The Rants of Miss Beth!!
Miss Beth Rants
Just HOW LOW Will the Libs/Dems/Scammers Go?
I have no proof dems and libs are involved in this, but frankly, after what we’ve seen the last six months in Congress, the corruption, money laundering, extreme ethics violations, etc., it would NOT surprise me one single iota to find they are indeed behind this in some measure.
Just what am I talking about? The Nigerian Scam with a twist. Using a US Soldier’s name to get attention–a currently serving US soldier. I mean, after all, let’s see how far these bottom feeding slime will take the name of the United States, engender further hatred toward those that defend our freedom, splatter them with more of the scandal that clings to dems and libs like the designer clothes they adore.
In other words, I’m royally PISSED OFF, and based on the cowards and criminals in congress, protesting in our streets, releasing shockumentaries, babbling from their soapboxes, I’m gonna say what I damn well please and if y’all don’t like it, tough. MY country, MY soldiers, MY freedom of speech.
Here’s what I got in my email (I’ve left all grammatical and structural errors intact):
I am in need of your assistance. My name is SGT Justin Harris . I am in the Engineering military unit here in Ba’qubah in Iraq, we have about US$25 Million US dollars that we want to move out of the country. My partners and I need a good partner someone we can trust. It is oil money and legal.We are moving it through diplomatic means, to send it to your house directly or a bank of your choice using diplomatic courier service they can ship it directly to you in your place, door to door delivery. The most important thing is that can we trust you? Once the funds get to you, you take your 50% out and keep our own 50%. Your own part of this deal is to find a safe place where the funds can be sent to. Our own part is sending it to you. If you are interested i will furnish you with more details. But the whole process is simple and we must keep a low profile at all times.Can i trust you and will you help? Send me an email with your positive reply and i will send you more details and the plan. Dont worry it is risk free.Waiting for your urgent response.
Your Army in Iraq.
SGT Justin Harris
The email address it came from:
FIRST of all should any of you get emails from this typical Nigerian scam, there is a government agency to report it to: Use this address liberally.
Second, there really is a Sgt. Justin Harris (Sgt. Justin Harris, a combat engineer who is a team leader for Company E and hails from Roseville, Calif. ), serving in Iraq. There’s a wonderful story on him here entitled “Ironhorse Brigade Helps Return Kidnapped Victims A joint effort with Iraqi Police returns three men to their families.”
Just how low will the scammers, the dems, the libs, the LSM, etc. go in besmirching those that defend their right to spew forth their vile? Using a hero’s name to promote illegal activities and Nigerian scams? They haven’t cooked up enough bullshit between Abu Ghraib, Haditha, etc.?
Assholes, all.
Yes, there are low-lifes everywhere and they are sure to be code pinko members or even friends of the trolls we see everyday. Imagine that?
I’ve been getting things from all kind of Countries about money. It’s a scam.
First time I seen a Soldier’s name being used. So Thanks for the update.
And shame on the idiots that are doing this. You know the words I’d use.