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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Fred Says...

The Wise Words of Fred Thompson

The Wise Words of Fred Thompson

Friday, June 08, 2007 12:17 AM

Way back in history, long before the current crop of moonbats were even a glimmer in some drug-induced stupor of a Leftinistric idiots’ loins, Americans were being held hostage by a regime that an American President put into power because they were “kind and religious men”. The world worried and wondered how the WORSE president in America’s recent history, James Earl Carter, was going to handle the situation. He handled it by yacking and writhing the fingers in doubt and indecision. Then, to bolster his pathetic re-election campaign, he ordered an emergency extraction of the American citizens held in captivity by “persians” for 444 days. The plan was ill-conceived and he knew it but time was running out. It failed and the world laughed.

Enter The Gipper. As he was being sworn in, the hostages were on their way back. Ronald Wilson Reagan had stated before he had taken office that his first official act would be to get the American citizens home by whatever means it took. The “persians” believed him and so did I. That’s why I voted for him and have regretted EVER voting for that idiot from Georgia. I said all of that in preparation of the following:

The New Hostages

When Iran abducted 15 British citizens from Iraqi waters in March, the world knew about it. The regime used the hostages for their own underhanded propaganda purposes, but they were at least released. Last week, President Bush called for the release of Americans that almost no one knows are being held hostage in Iran.

When the British sailors and marines were kidnapped, some analysts said that they were second-choice hostages — that the Iranian management really wanted Americans. Intelligence reports indicate that at least one attempt was made in Iraq to grab a small group of American soldiers, though they fought back and escaped.

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attends the 18th anniversary of the death of Iran’s late leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of Islamic revolution in Tehran, on Monday June 4, 2007. (AP Photo/Hasan Sarbakhshian)

Tehran’s solution was to look for Americans unable to fight back. They arrested four Iranian-Americans visiting Iran to see family or arrange humanitarian assistance for that country. They pose no threat to Iran, but have all been accused or charged with espionage, as were British hostages. This is a serious charge made specifically to remind the world that they could be executed.

A fifth American, in Iran on business, has disappeared entirely. Most think he is also being held by the government. He may be in the greatest danger because his name sounds, at least, Jewish. In a country that officially holds Jews responsible for all the world’s ills, this is a serious problem.

Kidnapping and hostage-taking have been the hallmark of this regime since it came into power. Unfortunately, it has never paid a serious price for the tactic — even the holding of embassy personnel during the Carter administration. Having gotten away with it for so long, I suppose it’s not surprising that they continue this activity. Journalists and human rights activists in Iran are also reminded that they can be punished if they say anything that might be read as support for democratic reform.

In reaction to the President’s statement, Iran has condemned America for interfering with its “internal affairs.” This has been a favorite line of tyrants for as long as I can remember.

There’s a silver lining here though. Everyday in every way, Americans are learning exactly what we’re dealing with here. It’s valuable information for those who may be tempted to think that, in order to end hostilities, all we have to do is sit down across the table from these guys.

Fred Thompson is an actor and former Senator. His radio commentary airs on the ABC Radio Network and be blogs on The Fred Thompson Report

There should be NO talking over the Americans being held in Iran against their will. The United States is NOT England. BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BOMB IRAN!!

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