Impeach Congress
I Have BEEN Saying This For YEARS Now!!
I Have BEEN Saying This For YEARS Now!!
Friday, May 11, 2007 4:26 PM
We need to start all over again. And THAT is a fact. Our CONgress Critters NO LONGER represent We The People. That includes at LEAST half of the Republicans and about 99% of the Democrats. Since the end of President #41, CONgress has gone to hell not in a hand basket but in an SST.
FINALLY, someone with some clout has begun to echo what more Americans think about CONgress than Congress thinks about CONgress. Currently, the Leftinistra are doing their best selling the country down the river into Jihadom Slavery and VERY FEW Republicans are standing up to them but 50+ Blue Dog Democrats are. That right there is a sad state of affairs for the once mighty GOP.
From the article:
“The U.S. Constitution is a marvelous document and, despite some strong efforts to distort it, is pretty well intact after 220 years. It may be facing its greatest test in the not-too-distant future — one that it may not be capable of handling. What would happen if we just tossed out every politician in Washington? Public disgust with them has grown to the point where Americans seem to parrot the line Casey Stengel allegedly used when he was coaching the Mets: “Can’t anybody here play this game?”…”
Let ME be the first in line to march on DC and toss the morons OUT!!! Please?
The article is very well written and I agree. The Leftinistra constantly remind us that the President’s approval rating is ini the 30s…which is NORMAL if one knows our history and PAYS ATTENTION to it. What is NOT normal is the pathetic approval ratings of CONgress as a whole. The Leftinistra rely HEAVILY on the opinion polls EXCEPT when it deals with THEM in particular. WHY IS THAT???
“…Virtually every poll puts public approval of the Congress at well under 40%, and disapproval as high as 64%. There was a lot of hype about things getting better when the Democrats took over the House and Senate in January, but nothing has changed. Most of the innings so far have featured some fruitless arm-wrestling over the Iraq issue. The big guys that we came to see haven’t even gotten off the bench (some aren’t even in uniform):…”
Yet, CONgress IGNORES these “poll numbers”. WHY IS THAT? The majority of Americans are MORE displeased with CONgress than they are with President Bush! HELLO???
“…So the growing mood in America seems to be one of “throw the scoundrels out” — and, if we have to, throw out the baby with the bath water. The problem then, of course, would be to find replacements…”
I have always stated that politicians should NOT hold ANY political positions. Let them go out into the public and prattle all they so desire. I think we should have a draft; NOT for military service but CONgressional Service. There would be stipulations, however. Convicted felons and folks with run-ins with the law would be noneligible. Starting at the age of 25 with a max of 50, every eligible citizen serves 6 years in the Halls of A Respectable Congress…like it once was and is now a travesty. Just a thought which needs further evaluation, direction and critical thought and discussion.
The article ends with:
“…Next task: find 535 more for a Congress.”