Nancy and Hairy...2 Peas In A Failed Pod
GREAT Job Nancy and HAIRY!!
Collectively, these two IDGITS, has managed to abase the United States CONgress to an ALL time LOW of 14% approval.
Where in the hell is Dean?
It “IS” all about the numbers.
WTG Mr Limpet and Stretch Face!! Now, there’s something to write home to mom about, eh? Morons. Majority of Americans on their side my ass.
Americans’ Confidence in Congress at All-Time Low
The percentage of Americans with a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in Congress is at 14%, the lowest in Gallup’s history of this measure — and the lowest of any of the 16 institutions tested in this year’s Confidence in Institutions survey. It is also one of the lowest confidence ratings for any institution tested over the last three decades.
Gallup’s annual update on Americans’ confidence in institutions shows that confidence ratings are generally down across the board compared with last year. The public’s confidence ratings in several institutions, including Congress, are now at all-time low points in Gallup’s history of this measure. These low ratings reflect the generally sour mood of the public at this time.
Of the 16 societal institutions tested in Gallup’s 2007 update, Americans express the most confidence in the military. They have the least confidence in HMOs and Congress. Americans have much more confidence in “small” business than in “big” business.
HA! Their “approval ratings” are LOWER than the much hated Republican majority they were SO whining about! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Morons.
Does this mean we can impeach them now for lying to the American People?
Be advised: below is a track record of troll comments. As can be seen, they have a habit ot an inability to focus on any subject and try so hard to distract. Then, they get angry about being banned from posting.
14% is ridiculously high; they shouldn’t even receive that much. The Dems did nothing to help the previous congress; all they did was thwart. The problem with that is when you have to lead or have ideas…LOSERS!!!!
talknowtownhall we don’t discuss irrelevant left wing talking points here.
Go back to your hole troll.
Here it goes right to my heart:
Here it goes right to my heart:
Our MILITARY has 69% in the gallop poll. They are #1.
Congress is dead last.
The people have more faith in our Military than they do our reps on either side.
Your proof the war has failed. Be specific.
Proof the Iraqi’s don’t want us there. Be specific.
Americans are overwhelmingly pissed off and want the troops home? Proof. Be specific.
Pull the troops out and then what? What’s your plan to deal with terrorists and the threats from Islam?
And do not list left wing talking points or idiot poll’s.
The fact is we ALL want the troops home safe and sound but not until the mission is complete.
Supply us with irrefutable evidence of your TP’s and we might listen. And once again in case you forgot…NO left wing talking points!
Edited by moderator. Off topic chatter will be disapproved. Trolls. Learn your places.
And you still hear them talking about Bush’s approval rating.
Edited by moderator. Off topic chatter will be disapproved. Trolls. Learn your places.
What would you do without following us around like a lost puppy?
Congress isn’t much better with 14%. Of course you’d see this as a win for you.
Answer solo. What would you do with the ones that want to kill us?
You don’t seem to realize that we all want our Troops home, but as usual it’s our Troops that knows what’s at risk, it’s our Troops that wants to finish the job, it’s our Troops that are there to make sure that AQ goes down.
All the Troops ever asked for was to let them do their jobs.
Why don’t you go to milblog and say this cr@p?
They have nothing to offer but lies from their left wing handlers cassy.
Answer the questions raoul or go back to your hole.
Trolls. Stay on topic. Learn your places. Don’t force me to “spam” you.
This proves one thing that harry& nancy are NOT what one would call ethical.
They’ve lied to the American people heaven knows how many times, it’s like if they intend to be irratic.
Everytime these two open their mouths they put their foot in it.
What else can we or could we expect from Carter supporters?
THIS democratic party lead CONgress is THE worse one in the history of the United States.
Nothing to brag about, is it?
If the trolls can stay on topic, I will let them stay.
Don’t get me started about Jimmy the peanut.
Nothing against peanuts guys, but I had my fill of Jimmy.
