Jihad USA?
Suicide Bombers Dispatched to the United States
Is it CLEAR yet to the naysayers and the politically correct dingledorfs and the multiculturalist whiners?
Judas Priest, people, wake the HELL UP!! Video is here…
From the Blotter:
Go to Sprees for the analysis:
Has anyone seen recent reports of that old rock group the monkeys? As I was reading Spree’s take, and watching the news at the same time, all I could think of was:
Just plug in “Jihadis” or “suicide bombers” whenever you see the word “monkees”.
Just plug in the word “murdering” whenever you see the word “singing”.
Here we come, walkin’
Down the street.
We get the funniest looks from
Ev’ry one we meet.
Hey, hey, we’re the Monkees
And people say we monkey around.
But we’re too busy singing
To put anybody down.
We go wherever we want to,
do what we like to do
We don't have time to get restless,
There's always something new.
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down.
We're just tryin' to be friendly,
Come and watch us sing and play,
We're the young gneration,
And we've got something to say.
Any time, Or anywhere,
Just look over your shoulder
Guess who'll be standing there
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down.
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down.
We're just tryin' to be friendly,
Come and watch us sing and play,
We're the young gneration,
And we've got something to say.
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
[repeat and fade]
extra verse:
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees,
You never know where we'll be found.
so you'd better get ready,
We may be comin' to your town.
Teams of al Qaeda-trained suicide bombers were dispatched to the United States and Europe from an Afghan camp 10 days ago, ABC News reported last night.
About 300 would-be bombers - including boys as young as 12 - were ordered to carry out attacks in Britain, Canada, Germany and the United States, the report said.
A Pakistani journalist invited to attend the camp took pictures of a Taliban commander congratulating graduates on June 9, ABC News said.
“These Americans, Canadians, British and Germans come here to Afghanistan from faraway places. Why shouldn’t we go after them?” the commander, Mansoor Dadullah - whose brother was killed by U.S. forces last month - can be heard saying on tape.
U.S. intelligence officials dismissed the graduation ceremony as “aggressive and sophisticated propaganda.” But Richard Clarke, a former counterterror expert in the Clinton and Bush White Houses, said the threat should be taken seriously.
“It doesn’t take too many who are willing . . . and able to slip through . . . to the United States or England [to] cause a lot of damage,” he said.
More than 100 people have been killed in three days of clashes between NATO and the Taliban in southern Afghanistan, Afghan officials said.
Published on Monday, June 18, 2007 by Reuters
Iraq Now Ranked Second Among World’s Failed States
by David Morgan
WASHINGTON - Iraq has emerged as the world’s second most unstable country, behind Sudan, more than four years after President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, according to a survey released on Monday.
The 2007 Failed States Index, produced by Foreign Policy magazine and the Fund for Peace, said Iraq suffered a third straight year of deterioration in 2006 with diminished results across a range of social, economic, political and military indicators. Iraq ranked fourth last year.
Afghanistan, another war-torn country where U.S. and NATO forces are battling a Taliban insurgency nearly six years after a U.S.-led invasion, was in eighth place.
“Iraq and Afghanistan, the two main fronts in the global war on terror, both suffered over the past year,” a report that accompanied the figures said.
“Their experiences show that billions of dollars in development and security aid may be futile unless accompanied by a functioning government, trustworthy leaders, and realistic plans to keep the peace and develop the economy.”
The index said Sudan, the world’s worst failed state, appears to be dragging down its neighbors Central African Republic and Chad, with violence in the Darfur region responsible for at least 200,000 deaths and the displacement of 2 million to 3 million.
The authors of the index said one of the leading benchmarks for failed state status is the loss of physical control of territory or a monopoly on the legitimate use of force.
Other attributes include the erosion of legitimate authority, an inability to provide reasonable public services and the inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community.
More lame silliness from a Jihadi Troll?
You are in over your head.
He is in his own personal downward spiral and knows the end result is crash and burn without a parachute. Pity him and send a body bag. His DNR has already been signed.
Left wingers circling the cauldron make no sense and have no concept of truth or fact based data. All they can do is flap their wings, gibber and chant left wing talking points.
Please redact my above comment Snooper.
Apparently the info supplied by edmundburkefan does have some verifiable coherence.
My apology to edmundburkefan.
No apologies are necessary because my posting may have given you the wrong impression. I totally support the world wide war on terror. I’m only dismayed at the way it’s being carried out without any sacrifice on our part except for those of us with loved ones over there. Someone like Thompson or McCann in the White House would know the right way to wage war. My brother was in Iraq, Captain USMC, and fought in Fallujah. He lost his lower right leg and is now at home convalescing.
My son is serving with the 101st and will deploy soon.
There is really only one sure-fired way to win the GWOT but we have too many cowards in DC to do so.
Thank you but it was my mistake. I should have read your post a little more carefully.
Our young warriors and their families seem to be the only ones sacrificing, We are in a war and the entire nation should be 100% behind the effort. Unfortunately, American Idol and reruns of CSI seem to more important to far too many including the anti-war crowd and their gibbering maniacs.
Still there are those of us who know about the sacrifices and the commitment of our soldiers. Some of us are veterans from other unpopular wars. We support them AND their mission.
Please thank your brother for his service and sacrifice. He is a true hero! May God grant him a speedy recovery.
Semper Fi!
The problems I see in this country are great, but the one that always manages to make my head hurt is our complete ignorane as to the mistakes made in all wars, every single war of our time has made mistakes because each is different and our leaders have always had to learn from their mistakes.
We need to have great understanding when mistakes are made unless of course WE, ourselves, have never made a mistake in our lifetime, and we need to support every effort that is made to correct those mistakes.
Bush’s mistakes seem greater because his responsibility is greater, that does not make him any less human than we are.
Well stated Spree.
Thanks to all who have family members in our service.
May God Bless them & they’re families.
No one except our Servicemen & women understand what is at risk, I have no idea why.
Some don’t even want to be mad at the enemy, they would prefer to blame President Bush.
Were mistakes made about Iraq, YES.
But I believe in our Military, I should hope & pray that all Americans have that.
Without our Military past & present where would we be?
Instead of being mad at Bush put the blame where it belongs on the jihadists.
It’s our military that will NEVER leave us, they will be there defending our nation, whether it’s popular or not.
They are the ones that put their lives on the line for us.
And it’s our Military that deserves our appreciation, respect, & Love.
We have the best Military in the world. They don’t cower
nor do they whine, they do it because they love their Country and are willing to defend it at all costs.
God Bless them all.
Jihad coming to a theatre of war near you.
It will be far more difficult for the Liberal spinmeisters when DC is a hole.
except for the buildings and innocents involved, that may wind up as a mixed blessing.
This war is not yet lost, but that is getting closer. Not on the ground where the fighting takes place, but at home where Leftizoidal Liberal Maniacs still try to placate and ‘understand’ the enemy.
“…but at home where Leftizoidal Liberal Maniacs still try to placate and ‘understand’ the enemy…”
As always, well stated.
Thanks to all of you for your kind words. Snooper, my prayers go out to your ’screaming eagle’ and the rest of your family. I will hold him up in my prayers.
Thanks Fan of Burke. Sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I am Chief Troll Trouncer and I was itchin’…LOL!!
Perfectly understandable my friend. There’s alot of crazies in cyber world and one can never be too careful. My daughter had a very bad experience in cyberspace with some of them. This is why she refuses to have anything to do with this media any longer.