Hillary's Blog...Puke
Hillary’s Blog?
Friday, May 18, 2007 2:40 AM
Ya GOTTA love this stuff, folks!! LOL!! This is amazing. I decided to conduct an experiment, more than likely a futile venture, but I figured, what the hell.
Dear Snooper,
Thanks for signing up for Team Hillary!
You now have access to online tools to recruit new volunteers, plan and find events, raise money, and more. These tools are a great way to help Hillary as we organize our campaign and we encourage you to get started today.
You can log on anytime using the email address [XYX] and the password that you selected during sign-up.
You have been assigned the personal fundraising link listed below. At the Team Hillary Action Center you track all contributions made through this link. Just log on and click on “HillRaisers.” If you would like to be a grassroots fundraiser just send this link to friends.
YOUR HILLRAISERS LINK: http://www.hillaryclinton.com/contribute/UKNQ
Thanks again for signing up. We have lots of work to do, so let’s get started!
–Team Hillary
I signed up for Hillary’s Blog figuring no harm done, or, is there? Hillary has a contest of sorts asking for help selecting her theme song. GOOD LORD IN HEAVEN!! That’s OK, I guess, but please do NOT let her sing!! I was reading the comments already there and ran across this little tidbit from Linda in Ohio. I will also include my post:
“Linda from Ohio said…”This is a great list of songs. One that comes to my mind is “Imagine” by John Lennon. I can only “imagine” living in a country run by a figure as honest and compassionate as Hillary.”
You are still young yet, obviously. You have NO idea who and what you are supporting.
Imagine if there weren’t any socialists disguised as democrats running for president. Ah. How sweet it would be.”
John Lennon? Good Lord!!
I wonder if it will be posted and if I get banned?