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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Obama Causes Pakistan's State of Emergency?


Pakistan (AP) - The government of embattled Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said Thursday it may impose a state of emergency because of ``external and internal threats'' and deteriorating law and order in the volatile northwest near the Afghan border.

Tariq Azim, minister of state for information, said talk from the United States about the possibility of U.S. military action against al-Qaida in Pakistan ``has started alarm bells ringing and has upset the Pakistani public.'' He mentioned Democratic presidential hopeful Barak Obama by name as an example of someone who made such comments, saying his recent remarks were one reason the government was debating a state of emergency.


The Buzz? CBS News Independent Online Best Syndication News Hound NDTV Daily Times SBS

And FINALLY, memeorandum chimes in...

UPDATE!! I ran across this little ditty here and thought to place in this post as well...

From The Boston Herald
Dems debate gets Pakistan rebuttal

(And this is the consequences of an inexperienced politician that delusions of grandeur to aspire to the highest position in the known universe, teh Presidency of The United States.)

Experience shows and it’s beginning to pay off for Democratic presidential contender Sen. Hillary Clinton.
In yet another in the endless round of pre-primary debates - this one at Chicago’s Soldier Field before some 17,000 members of the AFL-CIO - the topic came back to Sen. Barack Obama’s recent comments on terrorists in Pakistan. Obama insisted that if he had information about the location of al-Qaeda terrorists he’d have U.S. troops go after them, even without the permission of President Pervez Musharraf.
It seemed one of those rookie mistakes that Obama would quickly “clarify.” But no, he’s hanging in there. And Clinton is taking full advantage of that.

Doing everything but wagging her finger at Obama, Clinton said, “It is a very big mistake to telegraph that and to destabilize the Musharraf regime, which is fighting for its life against the Islamic extremists who are in bed with al-Qaeda and Taliban. You can think big, but remember you shouldn’t always say everything you think if you’re running for president because it has consequences across the world and we don’t need that right now.”
She also reminded Obama that Pakistan does have nuclear weapons and that the last thing the world needs is to have “al-Qaeda-like followers in charge of Pakistan.”

Her little lecture didn’t sit well with the labor audience, which did boo her briefly, but it did earn her points for being a responsible grownup.
Meanwhile, because communication is indeed global and instantaneous, Musharraf’s Foreign Office put out a statement after the president’s meeting with the new U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, Anne W. Paterson.
“The president pointed out that recent U.S. statements were counterproductive to the close cooperation and coordination between the two countries in combatting the threat of terrorism,” it noted.
Memo to Obama: Words do matter.

Matthew Pennington / The Huffington Post:
Pakistan May Declare State of Emergency — ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The government of embattled Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said Thursday it may impose a state of emergency because of "external and internal threats" and deteriorating law and order in the volatile northwest near the Afghan border.
Link Search: Google, Ask, Technorati, Sphere, and IceRocket

Barackistan Alert!

August 9, 2007 -- ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Citing recent comments from Barack Obama about possible U.S. military action inside Pakistan, the government of embattled President Gen. Pervez Musharraf warned yesterday it may impose a state of emergency due to "external and internal threats."

Tariq Azim, minister of state for information, said statements from Obama and others raising the possibility of U.S. military action against al Qaeda in Pakistan "has started alarm bells ringing and has upset the Pakistani public."

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