The DNC and Non-Issues
I am sick and tired of hearing of the fired attorneys. So what? People get fired EVERY day! What is the BIG STINK?
This is yet ANOTHER “distraction” issue invented by the Leftinistra Moonbats. And if President Bush, et al, want to cower in fear, so be it and they deserve EVERYTHING that comes of it. But what of the American People? Why should we have to suffer the consequences of a cowering leadership?
Makes me want to upchuck. How about y’all? Had enough? Vomit with me…misery likes company.
Clinton fired just about EVERYBODY and so has EVERY President. What in the HELL is the issue? The issue is KILL GEORGE. Morons.
Political power, gain and control is what this non-issue is all about…PERIOD!!
I just wish GWB would stand up and say, “I am mad as hell and I am NOT going to take this anymore!”
Mike Gallagher has a good read here: read it…NOW!!
“…Once again, Democrats have seized upon a nonissue as a way to beat up the Bush administration, and once again, weak-kneed Republicans have cowered in fear over the contrived controversy.
The way Democrats have reacted to the alleged problems surrounding the totally legitimate firings of eight U.S. attorneys is one of the biggest examples of “chutzpah” ever…”