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Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site. Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing. Hence, I now have a paid site and will be migrating the last 1400+ posts shortly.

So, one day, you just may click this page somewhere and it will show up as "private". It has been fun but the intolerant Czarbie Goon Squads are brain dead idiots. They can come play at the new site which I OWN outright.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Snooper Catches Think Progress Doing A Greenwald

The pathetic and infected membranes of servitude at Think Progress are - GASP! - misrepresenting John Matel...go figure.

In my first post here at A Newt One, it was on the day that the State Department Whiners were whining about actually applying their Oaths of Service and Blackfive hammered them relentlessly.

Comparing the material taken from the DipNotes blog to the actual blog entry by John Matel, one will see a curious resemblance to the Glen Greenwald method of cherry picking to suit one's desires.

As a refresher here is what Blackfive had to say:
[...] "For you State Dept wienies out there reading this. This is what happens when you choose which President you will follow and which policy you will support. You don't get to choose. The People of the United States get to choose. You swore an oath. Ignore that at your peril. DoD knows better. Maybe you should all turn your jobs over to our 19 yr old diplomat Corporals who are doing a better job on their worst day than your organization does in a week of good days. Undermining US policy is a dangerous way to keep your country safe, and makes soldiers grow to resent your mealy mouthed platitudes ever more. Don't piss 'em off. They have guns! Next time you want to talk to the press, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" [...]
So true.

For example; sample from Think Digress:

Yesterday, the State Department joined in the bashing. On its Dipnote blog, it published an open letter by career Foreign Service Officer John Matel. In the letter, Matel insinuates that diplomats who refuse to serve in Iraq are "embarrassing" "wimps and weenies":

We signed up to be worldwide available. All of us volunteered for this kind of work and we have enjoyed a pretty sweet lifestyle most of our careers. I will not repeat what the Marines say when I bring up this subject. I tell them that most FSOs are not wimps and weenies. I will not share this article with them and I hope they do not see it. [...]

We all know that few FSOs will REALLY be forced to come to Iraq anyway. Our system really does not work like that. This sound and fury at Foggy Bottom truly signifies nothing. Get over it! I do not think many Americans feel sorry for us and it is embarrassing for people with our privileges to paint ourselves as victims.

The State Department's blog post appears aimed at providing fodder for the right-wing blogosphere, which has been ripping the "diplowimps" who refuse to serve in Iraq.

From DipNotes:
[...] I personally dislike the whole idea of forced assignments, but we do have to do our jobs. We signed up to be worldwide available. All of us volunteered for this kind of work and we have enjoyed a pretty sweet lifestyle most of our careers. [...]
See the differences? It is all about context, fools.
[...] I will not repeat what the Marines say when I bring up this subject. I tell them that most FSOs are not wimps and weenies. I will not share this article with them and I hope they do not see it. How could I explain this wailing and gnashing of teeth? I just tried to explain it to one of my PRT members, a reserve LtCol called up to serve in Iraq . She asked me if all FSOs would get the R&R, extra pay etc. and if it was our job to do things like this. When I answered in the affirmative, she just rolled her eyes. [...]
Why do the Leftinistra always omit items that flay their own arguments? Oh. Wait. Never mind.

Note to Think Retarded...keep things in context and stop placing words and sentences where they weren't before to make your point. It makes you look dumber than you already are.

Catch the wave.

For further insight, see Wake Up America.

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