Troll Baiting Works...Check Out The Comments
Troll Baiting
Works everytime.
Fellow bloggers of the Universe, Attention To Orders.
Trolls use several “handles” to pretend they are many and to make it appear that they outnumber us. Such is not the case. There are more Good Guy bloggers than there are Bad Guy bloggers.
They will use multiple email addresses to use many “handles”.
Miss Beth has identified “several” which have the same IPs as well.
mustafabinsadiz | | IP:
raoul | | IP:
As one can see, they aren’t so smart.
mustafabinsadiz | | IP:
“I am grateful to the people who are tolerant and understanding of our people. There are almost two billion Muslims in the world. Many of you of a particular political sect see all of them as your enemies. But like I began I am grateful that not all Americans are as bigoted as the few of you here are. We are a peaceful people. Yes we have bad apples amongst us but you also have the same kind of people. In fact some of you over here would gladly declare your own version of Jihad on innocents in order to satisfy your bloodlust. Thank Allah, peace be upon Him, that so many other Americans are normal in their minds and are like the rest of our world.
As-Salāmu `Alaykum”
Either this troll is a liar, misrepresenting ITSELF (go figure) or IT is a Jihadi “pretending” to be something else (go figure). Either way, IT is a troll and a liar.
They should never push that button and I could care less who it is. If it’s raoul which makes sense then he’s an ignorant troll as well.
Not only ignorant but the dumbest of the lamest.
Now WHY do you suppose that IP is on my “banned” list when I’ve never seen that particular handle before?
Gee, Miss Beth…isn’t THAT a coincidence?
LOL…I don’t believe in coincidence–not by a long shot–never have, never will….
Considering the source my guess he likes to go by anything that pops up in his “head”.
I love troll baiting. They are SO easy.
Then they’ll LOVE the comment I left in your thread on Israelis Nukes!
PS..Judaica’s syntax and “speech” pattern are not “americanized”–you might want to check his info
Miss Beth…different IP…will monitor.
The “other” ZERO IP is
Funny how the “pings” ZERO in on the same general geographic location.
Poor Jihadi liar.
No one ever said that he’s using both oars in the water.
For the sake of arguement, even if it were not the same IP address, I find this “comment” interesting:
“But like I began I am grateful that not all Americans are as bigoted as the few of you here are “–I think it means it’s grateful not all americans are as educated or have taken the time to educate themselves the way we have here–thus making it easier to lead those americans to the slaughtrer
LOL!! Cassy, that was a good one!
Miss Beth…I find it “amazing” that we are accused of being bigoted when Islam teaches bigotry in that ALL “infidels” are to be killed if they do not convert to Islam or sell themselves into slavery for Islam.
The double standards are quite obvious.
Poor Jihadi. I always KNEW IT was a Jihadi. IT even admitted to it.
IT even admitted to being to being “left of the leftists” which is communism.
So, IT is a Jihadi communist?
At best, IT is a liar.
Most of us know what the jihadists are it’s only a handful of soap on a ropers that “think” they can fool all people.
Snoop, we already know raoul is a communist, and he’s one leg shy of being in bed with a jihadist.
He’s anti- American no matter what field we talk about.
Of course Beth it teaches bigotry, that’s why they have a disfunction in trying to get along with other people.
I don’t buy the hijack religion part.
Nor do I Cassy–particularly after Ben’s and Solo’s writings on the subject–threads I notice that never get comments. And isn’t that interesting? The actual, factual threads that lay out the cold, hard knowledge, never get comments.
Yes Beth and I loved those writings. But as I told solo it’s great and all should read it.
Beth you know raoul & the other leftys, they refuse to hear anything that isn’t in their leftwing agenda.
Even if it means our demise. They actually believe they will be spared. Yea right.
Cassy, you and I both know that those that want to learn and prepare for what’s coming will do so. We can only bring them the information–we can’t make them learn it. Unfortunately, most of those on the left, prefer the standard ostrich syndrome position–it doesn’t fit their agenda to learn anything new, to question the status quo, or to be in any way productive about their own longevity or lack thereof. And, when it happens, they will be the absolute FIRST to scream about some investigative committee to find out why–when they should look in the mirror of their own disbelief and ridicule of those of us that did take the time to read and learn.
I know, it’s the you can lead a horse to water theory.
It’s pretty bad when they refuse to listen to the enemy.
That takes either a stupid person or a person with a complex such as the ostrich syndrome as you said.
Either way it’s a loaded position.
Hello raoul. Can’t make it on your own name, eh?
LOL!!! raoul…all your base are belong to us!
He should learn to change his socks or his turban every so often. That way it would take us little longer to sniff him out.
“Many of you of a particular political sect see all of them as your enemies.”
Question: has any of you EVER met a single human being, American or not, who believes that every Muslim is their enemy? I have never even met a Jewish person who believes that. The hyperbole never ends. What a putz.
As you can tell, the troll is using nics/names of real life Good Guys and making posts. I’m sure as soon as snooper checks out the posts he will take care of the phony, faker, liar, troll!
Let’s see now, how long until “Where are the WMD’s” signs up at my PPT sight????????
I’m going to post that entire list at in the next few days. I’ll probably go the way of LCRW, but hey the trolls need to be exposed to more than just our group of friends.
Ha… I found this interesting: “Yes we have bad apples amongst us but you also have the same kind of people.”
I’d give up on that orchard if I were you. If they’re going to go through all that trouble, you’d think they’d go the extra mile and fid another computer to comment from.
It is possible that two or more schmucks & putzes are cohabiting and using a single computer. They might even have two computers and switch off occasionally to confuse the trail.
Moderated. Jihadi trolls still alive need not apply.
Moderated. Liars need not apply. Frauds need not apply. Jihadi trolls need not apply. Self-professed communists need not apply.
Up yours talknow. It’s you left wing communists who are the problem. Always have been - always will be.
And stuff your reference to Nazi’s where the sun don’t shine twit.
Basically the Liar, communist, jihad, FRAUD means YOU dippy. Move it OUT.
#29, no one said they were smart, you know.
#34, just who died and left you boss over here?
I agrtee with solo, stuffit so far that no sun will ever shine through. Misfit.
#34, just who died and left you boss over here?
I agree with solo, stuffit so far that no sun will ever shine through. Misfit.
Then talknow why are you here and not there?
Because they are trolls and cannot stay on topic. That is why their comments have been removed. They will not be allowed to hijack threads or posts.
If they stay on topic, they will be allowed to stay.
Trol’s are a major disease. Why they come here is beyond me. Yes Snoop we all know the thread but it does become clear that the trolls want to dictate what we should talk about, tough luck trolls. You have no say.
They have ZERO leadership skills so they must follow. Their own kind hate each other.
Because Snoop can that’s why, this is NOT the gop blog.
And if you’d listen to what Snopp is trying to tell you then you’d understand.
This is America and YOU are the nazi. Plain enough for you.
This is America. But listen to what Snoop is saying.
dang! I missed it again. looks like y’all have been busy takin out the trash
eat shiite and die raoul. scumbag
time to permanently delete you sucker
you don’t give me ulcers …all you’re good for is a laugh now and then
raoulthe-shit-eater”Ummmm… yummy! LOL”
yeah. It shows. we can always tell when you shiite eaters show up…the stench is overwhelming
good riddance scumbag.
we got your number turd brain…use any ID you want….besides we can smell you out so you can’t hide…
Poor Jihadi troll. IT got caught lying…again…and is now “moderated”. LOL!!
On topic comment:
“this is NOT the gop blog”
I know… It’s worse!
Need a crying towel talknow? Too bad dud do you know what burnt toast is?
Poor twoll. LOL!!