Jimmy is a moron. He needs to retire…permanently.
Trool 2…this is the topic…
Collectively, these two IDGITS, has managed to abase the United States CONgress to an ALL time LOW of 14% approval.
Get with the program. If you wish to talk of your talking points proven to be erroneous, false and retarded, discuss them in a thread specifically for lame talking points.
This is your final and last warning.
Trool 2…this is the topic…
Collectively, these two IDGITS, has managed to abase the United States CONgress to an ALL time LOW of 14% approval.
Get with the program. If you wish to talk of your talking points proven to be erroneous, false and retarded, discuss them in a thread specifically for lame talking points.
This is your final and last warning.
Gone post by Troll 2 that cannot stay on topic but its next comment is a valid one but not for the reason IT thinks. The sun must be too hot in Nevada…the Land of Illegal land Deals by Reid.
“Collectively, these two IDGITS, has managed to abase the United States CONgress..”
I disagree. 14% approval because they failed to answer the voters about getting us out of Iraq. Simple as that.
Go ahead and ban me now for not agreeing with you.
Serious question… Do you really expect the visitors to your blog to stay EXACTLY on topic? Do you plan on treating everyone the same regardless of party affiliation? For example… In post #19 you mentioned something about Jimmy Carter. What does he have to do with this current topic?
For post #23:
The wrongly conceived perception of the passe mantra of The Reid and his ilk is why they are so low in the polls and why GWB has an approval rating of TWICE CONgress.
The “Iraq” issue was all about VICTORY and NOT “getting the troops” out via cut and run.
It never ceases to amaze me that when the polls support the Leftinistra, they are as accurate as accurate can get. When the polls are unfavorable,it is always someone else’s fault or the polls are skewed.
Go here to see how the MAJORITY of Americans feel about the War In Iraq:
You will see your assessments are “skewed” by your BDS syndrome or your Jihadi Troll Blogger status:
Are we conservatives “happy” with GWB? Yes and no. Yes to a degree about the GWOT and no about the ILLEGAL immigration crap.
The DNC PROMISED the American People to “clean up” DC and they failed. Why? They are the CAUSE of that which needs to be cleaned up.
Get over it. Accept it and move on. It will only get worse for you.
INRE #24) LOL! Silly question. That moron is PART of the problem. LOL!!
Trolls…learn your place and you can stay
“learn your place”
Is there a set of rules available we can skim over? Can we disagree? Can I blame Congress’ 14% approval rating on their failure to get us out of Iraq? What goes here?
“it is always someone else’s fault or the polls are skewed.”
I disagree. Congress is at 14% approval because we’re still bogged down in Baghdad and the Democrats campaigned on getting us out and have failed to this point.
It all boils down to Iraq.
“That moron is PART of the problem.”
So is Iraq.
Your misconceptions of Iraq is your problem and you and your kind are in the minority of Americans…if you are an American.
It all boils down to cowardice, not understanding what the war is about and BDS. So sad for your kind to be in the dark and the minority.
Bogged down in Iraq? Don’t get out much, do you?
Visit the MilBlogs in my sidebar. Come back when you know what you are yammering about.
Study the series Studies In Islam and learn what this war is about and for how long it has been going on.
“Your misconceptions of Iraq…”
Iraq isn’t getting better, it has only gotten worse. That’s a fact.
“your kind are in the minority of Americans…”
Rasmussen Sunday, June 10, 2007: “Overall, voters are expecting things to get worse–just 26% think things will get better in Iraq over the next six months; 51% say they’ll get worse.
Fifty-two percent (52%) of all Americans say President Bush is doing a poor job handling the situation in Iraq. Just 27% say he is doing a good or an excellent job.”
Who’s in the minority?
“..if you are an American.”
Born and raised.
“It all boils down to cowardice..”
