NBC: Morons In The Booth
NBC Fear Mongering?
New Vent: NBC’s Emotional Terrorism
posted at 9:04 pm on July 3, 2007 by Bryan
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On May 17, NBC reported a blockbuster exclusive on the superiority of Dragon Skin body armor over Interceptor, the body armor that the US Army issues to soldiers in combat zones. But NBC’s story has a major flaw: It’s wrong about nearly everything.
Received the following from a Patriot in the email:
As most of you know I have been criticizing the main stream media for some time. The main stream media is controlled by left-wing ideologues that refuse to report the truth and/or both sides of every story. The main stream media (MSM) may even have influenced you…and you believed them.
These ideologues will stop at nothing to control the mindset such that it affects the atmosphere of the citizenry and therefore the voting decisions of millions. They report negatively on many aspects that are otherwise positive. A good example of this is how they downplay the economy, yet this economy happens to be the best economy in the history of mankind (Fact, not fiction, you too can study this issue.)
Approximately one-hundred percent of the daily newspapers are controlled by these same people, led,of course, by the New York Times and their subsidiaries (i.e., the Boston Globe).
On the other hand, there is the televised portion of the MSM which constitutes ABC, CBS, NBC, and others. Where do most Americans get their news? Answer: The MSM. In the interest of brevity I leave you with just one small example of how the MSM controls the mindset of the populace…and this may very well include you!
Click on the link below and then scroll down to the video “NBC’s Emotional Terrorism”
and click on “Click To Play”
We know who controls the news media…don’t let the news media control you. Hitler controlled the news media before he took over…so who’s getting ready to take over you? I have the answer, do you?
The MSM has so many people brainwashed that sometimes I think it would be better to just let the Left take over under controlled conditions and let everyone see how wrong they are.
I think someone should open up hunting season on them so we can rid the world of the dumbasses.