The Struggles of Hillary...
Hillary Struggling to Top GOP Stragglers
Hillary Struggling to Top GOP Stragglers
Friday, June 01, 2007 3:18 AM
Hillary Struggling to Top GOP Stragglers
Here is a headline that has to give Hillary nightmares: Clinton Holds Single-Digit Leads Over Huckabee, Brownback. That’s gotta hurt.
The Rasmussen report also contains this little nugget (which we have touched on before):
However, in general election match-ups, she typically is outperformed by Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) and former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D). That’s largely because voters have such strong opinions—one way or the other—about the former First Lady. Forty-seven percent (47%) of American voters say they will definitely vote against Clinton if she’s on the ballot in 2008.
Hillary Clinton is now viewed favorably by 49% of likely voters, unfavorably by 51%. That includes 22% with a Very Favorable opinion and 35% with a Very Unfavorable opinion.
Maybe Hillary’s charm offensive isn’t working out so well? Maybe people aren’t exactly thrilled about her new economic plan? If she is struggling to out poll two GOP candidates with low name recognition and high negatives she isn’t the juggernaut many believe her to be.