Admitting that this war is making Iraq, America and the world worse off is not being a coward. Since you like citing polls, I cited a poll above that says “26% think things will get better in Iraq over the next six months; 51% say they’ll get worse”. The mass majority of Americans that want our troops home are not Cowards. Speaking up is not cowardice.
Thanks for proving just how out of touch you really are.
Like I said,come back when your BDS meds kick in.
Thanks for proving just how bad you are at adressing the FACTS I post.
1. Iraq isn’t getting better, it has only gotten worse.
2. 52% of all Americans (my ilk) say President Bush is doing a poor job handling the situation in Iraq.
3. Just 27% (your ilk) say he is doing a good or an excellent job.
4. 26% (your ilk) think things will get better in Iraq over the next six months
5. I was born and raised in the great state of Nevada.
6. Speaking up is not cowardice.
You haven’t learned anything yet, grasshopper.
ALL of your lamed ass retarded code pinko factoids have been proven false long ago. You keep on repeating the lies; doesn’t make them come true, little one.
Grow up.
Hey, Nevada, in case you haven’t heard;
Your #’s reek of the MINORITY code punkys…LOL!!
Must suck to be the loser side…
INRE #28…the rules are simple…Leftinoidinal talking points which have been debunked many times over are unauthorized and will vanish.
Hijacking topics and changing the subjects will render the comment to the dung piles.
Viral vitriol will result in spam status.
In spite of all of the differences between us, and God knows there’s about a million or so - I just wanted to thank you for letting us respond over here. At least you allow a certain amount of free expression which is more than I can say for others from your side.
“Leftinoidinal talking points which have been debunked many times over are unauthorized and will vanish.”
You mean… Facts you don’t agree with will vanish?
BTW… Will you address the fcats I posted in #38 or not?
1. Iraq isn’t getting better, it has only gotten worse.
2. 52% of all Americans (my ilk) say President Bush is doing a poor job handling the situation in Iraq.
3. Just 27% (your ilk) say he is doing a good or an excellent job.
4. 26% (your ilk) think things will get better in Iraq over the next six months
5. I was born and raised in the great state of Nevada.
6. Speaking up is not cowardice.
Previously answered and debunked MANY times over at the RINO blog and here as well.
Your #s are in error.
Have fun.
Hey, Snooper, in case you haven’t heard;
The poll you posted in post #40 confirms EXACTLY what I’ve been saying for months now. 66% say winning Iraq is “somewhat”, “not very” and “not at all” important. Only 35% (your ilk) say it’s “VERY” important. Thanks for proving my point for me.
Twist it anyway you choose to. If you choose to be wrong…go for it.
“If you choose to be wrong…”
I agree with your poll 100%. No twisting necessary to understand the poll. 66% say winning Iraq is “somewhat”, “not very” and “not at all” important. Only 35% (your ilk) say it’s “VERY” important.
1. in some measure or degree; to some extent: not angry, just somewhat disturbed.
2. some part, portion, amount, etc.
Again… Thanks for proving my point for me.
SPIN it baby!! LOL!!
DNC…lost in space
No spinning necessary. Everyone can simply click your link and do the math for themselves.
The proof/facts is in the numbers you posted.
66% (my ilk) say winning Iraq is “somewhat”, “not very” and “not at all” important. Only 35% (your ilk) say it’s “VERY” important.
Well done! You proved my point.
Your lameness is leaking. And this is what I have been getting at for a long time. Repeating your lameness over and over as if it is true does not make it true.
It is not true. Spin it all ya want to. You are on the wrong side of the issue…again.
Your 66% should not include “somewhat” as that can be taken as leaning either way.
And this “your ilk - our ilk” statement was not included in the poll.
Percent important;
May ‘07
All Americans 61%
Democrats 44%
Republicans 84%
Ind/other 61%
Where do you get 66% of “your ilk” ?
Spin baby spin!
Not even remotely close. Too bad the code pinkos got to ya…LOL!!
I can’t be held responsible for your lack of understanding.
Flush the BDS and you’ll be OK