Exposing the Lame Stream Media Bias
Say It Ain’t So! Bias In the Lame Stream Media?
How can this be? In the List of 45, as exposed in the book, The Naked Communist, as presented to CONgress on Thursday, January 10, 1963, one of the ULTIMATE goals of the Leftinistra was to infiltrate and take over and subvert the US Press Services. SHAZAM! Now, we “see” that it worked! Imagine that!!
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
Wake Up America has a fantastic write-up about it.
Journalistic Bias: The proof is in the numbers
Many have often scoffed when we mention media bias or media lies but MSNBC has a list of journalist and the political party they contributed to. (The media bias and media lies links bring you to pages that shows all our posts on those subjects, all on one page)
The ones with a D next to them contributed to Democrats and the ones with a R next to them contributed to Republicans.
This doesn’t surprise me, but I am sure it will surprise the doubters.
(D) ABC News, Mary Fulginiti, “Primetime” correspondent. Click for details.
(D) ABC affiliate in Boston, WCVB, Sangita Chandra, producer. Click for details.
(D) ABC affiliate in Wichita, KAKE, Susan Peters, anchor. Click for details.
(D) CBS News, Serena Altschul, correspondent for “CBS Sunday Morning.” Click for details.
(D) CBS News, Edward H. Forgotson Jr., producer, “CBS Sunday Morning.” Click for details.
(D) CBS affiliate in Boston, WBZ, Liz Walker, newsmagazine host. Click for details.
(D) CBS affiliate in Los Angeles, KCBS, Claudia Bill, news writer. Click for details.
(D) CBS affiliate in Memphis, WREG, Markova Reed, anchors the morning and noon news. Click for details.
(D) CNN, Guy Raz, Jerusalem correspondent, now defense correspondent for National Public Radio. Click for details.
(R) CW affiliate in Chicago, WGN, Jay Congdon, news producer. Click for details.
(R) CW affiliate in Los Angeles, KTLA, Diana Chi, news writer. Click for details.
(R) Fox News Channel, Ann Stewart Banker, producer for Bill O’Reilly’s “The O’Reilly Factor.” Click for details.
(D) Fox News Channel, Codie Brooks, researcher for Brit Hume’s “Special Report.” Click for details.
(D) Fox affiliate in Omaha, KPTM, Calvert Collins, reporter. Click for details.
(D) Fox affiliate in Minneapolis, KMSP, Alix Kendall, morning anchor. Click for details.
(D) Fox affiliate in Washington, D.C., WTTG, Laura Evans, anchor. Click for details.
(R) MSNBC, Joe Scarborough, host of “Morning Joe” and “Scarborough Country.” Click for details.
(D) MTV News, Gideon Yago, “Choose or Lose” presidential correspondent. Click for details.
(D) NBC News, Victoria Corderi, “Dateline” correspondent. Click for details.
(R) PBS affiliate in New York, Thirteen/WNET, Rafael Roman, host, “New York Voices.” Click for details.
(D) Independent station KTVK, Phoenix, Steve Bodinet, reporter. Click for details.
(D) MSNBC.com, Rachel Schwanewede, senior editor, TodayShow.com. Click for details.
(D) MSNBC.com, Joel Widzer, travel columnist. Click for details.
(D) Salon.com, Gary Kamiya, writer at large and former executive editor. Click for details.
(D) Salon.com, Katharine Mieszkowski, reporter. Click for details.
(D) The Atlantic Monthly, Martha Spaulding, assistant managing editor. Click for details.
(D) Business Week, Prudence Crowther, chief copy editor. Click for details.
(D) The Economist, Andreas Kluth, technology correspondent. Click for details.
(D) The Economist, Joanne Ramos, financial writer. Click for details.
(R) Forbes, Jean A. Briggs, assistant managing editor. Click for details.
(R) Forbes, Robert Lenzner, national editor. Click for details.
(D) Forbes, Tatiana Serafin, senior reporter. Click for details.
(D) Inc., Jane Berentson, editor. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, David Denby, film critic. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, Henry Finder, editorial director and books editor. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, Tad Friend, Hollywood reporter. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, Ann Goldstein, head of copy department. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, Hendrik Hertzberg, senior editor. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, John Lahr, theater critic. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, Janet Malcolm, writer. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, George Packer, war correspondent. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, Mark Singer, profile writer. Click for details.
(D) The New Yorker, Judith Thurman, writer. Click for details.
(D) Newsweek, Temma Ehrenfeld, associate editor. Click for details.
(D & R) Newsweek, Jane Bryant Quinn, personal finance columnist. Click for details.
(D) Newsweek, Anne Underwood, correspondent on health and medical stories. Click for details.
(D) Rolling Stone, Jason Fine, deputy managing editor. Click for details.
(D) Rolling Stone, David Swanson, assistant editor. Click for details.
(D) Rolling Stone, Jann Wenner, editor and publisher. Click for details.
(D) Time, Jim Frederick, senior editor. Click for details.
(D) U.S. News & World Report, Michael Freeman, researcher. Click for details.
(D) U.S. News & World Report, Amanda Spake, senior writer. Click for details.
(D) Vanity Fair, Elise O’Shaughnessy, contributing editor. Click for details.
(D) Vanity Fair, Michael Shnayerson, contributing editor. Click for details.
Television: 16 for Democratic politicians and 5 for Republican Politicians.
Online: 4 for Democratic politicians, 0 for Republican.
Magazine: 27 for Democratic politicians and 3 for Republican.
This was just the numbers from the front page of the list, go to MSNBC to see the full list.
Beginning to see the bias now?
Does anyone really believe that reporter is not going to let his personal political choices influence their writing?
If you do, then I have some prime swampland in Florida I wish to sell to you.
More discussion about this via the memeorandum:
The Jawa Report, Hot Air, National Review, Taegan Goddard’s …, Romenesko, Redstate, The Caucus, NewsBusters.org, Michael P.F. van der Galiën, TIME: Swampland, On Deadline and JammieWearingFool
I look at the msn as a pathetic joke. While conservatives like you believe they are liberally biased, those of us from the Left regard them as merely shells of former news shows. They are only out for ratings and nothing more. Many of us regard them as no different than ‘Entertainment Tonight’ or something similar.
Wow. Who woulda thought?
Thanks Snooper for posting this!!!!!!!!!
Yea right and I have a bridge for sale, any takers?
Good post snoop.