Know Thine Enemy 13
Know Thine Enemy
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:41 PM
Know Thine Enemy
[# Thirtteen in a series.]
The answers are concealed at the end of each question. Sweep them with your mouse to reveal them. If you have questions or disagreements, please raise them in a comment. #s 2, 5 & 6 are unfair, the rest are directly related to the content of the articles.
- New York City, Washington D.C., Madrid & London were attacked by _____. Islam
- Al-Qaeda, HAMAS & Hizbullah are subsets of _____. Islam
- Islam is a great religion of peace. False
- Islam is tolerant. False
- Islam is fully compatible with liberty. False
- Islam is fully compatible with Democracy. False
- Terrorism is forbidden in Islam because attacking innocent people is forbidden. False
- Genocide is forbidden in Islam for the same reason. False
- Muhammad’s income was dependent on his spear. True
- Which Surah & verse commands Muslims to fight Pagans until only Allah is worshiped? 8:39
- Which Surah & verse commands Muslims to fight Jews & Christians until they submit and pay extortion? 9:29
- Muhammad was made victorious by ______ cast into the hearts of his victims. terror
- You save your life and property from Muslims by __________ that only Allah has the right to be worshiped. testifying
- Which Surah & verse makes genocide a prerequisite for ransoming prisoners of war? 8:67
- A male Muslim inherits the portion of two _______. females
- Muslim women are deficient in ________ and ____________. religion intelligence
- Seeing his humility and destitution, Allah made ______ lawful for Muhammad. spoils
- Allah purchased of the believers their _____ and their ________ , so they kill and are killed. lives property
- In return, the believers receive admission to ________. Paradise
- While he was sleeping, the keys to the _________ of the world were placed in Muhammad’s hand.