Exorcism Overdue
Islam Needs an Exorcist.
A Statement of Charges!
Max Flack Report
Where am I? I’m not supposed to be running an anti-Jihad website. I’m an old man. I’m supposed to be drinking gallons of coffee, jogging three miles a day and sitting in front of the TV set swearing at the Chicago Cubs—or cursing the computer; one is as irritating as the other. That’s what old men are supposed to do—make themselves as useless as possible, but then those bastards brought down the World Trade Center and everything changed. Well, not for everybody—but for me and Rocco DiPippo and Geraldo Rivera and millions of other Americans. But for some it’s been business as usual—for Rosie O’Donnell and Sean Penn, for the Democratic Party, for most of the Republican Party, for the campus SWINE (Students Woefully Ignorant of Nearly Everything), for the KKKK (Kollegiate Kustodians of all Kultural Knowledge), the radical left college professors like Ward Churchill, Robert Jensen and Nicolas DeGenova that dominate what passes for thought on American campuses, not much has changed. Maybe it’s because stupidity loves company and cowardice craves it even more.
There are 250,000,000 people in this world who believe it is okay to kill innocent men, women and children if it will advance the cause of their religion. That’s a lot of empty heads and 249,999,000 of them are Muslims. Not enough to alarm Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama perhaps but enough to send Jethro running to Uncle Jed for a new calculator. (“Two-hundred-fifty million, Uncle Jed! Two-hundred-fifty million!” “Now calm down, Jethro, calm down.”)
Two-hundred-and-fifty million! That number would terrify Dr. Frankenstein—he created one miserable measly monster; Mohammed has created hundreds of millions of them—Mohammed Atta, Osama bin Laden, Omar Bakri Mohammed, the Ayatollah Khomeini; Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Muqtada al-Sadr, Asan Akbar; Omar Abdel Rahman, a thousand jihadists named Mohammed residing inside one square mile in Pakistan—maybe inside one square block. They abound in New York, in California, in Michigan—in a mosque near you. Islam is a sick religion. It would be obvious if the dervishes would sit still long enough to have their temperatures taken. Franklin Graham said Islam was an evil religion. Many people agree with Graham but do not have the courage to say so. (Look! There lies Theo van Gogh—he disrespected Islam! How long did his movie last? Ten Minutes? Not worth getting killed over!)
Islam needs an exorcist worse than Linda Blair. And what does the Democratic Party have to offer—not William Blatty but Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid! Their recommendation—pull out of Iraq! They have been studying the Jubilation T. Cornpone Diaries. They know all about quagmires. Sure, quagmires, quicksand bogs…the stuff Foggy Bottom is made of. The United States is in a worse position today than it was right after the Second Battle of Bull Run—worse than it was after Pearl Harbor. Jefferson Davis did not want to invade the North. Lincoln could have walked away from the war and it would have been over. Japan wanted one battle with the United States, the one it had just fought—that was it. Neither could have conquered the United States and the same goes for Nazi Germany.In war, the initiative is everything. Pelosi and Reid would give it up. They would give it up for what…for talks…for talks with whom? (Look, Sancho, there’s another moderate Muslim! That’s the second one in 200 years! We’re making progress!) Good luck in finding Waldo.
There is nothing moderate about Islam. To believe in Allah and Mohammed is a Muslim’s highest goal. After that it’s Jihad—not the internal struggle between the id and the super-ego but Holy War, the quickest and surest way to Paradise. Mohammed Atta waged Jihad in the dar al-Harb against the nonbelievers; Salman Rushdie engaged in the other Jihad, the inner struggle. Rushdie lost and was anathematized. Whenever a suicide bomber strikes the moderate Muslim talks about Islam’s other Jihad, his struggle with his inner self. Opie Taylor struggled with his inner self every day. Should I cheat on the test? Should I hide Barney’s bullet? He didn’t turn it into a major life-and-death production. Islam’s inner struggle is nine-tenths nonsense—eyewash for dhimmis willing to be deluded—a way for a Muslim to avoid his complicity in one terrorist act after another. (“I was in Florida on St. Valentine’s Day, Mister Ness”)
Bring Abe Lincoln back to life and set him in the White House and it would be hours—maybe days—before he would realize it wasn’t 1863. (“Mr. President, the neocons want more money for the war.” “Neocons? Oh, you must mean Ben Wade and Zach Chandler.”) (“Senator Clinton to see you about the quagmire, Mr. President.” “The quagmire? It’s the Potomac, Mr. Hay. It always smells like this in the summertime.”) (“Who was that man? Clement Vallandigham?” “No, Mr. President, it was Harry Reid.”) (“And this woman’s group…they want to free the slaves in…Louisiana?” “No, Mr. President, they want to free the women in Iraq.”) There’s something wrong here.
And now a civil war is raging in Palestine. Was there an alternative? Ask Hamas Mouse. Hold a séance with Hanadi Jaradat. Check the Rogues Gallery—Yasser Arafat, Jimmy Carter, the Roadmap to Peace, the PLO, Hamas, the al-Aqsa Brigade, Islamic Jihad, intifadas, the right of return, Mad-Rats-Asses schools with textbooks that say: “There is no alternative to destroying Israel.” It’s a veritable devil’s playground—the Middle East. And lurking underneath this Hades on Earth is a crime so shocking in its magnitude it would have left Joseph Goebbels, Baldur von Schirach and the Hitler Youth gasping for breath—the systematic poisoning of the minds of generations of Palestinian children.
