The French?
Can We Learn From The French?
Friday, May 11, 2007 5:29 PM
PERISH the thought!! (no offense to Gull…LOL) However, Newt Gingrich makes valid and viable points. From the man that drafted the Contract With America that the GOP has since abandoned in the name of political suicide, he has these words of wisdom to make known:
“…I know this will seem strange to those of us who like to make jokes about the French, but the fact is that there is a great deal to be learned from the victory of Nicolas Sarkozy (a member of the ruling party) in last weekend’s “change” election in France — and Republicans had better learn it…”
After having read quite a few articles about the recent developments in France and the eery silence from the Leftinistra about these same changes, the words of Newt have an all new meaning and intensity. Can you pick it out? There is a key phrase in the following paragraph. I’ll not highlight it…yet. Let’s see if anyone can spot “it”.
“…Normally, with the incumbent conservative government so unpopular, the left would have been expected to win the election, probably by a significant margin. But the conservative candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, won decisively because he is an aggressive, different kind of French political leader. He is a member of the Chirac government — the Minister of the Interior. But not only is he a man who is willing to stand up and fight for what he believes in, but Sarkozy is also a man who hasn’t followed the normal French path to success by going to an elite university, becoming part of the ruling elite and fitting in…”
Did you spot it? It sticks out like a sore thumb to me! I had my 12 and 17 year old sons read this article and THEY picked it out in a matter of minutes!!
And, last but not least, these words ring truer than they ever have. RONALD WILSON REAGAN WHERE ARE YOU!!!
“…If Republicans hope to win the presidency next year, they better find a candidate who is prepared to stand for very bold, very dramatic and very systematic change in Washington. Not only that, but they had better make the case that the left-wing Democrat likely to be nominated represents the failed status quo: the bureaucracies that are failing, the social policies that are failing, the high tax policies that are failing, and the weakness around the world that has failed so badly in protecting America…”
Amen, Newt.