfortunately, the story values form over substance. Christianity and Islam do not share a common deity. Christians worship the God of Israel. Muslims worship Allah, one of 360 idols in the Kaaba before Moe throw out the other 359.
The Christian God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Allah has no son, only a slave, who was not crucified, did not die and was not resurrected, who will return to kill the Jews & Christians and rule the world by the Qur'an. Allah demands human blood sacrifice, setting great slaughter as Moe's price of admission to Paradise.
But Muslims and Christians can be friends and share common goals, can't they? Allah said they can't, and repeated it frequently.
What do pious Muslims pray for during Ramadan? Of course, they pray for blessing and forgiveness, and something more, which I have highlighted to make it stand out.
Invite Muslims into our churches to remind Allah why he should burn us, pray four our defeat and the overthrow of our government; what a great idea.