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This Blog Is Moving

Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site. Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing. Hence, I now have a paid site and will be migrating the last 1400+ posts shortly.

So, one day, you just may click this page somewhere and it will show up as "private". It has been fun but the intolerant Czarbie Goon Squads are brain dead idiots. They can come play at the new site which I OWN outright.

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Definition of Barack Obama: Bogus


Not only is Barack a Marxist, among other things, he is also bogus. He is a fraud coupled with a liar. Some call him an empty suit but it is much worse than that. He has no soul. He is a walking void. What little he knows or understands came from others better than he and those "betters" were as anti-American as any anti-American can be. This is why everything he has to say is written for him and placed on a teleprompter. When he shoots from the hip, all he draws are blanks.

As I have said for decades, the only way a Democrat can win an election is to lie, steal, cheat, mislead, deceive, defraud or any of the above in any number of combinations. For instance, as Don Surber states:
Was Democrat Barack Obama so money-hungry that he accepted bogus Internet money from Seymour Butts and I.P. Nightly? People had their suspicions about the loot that Obama raised online. But now the public is learning about what a slipshod money-raising organization Obama ran. Remember, he bragged about how he ran a campaign and that was more executive experience than actually being a mayor or a governor. [...]
CBS News has an earlier report on other "less than honorable" contributors.

Amanda Carpenter has the details of the RNC complain in regards to questionable campaign contributions of The Used To Be The One. If you recall, we spoke of this several months ago and the weeks following on our Blog Talk Radio Shows. We knew then that something smelled fishy. And that is a matter of record. I am glad to see that someone is questioning this crook Czarbie. Suitably Flip has a fantastic graphic which, as usual, is spot on. The graphic is to the left. Is that priceless or what?

Yesterday, Doug Ross had a post up (posted at TAB also) demonstrating what he wished the McCain Camp would do in regards to campaign ads. It looks like he got his wish. The McCain Camp came out fighting today and the hits are hard with no sign of relief in sight. Naturally, the opposition is calling "fowl". I am loving it. For far too long, the GOP have been pansies. For decades, all in the name of nice-nice, the GOP has been playing by the rules, defined by the socialists, while the socialists have continued to move the bar and redraw the line in the sand as the GOP sat back and sat on their hands with both thumbs firmly inserted into their anal orifices.

CNN also ran a story yesterday questioning their lovely Obama. I found that peculiar to say the least. It was perhaps due to the Newsweek piece but one will never know. Naturally the spin was in Obama's favor but the Newsweek piece, not so much. Either way, both have a history of Czarbie Tanks.

Pamela Geller, the never ending Citadel of Truth, Justice and the American Way, has been questioning Czarbie's crap for months. In her steadfastness, she caused the GOP to blink and we thank her for her efforts and her Xena Warrior Princess manner. Now, if we can get Czarbie to comply with the Court Order to produce a valid Birth Certificate.........?? Naturally, Czarbie and his idiots are claiming that all this is is a distraction. Perhaps for him but for honest Americans, we demand the Truth. You can read the originating story in The Hill.

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