Moonbats In Training Practice Site
LOL!! Over at the Moonbats In Training web site, disguised as the RNC blog, one will find how the Moonbats are trained and where the Moonbat Instructors and Case Handlers distinguish who is the moonbattiest. From there, they go on to be the granted Huffington Post and the Daily Kos blogatorium members. Remember, the more moonbattier, the further a moonbat will go at the Regular Moonbat Blogs: to read the threads and to place comments, you will have to sign up.
WARNING: do NOT place any personal data to be displayed on the blog. These are viscious Moonbats and they will contact you…
One thing is for sure; the insane asylums are missing some inmates.
I can only surmise that the RNC, being incapable of monitoring their own blog, has allowed their vaunted blog to become an Observation Post for the mooonbattiest of the moonbats.
Several Moonbats over at the MIT blog, change their handles quicker then rats breed so one has to be a veteran at this blog to be able to discern which moonbat is the same moonbat.
Some of us believe that a good percentage of the Moonbats are actuall Code Pink Communists from A.N.S.W.E.R. It would explain a great deal.