Pathological Morons
Why The Leftinistra Are (nearly?) Always Wrong
Why The Leftinistra Are (nearly?) Always Wrong
Sunday, April 01, 2007 8:32 PM
Why The Leftinistra Are (nearly?) Always Wrong
Sunday, April 01, 2007 8:32 PM
This is an excellent article and have posted it here so I can keep track of it for future references…you can too if you so desire.
Why liberals get it wrong (on nearly everything!By Kevin McCulloughSunday, April 1, 2007
“Given the chance to do what is right, liberals will consistently choose otherwise. They do so because they adopt a worldview that is based on “what feels good.” They follow impulses instead of moral standards. And they seem to cheer for our enemies instead of our allies. Which when you think of it seems to be a defining characteristic of someone who has lost their mind…”