Tell Us How You Really Feel
The following is from a friend of mine...and I agree
Consider the recent spectacle of our president pandering to Muslims in his bare feet or writing an executive order that prohibits torture and other various accepted forms of interrogation we use to extract information from terrorists. Information that could save lives.
Consider recent intelligence that al Qu'eda and Hamas operatives are infiltrating this country through our southern border disguising themselves as Guatemalan refugees. There is much more of course and it could fill pages.
The day I see or hear Muslims speaking out against terrorist acts...specifically atrocities committed in the name of Allah and Islam, instead of protesting some benign speech from the Pope or going crazy because some wiseass decided a cartoon about "muzzies" would be funny....when I hear Muslim outrage over the murder, rape, torture and destruction of people, I might then listen to them and believe that there may indeed be hope.....until that day comes any Muslim who remains silent about the atrocities and refuses to speak against the murdering spawn of Islam is my enemy...