Fourth Rail Confirms Data
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Mahdi Army trains with Hezbollah
Muqtada al Sadr admits direct involvement with Lebanese Hezbollah and, by default, Iran
While recent press reporting has been skeptical of the Mahdi Army's involvement with Hezbollah and Iran, Muqtada al Sadr and members his Mahdi Army militia are openly admitting to their links with Hezbollah. In recent interviews with Britain's The Independent, Sadr clearly and proudly admitted to working hand in hand with Lebanese Hezbollah, which is an arm of Iran's Qods Force. "We have formal links with Hezbollah, we do exchange ideas and discuss the situation facing Shiites in both countries," Sadr told The Independent. "It is natural that we would want to improve ourselves by learning from each other. We copy Hezbollah in the way they fight and their tactics, we teach each other and we are getting better through this."
Sadr delivers sermon in Kufa after returning from Iran in May. [AP Photo] Click to view.
Several members of the Mahdi Army admitted to training with Hezbollah. "I was one of the experienced fighters from the Mahdi army to go for training there," Abu Muhannad, a Mahdi Army fighter told The Independent. "We learned how to take advantage of an armored vehicle's weakness, and how to wait and kill the soldiers who try to escape."
When will the moonbats figure this all out or do we have to constantly and continually spoon-feed these idiots?