Hairy Reid and His Dumb-Ass Pie Hole
Harry Reid’s Pie Hole
Harry Reid, the Dingo from Nevada. The more this character opens his yapper the more convinced I am the DNC hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell to be victorious in ‘08, anywhere, save, say, in some “stan”country - certainly not here.
Case in point: WSJ:
“Harry Reid hopes to help unions deprive workers of their right to vote.”
That is the sub-title of the piece.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided to hold a vote this Wednesday on perhaps the most unpopular element of the Democratic agenda. The Employee Free Choice Act has already passed the House, but now it faces real hurdles in the Senate because, contrary to the name, it undermines workplace democracy.
Under the so-called card-check bill, a company would no longer have the right to demand a secret-ballot election to certify a union, thus stripping 140 million American workers of the right to decide in private whether to organize.
Republican senators, except possibly Pennsylvania’s Arlen Specter, are uniformly opposed to the idea. “We went to the secret ballot in the early 1800s in this country for a darn good reason: If somebody’s looking over your shoulder, your ballot doesn’t mean much,” Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says, noting fears of intimidation by unions should the bill pass.
But conservatives aren’t the only ones concerned. A February survey of 1,000 likely voters by McLaughlin Associates found that 79% of respondents oppose the bill, with only 14% in favor. Even Democrats opposed the idea, 78% to 16%.
OK. Who is paying whom off here? Once again, the MAJORITY of Americans do NOT want this. Yet, in Reids’ finite and miniscule intelligence (equating to his infinite ignorance), he plans to move ahead ANYWAY?
I agree with Dennis Miller. You?
Just in case you are wondering, our pandering Czarina supports this measure and is one of the originating co-sponsors of it. Again, I ask…who is paying off whom?
The Employee Free Choice Act
I am an original co-sponsor and strong supporter of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a measure that would create a fair and level playing field between workers and employers and promote the economic growth of the American middle class. EFCA would create an atmosphere where workers would be able to choose a union free from employer coercion by strengthening penalties for employer coercion when employees are attempting to organize; encouraging mediation and arbitration for first-contract disputes and allowing employees to form unions by signing cards authorizing union representation. I am committed to ensuring that workers are able to organize a union without coercion or intimidation, and also that federal contractors that benefit from taxpayer dollars demonstrate fairness towards their employees. The card check process, which requires majority sign-up, is the most effective way to protect employees’ freedom to choose to form a union.
And then, from the WaPo article originally cited, we have this:
Indeed, many of the congressional supporters of a card-check law sang an entirely different tune a few years ago about the importance of a secret ballot. In 2001, Rep. George Miller of California, the chief House sponsor of the card check bill, joined Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts and 14 other Democratic colleagues in writing Mexican labor authorities that “we feel that the secret ballot is absolutely necessary in order to ensure that workers are not intimidated into voting for a union they might not otherwise choose.” Apparently, a secret ballot is imperative to protect Mexican workers, but on the U.S. side of the border it’s an impediment to Mr. Miller’s domestic political agenda.
What does this smell like to you?
What Hillary The Hun “omits” is this. The “voting” is no longer secret. It is open. And we ALL know that union “delegates” are the nice, quiet, elegant and harmless types, right? And they wouldn’t resort to dubious tactics to “force” folks to vote a way they normally wouldn’t, right?
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A full out effort to replace those who “serve????” us in Washington by not listening needs to happen yesterday. I almost hate to turn on my computer to see what kind of stupidity we are in store for today.
Cyber Pastor…in my “retirement”,I have the opportunity to follow news stories and I have to tell ya…the stupidity in DC on both sides of the aisle is very apparent. They are running scared because those of us are speaking up. SO much so are they afraid, that IDIOT Lott that we WENT TO BAT FOR a few times got pissed off at us FOR speaking up.
Never again, Lott me boy. He done struck out with me.