Speech Monopoly
Shibboleth: Monopoly
Radio broadcasting is an artificial oligopoly. The restricted spectrum & ERP limit the practical density of transmitters. With the addition of the FM service, more frequencies became available, allowing for more competition in the market.
One factor limits competition: the FCC’s issuance of licenses. Before kvetching about monopoly, survey every major market, and compare the number of licenses to the maximum number of transmitters that can operate without mutual interference in the market area. If the market is not saturated, either there is a lack of demand, a lack of capitol, or the market is being restricted politically.
Here we have a government determining how many radio stations there will be in a market, and declaring that content must be regulated because there is a monopoly.
This is equivalent to:
intentional iatrogenic disease
morticians murdering to generate business
firemen committing arson.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & Mark Levin started out small and worked their way up, building skills and audiences; moving from smaller to larger markets. So did John Hightower, but he did not achieve the same success. Al Franken, Gov. Cuomo, Senator Gore & Senator Daschle dreamed of making it big. They failed miserably because of inexperience, poor production values and failure to inform and entertain their audiences.
Their solution: punish those who are successful by enacting laws to stifle their free speech rights.
The whole scam is about creating a propaganda monopoly for Socialism by preventing free market supporters from effective public speech. Our recourse is to the polls. Send the Socialists home at the next election!!
And here the democrats speak out about “our Constitution”
and how our leaders are not using it or abusing it. When it’s the democrats that either ignore it or rewrite our Constitution to suit their needs.
As a matter of fact for decades the democrats abuse our Constitution to justify their needs. Our Freedoms have been guaranteed and have been defended by our Military.
Keep your hands off our Freedoms.
Snoop..please crosspost this series so I can add it to the Exposing Islam roll at dance–doing massive catching up reading on those chapters and i have some work brought home this weekend. It’s going to be a slow blogging weekend! Thanks!
Cassy…well stated
Miss Beth…will do
moderated…off topic…stick with the topic
Germany & Japan, what business were they again?
Tough, yes when it comes to nutb@lls like we have in DC now.
And Johnsons’ VN?
comment moderated…stick with the topic
Off topic…as usual by a troll…imagine that…
Here we have a Socialist idiot diverting discussion from the Constitutionally guaranteed right of expression to his pet shibboleth.
In the process he has exposed the cognitive dissonance of his own position. World War two was initiated as an unmitigated act of predation, as is Islam’s war against humanity. Raoul is rooting for the wrong side. No doubt raoul is on the side of Queen Hillary, seeking to outlaw what we have to say.
Raoul is a pathetic troll. It will whine that ITS comments have been moderated. Perhaps the troll should be aware that IT hasn’t been “spammed”…yet.
Then WHY aren’t any muslims speaking out against islam. I don’t HAVE to prove anything to you people, BUT you have to prove alot to me.
Frankly you’ve got a lot of gall talking about bloodlust.
And what about the cells called muslims in America that send money to a shiek in Pakistan for islam?
Your talking about the leftwingnuts, that figures. They’d sell their soul to the devil for poliical points, which they have.
I didn’t know the world belonged to just muslims, do you see what we mean now, it’s all you, you, & you.
We are to appease you people so that all you have to do is move in and take our Country.
Speak up against islam or are you too chicken?
Must Have Been Sad is a troll and quite possibly a Jihadi troll. IT lies and is a proponent of the demise of America.
IT is an enemy “agent”.
Perhaps we could turn IT into a good Jihadi…the dead kind?
Moron troll 2 of #12. Nice try, moron. Stay on topic or leave.
Must Have Been Sad and moron whiner troll ZERO (raoul) are one in the same.
mustafabinsadiz | mustafabinsadiz@yahoo.com | IP:
raoul | rsporka@yahoo.com | IP:
Imagine that.
One more “try” raoul.
Don’t make me ban you.
Bye now.