Opinion Polls? LOL!!!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 2:27 PM
Where are the opinion polls that state the “majority” of Americans want defeat in Iraq?
Where are the opinion polls that state the “majority” of Americans want immediate withdrawal from Iraq?
Where are the opinion polls that state the “majority” of Americans think the GWOT is lost?
Where are the opinion polls that reid, pelosi and their ilk refer to?
If the “majority” of Americans desire such things and the reids, et al, say, then why are their “landslide victories” so slim to none?
If the “majority” of Americans are truly represented by CONgress, why then, is the “approval ratings” of CONgress at 36%?
Why are the weak-kneed, thin-skinned whiners so out of touch with the “majority”?
What are the questions pollsters ask and why aren’t they published so all can see the questions purporting to be the “pulse” of the nation?
Who were the questions asked of?
The “change” in direction is the GWOT, namely Iraq at the moment, is towards victory and not defeat. Our troops want to win and they are winning as reports flooding in so state. The “change” in direction is a move forward and release the troops to do the jobs they are capable of and so desire to accomplish. THAT is the “change” in direction.
The Leftinistra have lied to the American people to obtain their positions. They stated that they would NOT cut and run and that is EXACTLY what they are trying to do at this moment as they vote to override the President’s veto. Naturally, they will lose.
The Leftinistra are a pathetic lot.