Lessons In Patriotism
I ran across this posting by another blogger and have asked permission to “borrow” it. I have not heard back from the blogger yet so I am going to “borrow” it at this time. If the blogger asked objects, I will delete this post. It is a PEFECT yet SIMPLE analogy.
I will keep the terminology used in the original post (I would use different terms and for those that know me would know why…LOL).
Taken from Blissfully Ignorant: too bloody FUNNY!!! The Leftinistra won’t think so but…too bad.
Just to make it easy for liberal politicians, lets look at our country as if it were a sporting event.
Our team versus another team.
When our fans cheers for the opposing team, that is not patriotic.When our fans cheer for our team, that is patrioticWhen our fans boo our team because we are behind in points, that is not patriotic.When our fans boo the other team that is patriotic.When our fans leave the game before it is over, that is not patrioticWhen our fans stay till the end, no matter what, that is patrioticWhen our fans stop paying for tickets and dont help with fundraisers, that is not patriotic.When our fans dig into their pockets and help with fundriaisers, that is patriotic.
When the action of our fans are not patriotic and they claim that it is their patriotic duty to not practice being patriotic - then that is idiotic.
The message is quite clear, n’est pas?