Your Vote Belongs to You: don't Give it Away!
Voting is an activity we participate in jointly and severally. Each voter's decision is diluted by the large number of votes cast, but when the votes are counted, issues are decided and nominees or officers selected based on the numbers of votes cast.
When you cast your ballot in your Presidential Primary or Caucus, cast it on the basis of who is the best potential President, not who is most popular, leads in the polls or has 'the best chance of winning".
Candidates rise and fall in the polls on the basis of selective sampling and biased questions. The mass media build up one candidate, only to kick the pedestal from under his feet a few weeks later. Their objective is to insure the re-election of President Obama.
The party insiders, also known as the 'establishement' have a win at any cost bias. Their objective is to gain control of the Senate so that they can feather their own nests and line the pockets of their favorite crony capitalists.
Four years ago we let the 'establishment' and the media select our nominee. McCain ran an incompetent campaign, and he lost as he richly deserved. Obama did not deserve to win, he won by default because we let others choose our nominee. The best candidates were knocked out in the early primaries because it was said of them that they could not win.
The Iowa Caucuses and early Primaries narrow the field, reducing the options of those who vote later in the season. If you reject the best candidates, we all lose.
If McCain had been elected, we would still be losing in Afghanistan & Iraq, Iran would be busy building their A bomb, the Arab Spring would have sprung and the economy would still be in the septic tank. But all of those problems would be blamed by the media and the talking heads on a false caricature of Conservatism. When we nominate a LibTurd disguised as a Conservative, we degrade the brand, risking the future of the movement. Do not let the 'establishment' 'redefine' Conservatism by nominating Romney or Perry!
There are two genuine committed Conservatives currently in the race: Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann. At present, they trail in the polls. It is in your power, by ignoring the polls and voting for the best candidate, to keep them in the race, giving others who follow you a chance to vote for the best instead of the worst.
The future of the Republican Party and the nation hangs in the balance. Yours is a heavy responsibility, exercise it with great care. "A white ball elects, a black cube rejects; be careful when voting and make no mistakes."