And the wonderful thing about all this—the war in Iraq, the horrors in Palestine, and the war on terror—is that it’s George W. Bush’s fault. Go ahead—ask Howard Dean…ask Dennis Kucinich. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) hasn’t accused George W. Bush of this, but the Democratic Party has. What a movie this will make in the 25th Century—Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Bush.
Had enough? Okay? Let’s put the blame where it belongs—on Islam. It wasn’t Osama bin Laden who brought down the World Trade Center and it wasn’t Mohammed Atta or the creepy slugs preaching hatred in a thousand mosques across the world—it was ISLAM! Words on paper can mean a lot. The Qur’an and Islam’s problems predated the birth of Thomas Jefferson by a thousand years. Old Jeff might have sent Stephen Decatur to Tripoli but he wasn’t responsible for the Crusades or Islam’s inability to come to grips with the modern world. It was Mohammed that drove the Jews out of Palestine.
The differences between Islam and Christianity are too numerous and too horrifying to dwell upon for any length of time but there is one difference that one should not forget—now pay attention, Howard Dean—Jesus Christ died for our sins; Mohammed has made millions of people die for his. Islam cannot be forgiven for what it did to the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
Islam needs an exorcist? Yeah, it needs Dr. Von Helsing
The world needs an exorcist–to get ridda Islam.
If God was gonna give the world an enema, he’d insert the tube in Mekkah.
No, Mo did not drive the Jews out of Israel, Caliph Umar did, in 636-638, Mo, by the blessing of Almighty God, went to Hell in 632.
Shrub’s fault? Damn well it is! He lied about the enemy: “Islam is a great religion of peace.”, “Islam is fully compatible with liberty.”, “Islam is fully compatible with democracy.”.
A statesman would have named the enemy: Islam. A statesman would have specified the ideas which make Islam inimical to western civilization.
A statesman would have outlined the history of Islam’s previous history of Imperialism.
A statesman would have stood up like a man, quoted the relevant ayat & ahadith, and pushed the red button, vaporizing Afghanistan & Pakistan and warning the rest that we have some reserved for them if they persist in Jihad.
Shrub did none of those things. Instead, he wasted billions of dollars and thousands of lives.
Politically correct is factually incorrect. We live in the real world; we deal with facts, with real live enemies. We need to name, identify, locate and exterminate the enemy.
I thought that’s what you would say and I agree.
The reason for the article is to contrast what we know and what the “catchers-on” will eventually come to.
Bush is the CIC..his responsibility ultimately but there are many who share equally in this horrific debacle.
Reckless maniacs the lot of them!
The next election will prove to be the making or breaking of our country depending who gets voted in to the presidency.
Apathy by the American people is what gave us the results of 2006. 2008 will be critical for our survival.
This is so not cool. Love the post it’s a great read for one who is willing to learn the facts and only the facts.
It’s also do to the fact that we didn’t have much to work with. The dems are good liars, just look at billy & hilly.
We need someone who won’t be appeasing to PC crowds.
We should have done a Truman. I’m tired of playing around with these warthogs.
Our task is to unmask Islam, display its identity and nature to the maximum possible audience, and persuade them to share their newfound knowledge. Without maximal information and arousal, nothing good can happen.
Unfortunately our military and the IDF remain bound to appeasers and a peace policy that is without an understanding of the beast that is Islam.
We cannot stay the course we are presently on. Neither can Israel. Millions of lives hang in the balance while the appeasers exercise the utter folly of peace negotiations with these animals. They know one thing and that is death. They live to kill and if indications from recent events in the Middle East tell us anything is that they are as willing to kill their own people as they are us or Israeli’s.
A sweeping change in both our attitudes and our policy toward these perveyors of death and destruction. Unchain our military and let the IDF do what they have done so many times in the past….kill the enemy.
The longer we wait the more people will die at the hands of Muhammads followers.
raoul, that’s a copout and you know it. You blame everyone but the ones that are truly the enemy, odd don’t you think?
I would prefer if the muslims would leave us alone, but they won’t it’s not in their nature or behavior pattern to do so. Your here, I don’t need to say anything more.
Both parties are taking our Country to a new depth, one of appeasement. As for the blood, don’t have wars without sheding blood, unfortunatly.
Speaking of mental cases just what is your evaluation of islam?
Grow up raoul. You obviously have no clue about this subject so butt out until you do.
You attack the messenger yet refuse to read the message? Typical of you left wing liberals.
Your neonazi label has already been proven false so stuff it.
This is your last warning fool. One more stupid comment and you are gone!
I agree solo, he should brush up on islam, but afraid raoul is into analizing the Republicans instead.
Too bad raoul can’t grasp the fact that islam is dangerous.
He won’t do it cassy. He is afraid of the truth. Afraid that all his potlicker ideas are utter nonsense and he would have to admit it.
All he can do is demean and belittle. In reality he isn’t even very good at that either.
Yes solo. And he better behave as you pointed out.
You were warned raoul. Bye now.
Darn! I missed all the good–lol–comments! I personally would love to see “Constantine” (from the movie) start exorcising all these death worshippers. Make an excellent movie, just on the raw footage alone!