Dweebs and Idiots
Some People! I Swear!
Monday, May 07, 2007 1:23 AM
Some folks like Donald Lambro keep placing in their articles these words: “…However, a majority of Americans favor a timetable for withdrawal, though we are still “sharply divided along party lines, with Democrats generally supportive and Republicans strongly opposed.” That pretty much mirrors last week’s vote in Congress that fell significantly short of the two-thirds needed to override Bush’s veto of the Democrats’ pullout bill.…”
The Americans I meet and ask and talk with DON’T favor a timetable. They don’t favor a timetable because a war is a war and quite a few times the enemy or our side don’t meet expectations and sometimes shiite happens that is unforseen.
Timetables? The mere thought is retarded and defective.
On the other hand, these guys get it and so do the majority of Americans.
“…there is no polling data that indicates that a majority of Americans want to lose the Battle for Iraq…”
“…But, to repeat, we the people are not actually calling for surrender, regional chaos and Iranian hegemony, all of which would likely follow our retreat out of the Middle East…”
“…An Aside: The Democrats in Washington and on the far left are united in their rhetoric that we must leave Iraq. President Bush and his supporters remain steadfast in their mantra that we must win the Battle of Iraq.
An Obvious Compromise Solution: win and leave…”
We can also look to Turkey for a lesson in Patriotism. They have opted for honor and integrity instead of political posturing for political gain for the good of the country, something our Leftinistra abhor. They would rather kill the country so they can be in complete control.
How about if we rally behind the troops 100% and win the damn war so the troops can come home with honor and dignity as they so desire to do.